CNBC has allegedly agreed to limit the debate to two hours, per the demands made by Trump and Carson in a recent letter sent to CNBC Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Cuddy.
Donald Trump and Ben Carson are both threatening to boycott the next Republican presidential debate if CNBC, who is hosting the event, and the Republican National Committee do not change the stated format of the event.
“Neither Mr. Trump or Dr. Carson will participate in your debate if it is longer than 120 minutes including commercials and does not include opening and closing statements,” the letter, obtained exclusively by NBC News and signed by both candidates, reads.
The @GOP should not agree to the ridiculous debate terms that @CNBC is asking unless there is a major benefit to the party.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 15, 2015
Many asked why Trump and Carson would be so scared of additional debate time. I could personally understand disliking it, but to send a letter refusing to participate? No, wait, I can’t even understand disliking it, considering this is the “interview process” for the job of Commander-in-Chief.
Only two times @realDonaldTrump's seen his poll numbers decline is after the two debates. So of course he's scared.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) October 15, 2015
Well, now it makes sense.
As of this morning, it looks as though they’ve gotten their way.
(CNN)CNBC has agreed to limit its Republican primary debate later this month to two hours, acquiescing to the demands of Donald Trump and other GOP campaigns, CNN has confirmed.
A source with knowledge of the decision said the Republican National Committee was putting in calls to the campaigns on Friday morning to inform them of the new format, which will cap the debate to two hours, including commercials.
Some say the debate time was an attack on Trump and Carson, but what could possibly put them at more of a disadvantage than the rest? Could it be that Trump and Carson have shown that they can hand out strong one-liners for their opening and closing statements, but give next to zero substance in-between? Those saying that they’re at a disadvantage are in essence admitting that Trump and Carson are weaker concerning the issues. If anyone is at a disadvantage due to debate time, it is of their own failings.
.@CNBC has just agreed that the debate will be TWO HOURS. Fantastic news for all, especially the millions of people who will be watching!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2015
Awesome! You bullied them into giving you less time to speak because you know you have nothing to say. Well done!
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) October 16, 2015
To be fair, Carson is more likable, decent, and ready than Trump. However, in being honest, the last debate included more detailed questions, and he failed to impress those who wish to see someone with strong policy in the White House.
Fiorina weighed in on the matter:
“We have ten candidates on the stage. I don’t think three hours is a long time,” Fiorina said. “I think the American people really like them, and we ought to stand and answer as many questions as we can.”
See her discussion on the debate times below:
I suppose I’m with Carly concerning this issue, but I know that other Victory Girls feel differently. In my humble opinion, asking three hours out of these people is not that much, especially for the job they’re wanting. And to boycott the length of a debate reeks of desperation and cowardice. Trump and Carson are pandering to those who are more interested in one-liner clips than policy discussion, and while Trump was already far in the negative with me, Carson just lost a few points from an already dwindling supply.
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