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Q & A: Celebrity Posting

COPioneer said…
Do I only get one question? 😉

I used to visit RWN a lot. But once John started posting daily links to hot celebrities just to increase traffic, I stopped visiting. I thought it was tremendously hypocritical for a “Conservative” site. I’ve also had similar criticism of you here. I’m with Laura Ingraham about the “pornification” of our culture. So, the question is, do you think we have a chance to change our culture to not be pornified? And if so, how can we best support that change? And if not, why not?

(I also posted at RWN at the time, that I thought John should go ahead and post beefcake pictures too for the women on his site).

There’s an easy way to stop the pornification of our culture: stop contributing funds to it.

It seriously annoys me to hear parents complain about the pornification of our culture, but then they go and buy Bratz dolls for their kids, or t-shirts and pants with the words “Juicy” written across it, and let them watch MTV 24-7 with Britney Spears writhing across the screen practically naked and faking orgasms. If you really cared about keeping your kids from a pornified culture, then why are you contributing to it?

Honestly, we can complain all we want, but as long as people keep buying the stuff, it will keep on getting made. If demand goes down, so does supply. There’s how you end the pornification of our culture.

And as far posting about celebrities… I don’t do it as much anymore, and the posts I do write about celebrities are because I found them interesting. I read Perez Hilton every day (and somewhat hate myself for it!) and occasionally come upon stories I laugh at or made me have some kind of reaction. So I post about it. Simple as that. As for John… I think he’s just catering to his audience. 😉

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1 Comment
  • COPioneer says:

    I can appreciate posting about them to show their lunacy.

    But yep, John Hawkins permanently lost me. And since I consider myself a real Conservative, one who abhors the pornified culture, he should change the name of the Grapevine to “Two Legged Conservative Stool Grapevine”.

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