Hillary Clinton Campaign: New Undercover Project Veritas Video Released [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton Campaign: New Undercover Project Veritas Video Released [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton Campaign: New Undercover Project Veritas Video Released [VIDEO]

Project Veritas Action, an organization founded by James O’keefe, specifically designed to expose loathsome misconduct, has struck gold once again. Hillary Clinton, and her campaign, never fail to provide post material. The new undercover video allegedly shows campaign staff skirting Nevada law.

In this latest video, Christina Gupana, a Las Vegas attorney and Hillary for America Fellow, counsels fellow campaign workers in Nevada that they should “do whatever you can, whatever you can get away with just do it.”

We uncovered a clear theme within the Nevada Clinton campaign, when it comes to the law: ask for forgiveness not permission. Phillip Kim, a staff organizer for Hillary for America was captured on hidden camera saying: “ask for forgiveness not for permission. Courtney Kravitz, a Hillary for America Fellow was caught stating to one of Project Veritas Action’s undercover journalists that “I mean we kind of abide by the like ask for forgiveness type of thing.” And Harrison Lee, another Hillary for America Fellow was caught on hidden camera admitting: “Typically the style of campaigning that we do is like, we just ask, do they support Hillary Clinton.  And if we’re not allowed to do that, then we ask for forgiveness.”

See the full video below:

Campaign worker and Las Vegas Lawyer, Christina Gupana, was reportedly caught instructing other members of Hillary’s campaign staff to do “whatever you can get away with” when the undercover Project Veritas videographer told her that she followed someone into the DMV with a voter registration form, which blatantly violates solicitation rules.

“Like within the law, we talk about ask for forgiveness, not for permission,” fellow Phillip Kim chimes in.

As The Daily Caller points out, the video then includes snippets of other campaign staff abiding by the same tactics:

“I mean we kind of abide by the like ask for forgiveness type of thing,” Hillary for Nevada fellow Courtney Kravitz is filmed saying.

“Typically the style of campaigning that we do is like, we just ask, do they support Hillary Clinton. And if we’re not allowed to do that, then we ask for forgiveness,” Harrison Lee says.

Side note: Maybe Hillary’s campaign backdrop was trying to say something about the candidate’s political future as it crashed down recently… We can hope.

Philip Kim, a paid organizer for Hillary For America, is also shown discussing an exchange he had with a library worker who confronted campaign workers with the Nevada statute, reiterating to them that Hillary merchandise was not allowed, only voter registration.

“Another worker then comments, “Just hide all that stuff.”

This is the third – and most excruciating – video to be released. The first video allegedly involved campaign workers on a voter registration drive bypassing those who say they don’t support Clinton. The second video purportedly shows a campaign worker violating campaign finance laws by accepting foreign contributions. All in all, it looks as though Hillary’s campaign is merely a reflection of her personal and political life; break the rules, lie, hide, and give a quasi-apology after the dust settles. The wannabe Fugitive-In-Chief clearly attracts individuals who emulate her own nefarious tactics. Well done, Hillary!

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1 Comment
  • Appalled By The World says:

    The fun just never ends with this turd, does it? No matter how much evidence keeps piling up she simply will not throw in the towel.

    In retrospect it’s really her hubby’s fault. He lowered the bar in 1992 so now every cretin can crawl out from under a rock and have a good shot to win an election. Without Bill “character doesn’t count” Clinton we likely wouldn’t have gotten Mr Hopey Changey currently occupying DC with all of HIS baggage. So now Madame Mao feels she deserves her place in the sun too. Oy vey!

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