Quote of the Day: Sonia Sotomayor edition

Quote of the Day: Sonia Sotomayor edition

On the confirmation hearings of that “wise Latina”, Sonia Sotomayor:

I fully expect Sotomayor to be confirmed by the Democratic supermajority in the Senate. While the nation as a whole doesn’t support her nomination, there simply doesn’t seem to be enough of an immediate cost to her confirmation to make voting for her a short term political risk, which is all politicians care about any way.

The fact of the matter, however, is that activist judges like Sonia Sotomayor and her peers that believe in what Ace so correctly mocked as the “Living Constitution” undermine the laws that holds society together with every decision they make. The constantly shifting standards and “law of the now” approach to jurisprudence means that no law is ever actually law; it is an ever-changing rough guideline. With no fixed compass, the law—as law—ceases to exist.

Confederate Yankee

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  • slamdunk says:

    I think there is a general “well, if we fight this nomination we will get someone less appealing” mentality on the right. Unfortunately, her confirmation hearings are just a formality.

  • ModDem says:

    Sotomayor did not say it was a ‘living Constitution’. What she said was people are living and times changes but the Constitution is a document that stays the same.

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