just another creepy obama youth video

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just another creepy obama youth video

just another creepy obama youth video

UPDATE 10/6/08: the video link was pulled again but now its been replaced. thanks jwf!

UPDATE 10/2/08: it’s back up thanks to bsc beth and daniel.

UPDATE 10/2/08: the video has been pulled down from youtube — and from every other link i can find. someone must have saved it so if i find it, i’ll put it back up. please let me know if you find it. i guess it really shows obama in a scary light and we wouldn’t want that would we? kate —

i have no clue. geez.

according to the info on the youtube this is the ‘Barack Obama – Junior Fraternity Regiment.’

do you feel ‘inspired’ by this?!? gol.

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  • beth says:

    The militaristic feel of this is interesting. A lot of what these guys are saying is actually positive .. ‘I will take responsibility for my own actions’. That’s a good thing – but it packaged in a worship of a personality. If they showed that kind of discipline and allegiance to their country it would be different – but to worship a MAN like this is actually frightening.

    Obama is really being packaged as the Messiah – I thought that was a joke when people first started calling him the Obamessiah, but I’ve come to believe there are people who really see him that way.

  • chi says:

    inspired? reminds me of a dictators military or something, freakin’ scary!
    not a very diverse bunch either, hmmm.
    bite your tonge now chi!

  • Rope says:

    Because of Obama, I just might hurl. OMG, this is scary. I for one want all our children to aspire and believe they can become anything they want, this America after all. I however dont understand the hitleristic (my new word) air this video has taken.

  • Stacy says:

    Hey, I think it’s actually great that BO is inspiring these kids to be more than gun totin meth addicts. The think I think is creepy is the “Alpha/Omega” thing. God is the Alpha/Omega, not Obama.

  • kate says:

    stacy i agee. it starts off fine but then somehow it takes a more sinister, creepy turn. a bit too radicalistic i think.

  • Nice Deb says:

    Well, I missed it. It’s saying “No longer available”.

    I think these creepy videos are getting pulled because they’re not helping the Obama campaign.

  • chi says:

    LOL Rope!
    I agree, its great to see kids having goals and being inspired.
    There are great programs out there for underprivileged kids and teachers who are dedicating their careers to them (Teach For America), but THIS just has the creep factor all over it.
    As the childrens chorus, this too seems like these children are being used for political purposes.

  • Tammy says:

    I missed it, too. Kate, have you had any luck finding another link for it?

  • Marsha says:

    Aw dang. It sounds like I missed something really good.

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