Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Looks like winter is having its way with many of us even as spring is a mere four days away. You’ll find a brunch table filled with hearty fare this morning — eggs any way, fresh bakery offerings, even the guilty pleasure of biscuits and gravy. It’s been another week of winning while Democrats fold and threaten. Poor dears are crabs in a bucket always choosing the 20% side of an 80/20 issue. By the way, you’ll find quite a selection of gourmet popcorn to take with you after brunch. So grab a flute of bubbly and raise it high! I’m not tired of the schadenfreude. Skål!


ACLU, Democrats and other child predators gather in Wisconsin

If this is the hill Democrats wish to die on, I’ll be happy to supply rope and trees. Some assembly required.


That thing that never happens … you know the drill

My shocked face is still skiing the slopes of Mammoth Mountain and refuses to return my calls.

Reduxx has learned that a registered sex offender was amongst a small group of trans activists who recently protested outside of a San Francisco spa and demanded access to clothing-optional female-only events. Dwight Austin, who began calling himself Dakota Rose Austin in 2022, was interviewed sympathetically by the media as a victim of the spa’s “discriminatory” policies.

Yeah, that guy “passes”. Ladies, carry pepper spray on you at all times.


Lenin never seems to run out of useful idiots

You have to wonder what the average number of days between showers is for this grubby group. Glad we’ve never invented smell-o-vision.



Parody is a little too close to reality for comfort


Hive mind?

Or just one brain shared over and over and over again …


Things that never happen 2.0

Who keeps hiring these reprobates?

And, of course, the usual disappearing with no explanation act. (a thread)

Your Sunday palate cleanser

You know this man loves his role as Grandpa. (first minute)

Trump has ten grandkids and one on the way. His interaction with little Musk is precious.


Your Sunday smile

In a world where “high art” is a banana taped to a wall, this 22-year-old is a true artisan who is also helping restore damaged, iconic landmarks.

Meet the Gen Z stonemason who restores historical landmarks in Europe damaged during World War II.

Charlie Gee has followed in the footsteps of his father who is also a stonemason.

The 22-year-old specializes in cathedral masonry and has worked on iconic buildings, including the Cologne Cathedral in Germany and the Palace of Justice in Brussels, Belgium.

Bravo, Charlie!


I’m sorry to tell you, dear friends, our Sunday brunch as drawn to a close. Do grab a doggy bag and some popcorn on your way out and spend the rest of the day making happy. Meet you here again next week. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Sue O says:

    The last two made me smile hugely. Little X’s trotting beside the president is adorable.

  • A reader says:

    Umm you do realize that two of the drinks mentioned are basically no longer allowed? Mimosas are made with champagne and true champagne is basically only produced in the Champagne region of France. (Yes, California can technically produce some but in the majority of cases, it’s technically only sparkling wine.) Shouldn’t you only be drinking American alcohol? Or would you be fine paying an arm and a leg for the good stuff? What would your god-king think?!

    Although I guess vodka is ok because it’s from Russia and the Republican Party is basically an arm of Russia. So “za zdaróvyye!” I guess!

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