Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Sit down, be comfy and pass around the flutes of bubbly. March is coming in like a lion, eh? Holy guacamole but didn’t February end with a bang!! Forty-eight minutes of usual diplomatic chit-chat in front of media imploding into 5 minutes of strum und drang. The little actor FAFO that the senile old man his country long enriched is no longer in charge. Oops. Next week promises to be epic! So grab a plate and let’s get to it! Prosit!


That thing that never happens …



Are you in California? GET OUT ASAP

Assembly Member Rick Zbur (Democrat, of course) has introduced AB1333 which eliminates the right of self-defense in hot burglaries. From the bill itself.

This bill would eliminate certain circumstances under which homicide is justifiable, including, among others, in defense of a habitation or property. The bill would additionally clarify circumstances in which homicide is not justifiable, including, among others, when a person uses more force than necessary to defend against a danger.

Zbur is crying that it isn’t his intention to eliminate someone defending themselves when a stranger breaks into your home when you ARE home. But the plain text of the bill says different. You are to somehow determine if this stranger has explicit, violent intent before you are allowed to defend yourself. Otherwise, you can politely ask them to leave or just retreat to a bedroom while they finish trashing the place.


Canada to women: Shut up and submit

How dare any woman object to a man wanting to watch her undress while he wears fetish gear!

A Canadian mother has come forward to reveal that she was chastised by staff at her local recreation center after reporting that a balding man wearing “fetish gear” was in the women’s changing room. Despite feeling so frightened that she called the police, the mother was told that the man had a right to self-identify into whatever changing room he felt like. (snip)

In the recording, Keri is heard giving a statement to the staff member and explaining precisely what she had experienced.

“I am telling you right now – he is a balding man, in his forties, wearing a penis sling and rubber breasts around his neck… fetish rubber breasts slung around his neck,” Keri is heard telling the staff member. “He is in the women’s washroom. I walked in with my 14-year-old daughter… I am 54, I should not have to put up with it. But she should definitely not be exposed to a man enjoying his fetish in the women’s washroom.”

In response, the staff member explains that “it is the city of Edmonton’s policy that you can use whatever changing room you are most comfortable using.” She goes on to defend the man’s attire, saying “they can wear whatever they are comfortable wearing.”



Your tax dollars at work


According to our sources, the sex chats were legitimized as part of the NSA’s commitment to “diversity, equity and inclusion.” Activists within the agency used LGBTQ+ “employee resource groups” to turn their kinks and pathologies into official work duties. According to the current NSA employee, these groups “spent all day” recruiting activists and holding meetings with titles such as “Privilege,” “Ally Awareness,” “Pride,” and “Transgender Community Inclusion.” And they did so with the full support of NSA leadership, which declared that DEI was “not only mission critical, but mission imperative.”

In this case, “diversity” was not a byword for racialism, but rather a euphemism for sex talk. Last January, chatroom members discussed their practice of polyamory, or “ethical non-monogamy.” “[A] polycule is a polyamorous group,” one employee explained. “A is my [girlfriend], and B-G are her partners. . . . then B&C are dating but not C&D, nor E, F, or G with any of the others, though there are several MWB (metas-with-benefits) connections.” Another employee claimed to be part of a nine-member “polycule,” adding that “some of our friends are practically poly-mers, with all the connected compounds.”

At other times, the conversations became explicit.

I worked in county government for 22 years, more than half in supervisory positions. I not only had to take mandatory “workplace harassment” training, but devote time during staff meetings to make sure everyone was aware about not doing anything on government computer systems, including email, that was NSFW. And here we are with online X-rated chatroom on Federal government systems.


I’d ask my shocked face, but it’s skiing at Mammoth Mountain

And it is not ready to come home yet.

The outlet cited a recent town hall event with Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) in his deep-red district. Some media outlets claimed the meeting showed voters are against DOGE, which has been working to help cut wasteful government spending.

Video footage appears to show the moment the town hall meeting became heated as McCormick tried to answer attendees’ questions (snip)

The Beacon named the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CBS News as outlets who pointed to McCormick’s town hall and claimed it shows growing bipartisan backlash against DOGE. The article said CBS featured a quote from an organizer of the protest, describing her only as one of the congressman’s constituents.

The Beacon detailed further information pertaining to the organizer, identified as Maggie Goldman, saying she does live in McCormick’s district, but adding more of her background:

A self-described “Democrat & Political Activist,” Goldman, who did not respond to a request for comment, coordinated volunteers for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign in 2019 and 2020, according to her LinkedIn. Shortly thereafter, she ran for her local county commission as a Democrat seeking to enact a “more inclusive policy agenda.” Goldman has donated exclusively to Democrats and sent Kamala Harris’s campaign more than $1,500 last year, according to campaign finance records.

Ooooo! Astroturf! The kudzu of political shenanigans!

Well, we’ve been here before. Leftwing protesters have dried up as the slush funds from USAID and it’s NGOs have been cut off.

Skiing at Mammoth Mountain will last into June. Heh.


Your Sunday palate cleanser

America is back and, boy howdy, does that tick off the Leftists.


Your Sunday smile

A charity with welcomed results.

Some hospital patients can’t or won’t pay their huge bills for years at a time—so, a hospital’s claim to $50,000, or even $100,000 suddenly begins to look quite worthless. They could take legal action, but there’s no guarantee they would collect, and it’s expensive to pay the legal fees resulting.

So, Undue Medical Debt, (once called RIP Medical Debt) comes into the picture and offers $5,000 in immediate payment to take that claim off their hands—essentially buying the debt for pennies on the dollar. (snip)

“We can’t turn back the clock for these people, but we had to do something,” Evan LeBrun, MFWF’s executive director, said in a statement.

Financial stress is corrosive to the lives of, not just the patient, but of their families. Bravo Undue! Carry on.


Oh dear, it’s that time again. Our Sunday brunch has drawn to a close. I promise next week to have some strong coffee on hand as we spring forward a whole hour. How did Daylight Savings Time show up so fast? Go now, dears, and enjoy the rest of the day and we’ll gather next Sunday. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • John C. says:

    Regardless of what the politicians, who have armed protection paid for by the taxpayers, may think, if someone has broken into my home while I am in it, I can only assume that that person has no fear of me, and feels that he can thereby do anything he wishes, up to killing me by torture. The only rational response open to me is to stop him by any means at my disposal. If he wanted safe working conditions, he should have gotten a job at a grocery store.

  • Cameron says:

    My folks live in a retirement community out in CA. People like Mr. Zbur should be stripped of all protection and let him bask in the consequences.

  • Wfjag says:

    Why is it that any country in which woke agendas take over — such as Canada — the way women are treated begins to sound like an episode of The Handmaid’s Tale?

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