Plaskett wanted her 15 minutes of fame–or is it infamy?

Plaskett wanted her 15 minutes of fame–or is it infamy?

Plaskett wanted her 15 minutes of fame–or is it infamy?

Yesterday, the nation watched as Mike Johnson was narrowly re-elected Speaker of the House. Many viewed it as the first real test of Donald Trump’s incoming administration. For a while, it looked like a second vote would be necessary. It wasn’t and lost in it all, at least as far as much of the main stream media is concerned, was a stunt by Stacey Plaskett (D), a non-voting Delegate from the U.S. Virgin Islands. Let’s just say that Plaskett, a six-term member of the House, either failed all these years to understand what her role in the House happens to be or she is one of those folks who love trying to grab attention, not matter how inappropriate it might be.

The American Virgin Islands–as well as Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands–make up the non-voting members of the House of Representatives. Their position is unique. While they may serve on House committees and vote on measures before the committee, they are not allowed to vote on legislation. They can, however, introduce legislation. The rules governing these members are decided upon every two years with each new congress.

So why did Plaskett try to stop the vote on a point of order, especially for something she should have known the answer to without asking?

The short version is she wanted to know why the American Virgin Islands and other non-voting members were not asked to vote for the next speaker. Okay, giving her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she forgot. Right? Wrong? She decided this was the perfect time to stir the post and go off on these locations being “colonies” and the U.S. having a “colonies problem”.

She isn’t the first to question why the American Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico or the other locations still remain the red-headed step-child. It is a question we should address, sooner rather than later. However, in the middle of the vote for Speaker of the House was neither the time nor the place for it.

Instead of progressing the debate on the issue of statehood for these locations, her antics have caused more than a few to wonder if she really has managed to serve for five terms, going on six, without knowing what she can and can’t vote on. It is impossible to believe she didn’t realize before now that she has not been allowed to vote on who wields the Speaker’s gavel.

This “powerful moment”, as MSNBC calls it, led to them saying Pleskett is a strong contender for the “top truth-teller in Congress” award.

Mind you, there’s not a very high bar for that in the Swamp. But that status of the American Virgin Islands, etc., isn’t what they were there for yesterday. Like so many in DC, those who are quick to add to legislation items that have nothing to do with the original bill, she tried hijacking the vote for her own purposes.

And what did she get in return?

Folks wondering if she isn’t smart enough to understand the rules she is supposed to follow.

Folks wondering if she didn’t understand the importance of the vote. After all, the Speaker of the House is in the order of succession if anything happened to the President. But why worry about something as inconsequential as the leadership of our country when you can score some political points?

Not that it gave the clerk much pause before they responded:

Delegates-elect and the resident commissioner-elect are not qualified to vote,” the clerk replied. “Representatives-elect are the only ones qualified to vote in the election of a speaker, as provided in Section 36 of the House Rules and Manual, the speaker is elected by a majority of the members-elect voting by surname.”

Something she knew–or should have–but chose to ignore.

I wonder if she realizes yet that her actions did nothing to bring positive attention to the issue.

I get why she says the issue needs to be addressed. But she went about it the wrong way. First, the country was rightfully more concerned with settling the issue of the speakership than anything else. Second, the powers-that-be in charge of the vote and the House chamber rightfully silenced her by simply switching off her mic. Once that happened, she sat down. No more histrionics. No more attempt to have her “voice” heard. Guess she thought she’d made her point, such as it was.

I understand the desire of these territories, etc., to be recognized as equals to the states, to want the rights and privileges statehood brings. But I don’t think Plaskett is going about it the right way. Hijacking a vote as important as yesterday’s doesn’t help her cause.

Especially not when her own words make it seem like she doesn’t understand, or at least refuses to recognize, the rules she has operated under for a decade or more.

Featured image: Virgin Islands Delegate to Congress Stacey E. Plaskett, 12 February 2015, U.S. House Office of Photography. Public domain.

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  • Scott says:

    There is a reason these territories are not states.. Because they are not net positives for the nation, they all take far more than they contribute to the nation, and in general, they elect idiots liker Plaskett. They have much higher rates of being on govt. assistance than the rest of the nation, and as members of the free shit army, they overwhelmingly elect demonrats, who do nothing to improve the conditions in those territories. (just look at the conditions in Puerto Rico. Have the demonrats running that particular slice of heaven done anything other than grift off the aid sent there instead of helping their people, and then try to blame President Trump for it?

    Until these places can become productive and beneficial to the nation, there is NO WAY they should become states..

    And that nimrod Plaskett needs to sit the hell down and shut the hell up.

  • Jack says:

    The District of Columbia was NEVER meant to be a place for people to reside. It was meant as a seat of government for the new United States.
    The area was taken from part of 3? maybe 4 surrounding states and if the citizens want 2 Senators and however many Reps, they should move to those states.

    • Scott says:

      Spot on Jack, It was done that way so that no state would be seen as receiving favoritism by having the capital there. Previously there had been conflict when it was temporarily Philadelphia then New York.

  • draigh says:

    So what do we do? Make them a State with two senators and one House Delegate? Wyoming has five times the population and would have the same number of delegates to Congress. We’d be better off turning them loose!

  • Lewis says:

    I see this action by this “unknown” as resistance oriented. Anything to disrupt the process, it’s going to continue, Dems know no such word as cooperation unless it’s in their own troubled world. She just did what she was told to do!

  • GWB says:

    these locations being “colonies” and the U.S. having a “colonies problem”
    OK, bye-bye. There goes your protection, your support (we pay massive amounts of welfare to these places), and your “big pond”. Sure, you can be a big fish now, but it’s in an itty-bitty pond, sweetie. We don’t even notice when these places get commies for rulers*. We just shrug and say “What harm can they do?”

    (* We noticed Cuba, yeah. But Cuba used to be one of the most important of the Caribbean islands because it had culture, manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, etc. Until the commies got hold of it. The rest of the nations don’t even have that going for them.)

    Puerto Rico tries this carp every decade or so, too. And all the people vote to stay a territory because it means they get all the welfare without any of the responsibility. I say cut them loose. Listen just this one time to the “anti-colonialists”. Sayonara, kiddies. Oh, and, no, we’re not letting go of our bases in your territories. Ever.

    Oh, BTW, since Carter has been in the news lately, they really should consider the fate of all the colonies he forced to “de-colonised” in the late 70s. Ever heard of a place called Rhodesia? Oh, it’s newer name is Zimbabwe. Yeah, how successful was that? Because, honey, you aren’t ruthless enough to be Virgin Islands’ Mugabe. And whomever turns out to be so will use you like any other harem member and then toss you on the compost heap.

    a strong contender for the “top truth-teller in Congress” award
    More like strong contender for “top grandstanding idiot.” And the bar for that one is pretty dang high.

    Guess she thought she’d made her point, such as it was.
    No, she realized her antics would no longer gather any attention.

  • MarkJ says:

    Stacey Plaskett: Engaged in a fierce daily competition with Squad Members and Jasmine Crockett for the prestigious title of “Biggest Attention Whore On The Hill.”

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