When Stupidity Is No Different Than Malice, Go With Malice

When Stupidity Is No Different Than Malice, Go With Malice

When Stupidity Is No Different Than Malice, Go With Malice

The bigger the bureaucracy, the more space for bad actors. Government, even Western “democracies” have become so Byzantine in the Regulatory State that the hostility to the citizens they ostensibly serve is evermore on display.

We have witnessed rabid, anti-gun Leftists in California and New York pass ‘gun safety’ laws requiring fantasy technology (microstamping) on manufacturers if they want to sell new gun models. Little Sisters of the Poor, religious nuns serving the elderly, was threatened with being fined out of existence because of a legal requirement to pay for all FDA-approved contraceptives in their health insurance plans, including abortifacients.

And nothing encouraged the exercise of partisan bureaucratic power than the Covid lockdowns. Power that has hung around and turned to malice even now.

Canada’s Marxist Justin Trudeau and his government is using its Covid requirements against a religious minority and is poised to confiscate thousands of acres of land from them. Why? Because they didn’t download a Government-required smartphone app on cell phones they don’t own.

Multiple conservative news sources are reporting on the latest: the massive fine and potential property seizure that Trudeau’s government will impose on Amish farmers for not complying to his insane, privacy-invading, travel surveillance diktats.

Selwyn Duke writes for The New American:

“Ontario’s Amish community is being fined $300,000 ($222,660 U.S.) for not downloading the Canadian government’s Covid app. This is even though Covid fear is about as far past its sell-by date as Joe Biden is. It’s even though religious freedom is supposed to be a priority in Western nations. And, for a kicker, it’s even though the Amish reportedly don’t use the smartphones necessary for downloading the app.”

The absurdity is obvious. But, even if the Amish did use such phones, or if one were to study how this imposition was forced on other, non-Amish people who use those phones, the imposition ITSELF is galling and corrupt.

The Amish. A religious community that eschews all modern technology — even electricity and the internal combustion engine — may lose their land because they live off the grid and away from a bureaucracy that feels they must micromanage everyone’s life, policing their culture and pronouns.

“One of Justin Trudeau’s stupidest rules during the Covid lockdown was to force Canadians to use the ArriveCan app whenever returning to Canada, or face a $6,000 fine.” (snip)

The Canadian Amish go back and forth to the U.S. to visit other Amish communities. And every time they came back, they’d be hit with a $6,000 ArriveCan fine — every man, woman and child. It totalled hundreds of thousands of dollars.” (snip)

And, since the Amish don’t go online and they eschew most modern tech, they were unaware of the growing fines, and unaware of the next Trudeau move: putting liens on their property.

That’s right. First the Amish are fined because they didn’t download an app on phones they never owned, but they never knew that the government then used those fines to put liens on their property and never notified them because they don’t have computers, either. It was only discovered when a farmer went to the bank for a loan secured by his farm and discovered the lien.

Isn’t that special? Here in the states, people lost jobs for not complying with the jab mandates. The Amish are poised to lose their property.

This isn’t just bureaucratic SNAFU time, this is malice towards citizens that won’t behave the way the Ruling Class demands. It’s what we are seeing with the Democrat push to micromanage the lives of private citizens. The aggressiveness of their agenda is seen from no less than Queen Hillary declaring the First Amendment dead.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Saturday that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or else “we lose total control.”

Clinton told CNN host Michael Smerconish that while there have been some steps taken at the state level to regulate social media, she wants to see more done by the federal government to moderate content.

“We can look at the state of California, the state of New York, I think some other states have also taken action,” Clinton said.

“But we need national action, and sadly, our Congress has been dysfunctional when it comes to addressing these threats to our children,” she added.

Oh won’t anyone think of The Children™!!??

What utter equine excrement. Gavin Newsom tries to make parody illegal, John Kerry wants government in charge of what you will be allowed to hear or speak when it comes to Climate Change and Elizabeth Warren is so wedded to the Democrat sacrament of women killing their own children she wants to shutdown pregnancy centers.

Not only is federalism dead to Democrats, they want everything run by the Washington D.C. mandarin class.


Think of the Amish as the latest canary in the coal mine. If this cloistered community annoys BigGov enough to become a target to either bend a knee or be destroyed, what is being planned for the rest of us?

Rhetorical question. And it makes this November a make or break moment.

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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  • Scott says:

    Before we get tot the effects on the entire citizenry, it’s sad that being non-violent, the Amish won’t even defend themselves when the govt takes away their land.

  • CDC says:

    Canada’s actions against those who choose not to participate in the Byzantine Regulatory State leaves no doubt that the trap has been set and will ensnare all but the ruling class.
    Disarmament of peaceful citizens makes the globalist quest of total control over life and death a obtainable goal.United we stand,divided we fall has never been more true than today.
    Its not a stretch to assume whatever title a law or edict has been given is the opposite of its desired effect on society.

  • GWB says:

    One thing you should look into, Darleen, is just how the Amish supposedly didn’t know about the fines, or they didn’t understand the concept that not paying fines will lead to gov’t liens on your property.

    Because the Amish aren’t dumb – at least the ones I’ve met. The story is set up as “Ohm the awful gov’t! We never knew!” How is that possible? I doubt the Canadian gov’t put them on double-secret probation. They had to have acknowledged somewhere they would be receiving fines when they crossed back over the border. And then they didn’t pay them? How do they receive other legal notices? Do they also never receive a document for any other legal purpose because they don’t have yahoo mail? And if they knew about the fines and didn’t pay them, then why would they not think the gov’t would put a lien on their property?

    Something about this smells like a setup.

    • Hate_me says:

      The amount of technology an Amish community has access to varies from community to community, but almost all will have a collective business center with an internet-connected computer. They don’t completely shun modern technology (as they have to live and work as part of the larger world), but they are careful to keep that technology from disrupting their traditions and way of life. Internet access doesn’t necessarily mean they would have personal email addresses.

      They’re definitely not stupid, but they are intentionally disconnected from a lot of modern communication.

      I don’t know how Castro’s Kid’s regime notified Canadians about the ArriveCan app, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did so purely by sending block text messages. I also highly doubt they would have been notified of the fines when crossing the border – which doesn’t usually involve any paperwork at all, just scanning an acceptable ID and asking a couple questions about the nature of their travel. Even if customs agents knew about the fines and thought it was their job to warn travelers, they probably assumed the fines didn’t apply to people who don’t use smartphones because the only idiots involved in all of this are Castro’s Kid and his minions.

      I expect some degree of hyperbole in the article, but the main point seems quite possible.

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