J.D. Vance And The Sad, Confused Chicks

J.D. Vance And The Sad, Confused Chicks

J.D. Vance And The Sad, Confused Chicks

Okay, listen up. If you were assigned female at birth, we need to talk. We chicks need to make up our minds. Are we strong and competent leaders? Are we poor little dears who need men to take care of us? You, definitely not me, are coming off as sad, confused chicks. J.D. Vance and the “mansplaining” accusation is exhibit numbers one through five in the argument against whatever wave Feminism we are in this decade.

The screeching hag for the accusation of mansplaining is MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace after that Vice Presidential Debate:

“He was gonna mansplain right over that mute button…I think that a lot of women in positions of authority that should command respect just by virtue of that dynamic…” Nicolle thinks they’ll see themselves in Margaret Brennan. Cheese, I hope not all women are weak or have imposter syndrome.

I was intrigued by an article in The Federalist:

Vance’s calm demeanor, respectful tone, and serious discussion of the bread-and-butter issues that worry all Americans, contrast sharply with the image women had been sold by the leftist press of a knuckle-dragging neanderthal. The Ohio senator lovingly bragging on his wife while discussing challenges she faces in balancing her career as a successful lawyer and mom to their three kids further warmed women to the Republican candidate.

But Democrats and the party’s unofficial press corps couldn’t have that — not with women being one of the only groups where the Harris-Walz ticket still has a net favorable rating. So, the Left quickly invented a narrative to attack Trump’s running mate, with MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, soon after the debate ended, claiming Vance’s “worst moment” came when “he attempted to ‘mansplain’ over muted mics.”

Wallace claimed that “if you’re a woman, that might be the worst moment JD Vance had, because he was going to mansplain right over that mute button. He was, and again, I don’t pretend to know how everyone will react to this. I think that a lot of women, in positions of authority that should command respect just by virtue of that dynamic, will see themselves and some do, the disrespect of them and talked over.”

Okay, Nicolle, the 80’s are over. Here in the real world the female boss dynamic got dealt with a long time ago. Women won. Those corporate sexual harassment course had men terrified to say a word. Right, chicks? More:

But as I posted on X in response to a similar framing from a self-described “gender-bias expert,” as a woman, let me explain what these supposed feminists are saying: They and the female moderators are so weak and incompetent, they can’t handle being challenged when they are wrong and must instead resort to whining about purported “mansplaining.”

And make no mistake, that was precisely what J.D. Vance was doing: He was correcting the moderators following their inappropriate interjection into the debate following a discussion on the immigrant crisis in Springfield, Ohio.

Following an exchange between the candidates on the topic, moderator Margaret Brennan added: “And just to clarify for our viewers, Springfield, Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status. Temporary protected status.”

Vance sought to reply, saying “Well, Margaret, Margaret, I think it’s important,” before Brennan and her fellow moderator Norah O’Donnell cut him off.

Let’s watch that portion of the debate again and see what happened:

Margaret Brennan wanted to come off as a girl boss or tough chick. Instead, she turned to her sister-in-arms like a sad, confused chick. This type of woman wants her XX sisters to have power, but doesn’t believe they have earned or deserve it. Maybe it’s a woman vying for the top executive job who had an (undefined) relationship with a married man to kickstart her career. Maybe it’s another woman who stabbed co-workers in the back to get ahead. It’s okay. Men do it to, just own it.

Because you can’t have it both ways. You cannot be out there as Wonder Woman with your Lariat of Truth and then whine when a man talks over you. If he is wrong, refute his points. Stand your ground. Don’t cut off his microphone and, condescendingly, thank him for explaining the law. There are women out there doing it every day.

If you can’t handle it, fine. Step down and go sit with the sad, confused chicks. The rest of us strong women will work along with the strong men.

Featured Image: NAACP/X/cropped/widely distributed/pedalito/wikimedia commons.org/public domain

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1 Comment
  • draigh says:

    I am firmly convinced that the definition of the word “mansplaining” is that the words are far too difficult for the woman complaining about the statement for her to understand!

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