Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Hope your Independence Day was one of fun and fireworks. Summer’s heat is on … and not just the weather! Yowzer, what a week of Leftwing stages of grief over Zombie Joe. Edith Wilson had nothing on “Dr” Jill’s demented determination to stay in the White House four more years. And our Praetorian Guard Media is spinning their collustion so hard it could generate enough electricity to power Frisco through a heatwave. We’re all going to need a bigger bowl of popcorn. So pick up your plates and behold a table with summer’s buffet filling every space. Let me start filling the chilled champagne flutes and let’s get to it! À votre santé!


Seems a bit insurrectiony, eh?

This is what the Democrats have enabled in their pursuit of the pro-Hamas vote.

In addition to the incident at his Capitol office, Schneider revealed that his home, located more than 700 miles from Washington, D.C., was targeted by approximately 50 masked demonstrators last weekend.

The protesters, who appeared at 2:30 a.m., banged drums, blew horns, and shouted antisemitic chants.

Capitol police are claiming to have launched an investigation. Rest assured they have put top men on the case. Top.Men.


King Lear has joined the chat

“How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child

Eloise Maybank was among approximately 100 people arrested at Columbia University in late April for storming and occupying a campus building. Of those arrested, 45 were charged with third-degree criminal trespassing, public records show. At a hearing last month, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office dismissed cases against 31 of those people. Prosecutors told the 14 others that charges against them would be dropped if they avoided arrest for the next six months, but the defendants rejected that offer and will return to court in late July.

A Washington Free Beacon review of those charged shows they included several Columbia University, Barnard College, and New York University students and recent graduates, a City University of New York professor, and a wealthy outside activist also facing charges for setting an Israel supporter’s flag aflame during the April protest.

Maybank is not the only student arrested in April who comes from wealth and privilege.

As we’ve seen time and again, there are no enemies on the Left.


VP Roundheels poised to take Brandon’s place

Rational Californians know Harris is a mercenary trollop with a melaninated Napoleon complex. The nation has seen Harris in action and find her deep thoughts and other word salads off-putting. And her ducking of responsibility for doing any task has become legendary (e.g. the Border Czar)

Let’s start reviewing Kammy’s Greatest Hits, cuz if she comes out of the convention with the nod as candidate, the Praetorian Guard Media will shut down and shut out all dissent.


Gavin Newsom still running for President

Look up the word “unctuous” in the dictionary and find Gavin Newsom’s picture next to it. California is a dumpster fire, but Gov. Hairgel is out “campaigning” for Creepy Joe. And the oily lizard guy can’t even do that without lying from every orifice.

I’m old enough to remember “Joe Isuzu” … Gavin is all that and more. I’m sure he’s busy trying to figure out how to bump off Kamala.


Biden Regime really does hate American citizens

Not only do we have an wide open border, Creepy Joe’s minions are flying back aliens deported under Trump.

The Biden administration is flying previously deported Cameroonians whose asylum claims were determined to be invalid back into the United States, according to interviews with Immigration and Customs Enforcement staff and internal agency memos reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. (snip)

The decision to fly back the previously deported Cameroonians is the latest instance of the Biden administration reversing its predecessor’s immigration initiatives. On his first day in office, President Joe Biden rolled back a number of former president Donald Trump’s border policies and paused southern border wall construction. Biden later ended a policy that forced asylum seekers to wait in Mexico before their court hearing, which critics blame for the sharp uptick in illegal border crossings.

“Gutting deportations isn’t enough for the Biden administration, so now they’re apparently bringing back previously deported illegal aliens,” said former ICE official and director of investigations at the Center for Immigration Studies Jon Feere. “These are people who have already had their cases closed, one way or another, and they’ve been returned home.”

Wonder if they were handed voter registration forms prior to landing?


More, please


Your Sunday palate cleanser


Your Sunday smile

When we actually value children …

The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), along with federal, state, and local agencies led a six-week national operation that resulted in finding 200 critically missing children, which includes endangered runaways and those abducted by noncustodial persons.

This is the second rendition of this coordinated effort, and so it was called Operation We Will Find You 2 (WWFY2). Running from May 20 to June 24 it focused on geographical areas with high clusters of missing children. (snip)

Some of the most notable and frightening cases can be read on the USMS release of the operation, and included kidnapping in Michigan, human trafficking in Miami-Dade, sex trafficking in Arizona, familial kidnapping in Oregon, and potential infanticide in North Carolina.

Bravo to all involved in rescuing the most vulnerable among us. Now we need to defeat the Biden regime and its ideology of child sacrifice — from abortion to transgenderism.


And here we are, at the end of another Sunday together. It is going to be a long, hot summer. But we will marshall through it together and with as many cases of chilled champagne as needed! Go enjoy the day and let’s meet back here next week. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    I’m old enough to remember “Joe Isuzu” … Gavin is all that and more.

    Hey now; Joe Isuzu was far more trustworthy and probably more pleasant to deal with.

    The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), along with federal, state, and local agencies led a six-week national operation that resulted in finding 200 critically missing children

    So now that they are done threatening a doctor for blowing the whistle on sex changes at a children’s hospital, they remembered what their job is supposed to be? Bravo.

    • GWB says:

      Oh, come now. They can walk and chew gum be Stasi AND decent law enforcement at the same time, can’t they?

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