Donald Trump Says He Has Chosen His Vice President

Donald Trump Says He Has Chosen His Vice President

Donald Trump Says He Has Chosen His Vice President

Donald Trump has finally chosen who he wants as his Vice President. Except, he hasn’t told the rest of us yet. We can guess it all day, but Trump probably won’t announce it before the convention, which will occur July 15th-18th in Milwaukee.

I know it’s annoying that we are still talking about this, and has a Vice Presential pick ever been this anticipated? I don’t know.

Obviously, Trump has to pick a new Vice President because…Pence. But it’s not the first time in American history that Presidential nominees have switched their political partner out for a new one. In the early days of the Republic, it happened often. Thomas Jefferson was the first to do it.

But First, History

Did you know that during James Madison’s presidency, the second in command’s office sat empty for almost one year after Vice President George Clinton died in office?

James Madison succeeded Jefferson as president and also had different vice presidents during his eight years in office. Clinton ran as the vice-presidential candidate in the election of 1808 and served until his death in 1812. At that time, there was no process specified in the Constitution to replace a vice president and the office sat empty for almost one year. – Investopedia

But you probably already knew that.

Maybe this seems restless for us because Trump has not chosen wisely before with other people in positions? Tony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Michael Cohen, John Kelly, Jeff Sessions, John Bolton—need I go on?

So this go-round has to be right and perfect.

Here at Victory Girls, we have written extensively about this topic and its importance for 2028.

The internet (X) is explosive with news, and everyone has a thought.

Especially these people who have put together a montage of Trump’s small circle of choices, where they have talked badly about The Donald in the past.

These people, meaning anti-Trump and pro-elder-abuse with their support of Joe Biden.

The mainstream media currently has Marco Rubio, JD Vance, and Doug Burgum on their shortlist. Personally, I don’t think it will be Marco. In doing some more digging on Burgum, I found this video in which speculation is that Doug is a little weepy sometimes, and Trump hates people who cry. What? Who knows? I don’t think that’s true about Trump disliking people crying.

For me, it comes down to Doug Burgum and JD Vance. After reading things online and watching political people talk on camera, I selected Doug and JD. I also like Byron Donalds, but I think he has fallen out of favor with the media. I don’t know why.

Three Things

But, then again, Trump is looking for three things in a running mate.

A source close to the 2024 hopeful told the New York Post that Trump is looking for three things in regards to a running mate.

“He’s looking for who can raise money, he’s looking for who is an effective surrogate on TV with adversarial media, and he’s looking at who will do the best job debating Kamala Harris,” the source said. – Townhall

I don’t know how JD Vance is on raising money, but he sure can take on the media and Kamala Harris.

Doug Burgum is a self-made millionaire and one of the wealthiest Republicans who holds the office as Governor of North Dakota. So he probably knows other people who have money.

If you had asked me a week ago about JD Vance being the potential VP, I would have laughed, saying he was too young and inexperienced. But I have changed my mind. We do need to look to hand off the Grand Old Party to a younger generation.

And let’s be honest here, anyone could go up against Kamala Harris and look like a Rhodes Scholar. And while JD Vance is an ordinary white guy, when JD Vance starts to take down Kamala, she can’t claim racism.

A recent Politico article also predicted Trump’s vice president’s choices and discussed the pros and cons of each candidate. Most of the article’s cons on some picks are simply “too young” and “inexperienced.” Their list includes Tom Cotton, Byron Donalds, Elise Stefanik, Ben Carson, and Tim Scott.

One thing is for sure: We’ll all find out together during the convention. But wouldn’t it be awesome if Trump announced it during this upcoming debate? It may remove any negative reviews.

Feature Image: Donald Trump/Gage Skidmore/Flickr/License CC BY-SA 2.0/edited in Canva Pro

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  • Cameron says:

    Mind you, the Democrats are going to invent a law out of whole cloth that says the Constitution prohibits anyone who has been impeached from choosing their own running mate.

  • I still lean towards Stefanik.

    I did have a thought the other day, though – I would love to see him flummox all of the bookies and choose Harriet Hageman. The heads on fire – both DNC and RNC – would be a magnificent sight!

    Might even get Lizzy to finally stroke out and make the world a better place.

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