Chicago PD Train For DNC Riots, Protestors Gin Up Outrage Machine In Response

Chicago PD Train For DNC Riots, Protestors Gin Up Outrage Machine In Response

Chicago PD Train For DNC Riots, Protestors Gin Up Outrage Machine In Response

The Chicago PD is readying for an intense week of riots during the DNC Convention in August. Rightly so, they are receiving specialized tactical training.

Chicago police officers received training on Thursday to prepare for the Democratic National Convention. The training will help guide their planning for handling the tens of thousands of visitors and likely protests.

Officers showed their training at McCormick Place in preparation for expected protests at the upcoming Convention. Inspections will ensure officers are properly equipped at the start of each shift.


CPD said the entire department would undergo additional training, but they prioritized about 2,500 officers expected to be in the top-tier group covering the Democratic National Convention.

“These are human beings who are standing out here. They’ll have insults hurled at them, probably things thrown at them. At some point, the human nature kicks in. And the possibility or likelihood of making a mistake becomes greater,” Snelling said.

Keep in mind, given what all the protestors (over 50 different groups) are planning, this could make the DNC convention of 1968 look like a garden party.

The protestors are already heap big mad because their planned  routes weren’t right smack dab in front of the convention hall and/or key hotels. 

City attorneys are trying to strike a deal with groups suing to protest near the United Center during the Democratic National Convention, with a little more than two months to go before Chicago becomes the center of the political universe for a few days in August.

City Hall previously tried to steer the protests three miles east of the United Center to Columbus Drive in Grant Park. But city attorney Andrew Worseck told a federal judge Thursday that it now plans to offer them a route that is “United Center adjacent.” He said he planned to make the offer in a “confidential conversation,” and he did not disclose the details of the path in court.

Supposedly, not allowing protests directly in front of the convention is a violation of First Amendment rights, even though they’ll have total freedom to protest elsewhere. 

Given what we’ve seen during the ‘mostly peaceful’ Ferguson riots and the George Floyd 2020 extravaganza along with all the pro-Hamas protests since October 7, is it any wonder that the Chicago police are getting specialized tactical training in how to handle these dangerous loons? 

The same loons who are ginning up outrage by claiming the police are training to ATTACK the protestors. Yes. Really. 

Yes, the outrage machine is lit. 

This comes from the same groups that like to scream in people’s faces, sometimes spit on them, throw drinks and god knows what else at them, and more. 

The police department is undermanned by at least 2,000 cops. No, that wasn’t a typo. Furthermore, Chicago has one of the highest crime rates in the country. 

The preparation for the convention comes as Chicago continues to deal with rising crime. Between 2019 and 2023, murder increased 23%, robbery increased 38%, thefts increased 41% and motor vehicle thefts increased 227%, according to Chicago police statistics.

What will happen when the protestors break the law and get violent? There’s a potential of mass arrests. 

Proposed changes to the way police deal with mass arrests, which are still being finalized, include more supervisor review onsite and debriefings afterward to see what worked and what didn’t.

“Mass arrest is a last resort,” Snelling said. “But we know the realities of these types of situations, especially when the number of people we’re expecting to converge upon Chicago is inevitable that there is a possibility for vandalism. There is a possibility for violence, and we are prepared to deal with that.”

Great! That means they’ll be off the streets for the rest of the convention, right? Wrong given Illinois passing a law eliminating cash bail. Instead there’s a “pre-trial release system” in place. In other words, protestors will be told to ‘go forth and be peaceful’ thus allowing them to hotfoot it back into the fray. 

Fair point.

Well over 50,000 people are slated to descend on Chicago for the convention. The Chicago police will have around 2500 – 3000 cops working the event. You do the math. And yes, I do know that cops are coming in from around the country. However, given the outrage machine winding up, the protestors WANT and NEED something to happen during the convention. They don’t want the event to be peaceful. And that puts everyone at risk.

It’s a fair bet that the 1968 Convention will look like a cakewalk compared to what could happen in August. 

Feature Photo Credit: Compilation of 1968 protests at DNC convention via Wikimedia and cropped Twitter/X videophoto of DNC headquarters protest. 

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  • Lloyd says:

    Chicago is the perfect place for the Dems to hold their convention…Let them wallow in the sewer they helped to create !!!

  • John Shepherd says:

    I was an 18 year old college student on summer break at home in Chicago in 1968. I was on site observing the action downtown safely behind police lines in the Hilton. Fun times. I hope the cops forgo arrests and go full Daley on the mob.

  • Scott says:

    It’s actually pretty amusing to see the left attack the leftist government of Shitcago… The ONLY people I feel bad for in this equation are the cops.. Here’s hoping there’s a massive outbreak of the blue flu that week, and the protestors burn the city down.. Fire is cleansing after all, and the fools there need to understand that their actions and votes have consequences…
    With the exception of the cops, firefighters, and EMS… F@#K em all!

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