The Niceness Offensive: Trans Tone Policing

The Niceness Offensive: Trans Tone Policing

The Niceness Offensive: Trans Tone Policing

Like the good cop/bad cop routine that is a cliched staple of cop shows, the TQ+ imams are pursuing a similar strategy in the “more in sadness than anger” lectures on why males-in-dresses need to be addressed in their chosen manner. And making jokes or engaging in sarcasm? Well, now …

JK Rowling has emerged over the past few years as a fierce advocate for the rights of women and girls. Wildly successful and popular enough a writer, she has been able to maintain her principles in public regardless of the bad cop attempts to intimidate or erase her. And regardless of the brickbats tossed her way on social media, she has embraced the freedom to speak her mind and point out the absurdity (and danger) of the claim “trans women are women”. But, how dare she engage in a little sarcastic humor along the way.

Over the weekend, JK Rowling became embroiled in an unedifying spat over a transgender football manager. This is not premier league stuff. Lucy Clark hit the headlines in 2018 as the ‘world’s first ever transgender football referee’. Clark has now become the ‘first trans manager in the top five divisions of English women’s football.’

Embroiled? Spat? Oh what new transgression against the Queering cult did JK commit?

Which is just another rift on the oft used Casablanca quote “I’m shocked, SHOCKED, to find gambling going on.” Wherein, the bad cops arrive and JK Rowling was subjected to the usual cry-bully claims of her being “cruel” and ‘punching down’.

As Hayton wags his finger at JK:

Anything an opponent says can be captured and broadcast to your audience. Sarcasm, ridicule, or downright abuse then set the tone for the mob who can ‘pile on’ and deluge the original with more of the same, and worse.

If Twitter is anything it is a great leveller. Notable people with huge followings inhabit the same space as private individuals. But as well as sharing the same medium, human beings also share the same emotions. (snip)

Of course, we all have a right to say what we think.

How nice of him to notice. Wait for the but, now.

while your social media followers might applaud your every word, your one negative comment in a hundred can be dissected, quoted – most likely out of context – and broadcast to startled bystanders who have yet to pick a side. Kindness is a virtue, and lack of kindness can be off-putting.

Kindness, dude, is only a virtue when everyone agrees on it. Weaponizing niceness to cow people while you pursue a hate-filled and debilitating agenda is not a virtue.

“Don’t ask me to call you a woman if by that you mean that you’re entitled to come into women’s spaces or count as a woman & then I won’t have to refuse & you won’t have to complain” ~~ Helen Joyce

Good words of advice from Helen, and yet when speaking of the trans-identified male, Hayton, in this interview, Helen keeps using female pronouns.

And that’s how we got to this place. The Niceness offensive has had the good cop tone policing with statements of “this is just being polite” “every human deserves dignity” and “what does it really cost you to just be nice?” Come on *itches, JUST BE NICE!!

I’m old school. Politeness, courtesy and the proper use of honorifics was just the way I was brought up. It was part of the cultural code of conduct — no child called non-family adults by their first name, we gave up our bus seat to the elderly or pregnant, we opened doors for those behind us, said ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.

But no where in all of that training (which becomes second nature) was any requirement to allow niceness to be used as a cudgel to submit to an ideology that refuses any reciprocity of polite behavior. There’s nothing polite about a male demanding to hang out in a woman’s locker room to watch women undress. There’s nothing nice about police reports of assaults committed by males but being put into the female crime stats because the man “identifies” as a woman.

In policing, the broken windows theory is that ignoring the small stuff (vandalism, petty theft, etc) emboldens criminals and leads to greater crime. When we go along with the pronoun nonsense out of some sense of niceness, we continue to embolden the TQ+ to demand further concessions.

Past time to stop it.

featured image original art by Darleen Click

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  • Carol Marks says:

    Amen, amen!!! Well done!! I’m glad you wrote about this. Thank you.

  • Once again, decent people’s aversion to confrontation is key to the matter. J.K. Rowling has more courage than most, and more resources with which to sustain herself. But less courageous, less well-supplied persons won’t come to her defense. “I could get canceled!” rises the cry. And so the Left continues to dominate the field against Rowling and the few who are equal to her standards.

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