Democrats’ Dilemma: Jews v Pro-Hamas Voters

Democrats’ Dilemma: Jews v Pro-Hamas Voters

Democrats’ Dilemma: Jews v Pro-Hamas Voters

If the consequences of abandoning Israel wasn’t so dire, watching the squirming of Democrat operatives trying to assuage both Jews and the pro-Hamas Progressives would be worthy of a dump truck of popcorn.
Congressional Democrats’ own walking cadaver, SanFranGran Nancy Pelosi, has her anti-Semitic anti-Zionist equivocations down pat.

On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN NewsNight,” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that she has “always questioned” whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “was capable of peace,” and that there needs to be an investigation beyond the one Israel is doing on the strike that killed World Central Kitchen workers in order for Israel to get more weapons.

Pelosi said, “Netanyahu has to come around. He has not been a peace-oriented person. I’ve always questioned that for decades now as to whether he could — was capable of peace, wanted to do peace, or was afraid of peace. And I feel so sad about what happened on October 7. It was brutal what Hamas, which is a terrorist organization, did in Israel was horrible, and the response that Israel has made is one that has serious humanitarian concerns. And so, we’d like to see support for Israel to defend itself. That’s in our interests for them to be secure in that dangerous neighborhood, but also for us to prevent starvation and famine and dehydration among children and families.”

How precious. Nancy felt so sad about whatever it was that happened to Jews on October 7. She probably soothed herself with a pint or three of ice cream …

… accompanied with bottle of PlumpJack Estate Cabernet Sauvignon.

And it’s not like Nancy hasn’t been pushing this “Hey, Jews! Start making peace with Hamas NOW!” schtick wherever someone will entertain this morally-cretinous politician.

The hag has decided that Bibi’s family background controls him,

The reference to Netanyahu’s family background may be a nod to his father, Benzion Netanyahu, a scholar of the Spanish Inquisition, whose hawkish views and expertise on antisemitic genocide have been said to have infused the prime minister with a hardline zeal and perception of the Jewish people’s survival constantly at stake.

Since 1948, Israel’s survival has always been at stake. The Muslim world’s hostility to anything other than a Jew (and Christian) free Middle East has been manifest in words and deeds since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

Biden’s admin, with an eye on the pro-Hamas contingent of college students and whether Michigan voters will step up for Biden, refused to veto a UN resolution demanding an immediate and unconditional “cease-fire” in Gaza. And we know how Biden’s handlers tried to keep Israel from any retaliation against Iran.

Democrats’ redline (for today) is a unilaterally declared statehood for Fakestinians.

Of course, the closer we get to November, that may change as well. Nothing matters more to the Left than power. And if it results in dead Jews? Oh well, nothing personal. Just politics.

featured image original art by Darleen Click

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  • John C. says:

    The Palestinians have been offered their own state in the past, more than once, but they have rejected it. It is not the solution to the problem as they see it.

  • NTSOG says:

    It’s the same in Australia where weak socialist Labor governments, national and state, are tying themselves in knots so as to avoid upsetting Islamic immigrant voters whose votes they need to stay in power.

  • Cameron says:

    Poor Democrats. Those mean old Jews just won’t die like they’re supposed to. They keep acting like they are human beings. How dare they interrupt world peace and her three drink lunch?

  • […] That Pier In Gaza, It Begins, Anti-Semitism, and Quotations From Chairman Maher Victory Girls: Democrats’ Dilemma: Jews v Pro-Hamas Voters, Democrats Now Own Border Problems After Tanking Mayorkas Impeachment, and Tree Pronouns And […]

  • Howard Hirsch says:

    Monday night is the first seder night of Passover. The standing Jewish joke is that all such celebrations can be summed up as follows: “They tried to kill us. We survived. Let’s eat.”

    We often use the term “Never Again” in reference to the Holocaust and its proposed repeat, but Netanyahu is making it quite blunt: “We know there are only 18 million of us left worldwide vs. 1.8 billion Muslims, so our odds aren’t good, but we are not going to line up meekly for the gas chambers. FAFO, and we’re taking a hell of a lot of you with us.” I fully agree.

    The larger problem for the Jewish community in the US is the extent to which feminism and its related disorders have affected Jewish women, resulting in their refusal to breed. Last October, synagogue president Samantha Woll was brutally murdered in Detroit. She was 40 years old and had no kids or husband. More recently, Rabbi Ellen Bernstein died at 70. She was known for her syncretism of Judaism with the environmental religion. She had no kids either.

    Maybe the Muslim world doesn’t have to do anything but wait long enough.

    And a ziesen pesach to all!

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