The Monolithic African American Voting Block

The Monolithic African American Voting Block

The Monolithic African American Voting Block

I know it is always a hot topic, but it is an enigma that has always puzzled me.  The loyalty of blacks to the Democrats.  I have never been able to get my head around it.  And in this day and time, it continues to tug at the elbow of my intellect.

I have never been able to understand how a race of people, who after being emancipated by a White Republican President, were victimized by the first terrorist organization in the US (the KKK, an extension of the Democrat party), made to suffer under Jim Crow laws and segregation (instituted by Democrats) and got to have fire-hoses and dogs turned on them as they marched for the civil rights (by Democrat elected Sheriffs) would vote Democrat.

The Rev. Joseph A. Darby has a guest Op-Ed regarding the black community and conservatives and black conservatives.  Read the whole thing if you want, but it is the usual fare of running up the account using the race card and some of the other things you would expect to hear.  One of the most striking things he said in this piece was:

…black voters — like all voters — make decisions based not on skin color but on stated political intent.

Read more here:
Read more here:
It appears to me that the “black community” traded one kind of slavery for another when they were hoodwinked into believing that somehow, voting Democrat was going to be the cure for what ails them.

Ummm…  This might be a good time to point out that the Reverend is possibly the most self-unaware person to draw breath in the state of South Carolina, or possibly the world.

In his first run for the presidency, Barack Obama pulled in 96 percent of the African-American vote and 93 percent in 2012.  By comparison, in 2008 he got 89% of the total Democrat vote!  In 2012, it was 92 percent Democrats for Obama.  In each election, more blacks voted for Barack Obama by percentage than did Democrats in total.  So, when the Reverend says  “Not on skin color but on stated political intent?” my response, or that of anyone who actually thinks is; really Reverend?  How did you arrive at this opinion?  There are only a couple places you’ll see higher numbers than these in any election.  Places like North Korea, Iraq under Saddam Hussein and most recently, the Crimea come to mind.

So no, Reverend, black voters don’t vote on the issues, or they didn’t in the last two presidential elections.  I think the percentages within this statistic proves that argument to be from someone who has a tenuous grasp on reality, especially within their own community.

There is a crack in the walls in this age of the internet though, and the Democrats know it, and in the style of the Great and Powerful Oz, they want you to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain; because it is becoming apparent that some of the “slaves” have got off the plantation and the Democrats can’t have that.  Men Like Senator Tim Scott (who the Reverend was writing about), Dr. Ben Carson, Lt. Colonel Allen West, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Deroy Murdock and women like Mia Love (I do love her) are showing everyone in the country what it means to be a conservative and be black.

And for their troubles of daring to speak the truth about their community and their values, like the 17.9 percent unemployment rate among the black population and the nearly 50 percent unemployment among black youth, or the fact that “immigration reform” will raise those numbers significantly, or about abortion (which is one of the legs of the Democrat machine destroying the black community), or welfare reform; they are getting the same displaced hatred of a people that no longer live in the house of bondage, nor have they for over 150 years, but feel the need to use terms from the days that their ancestors spent in chains like “House Negro,” “Uncle Tom” and my favorite “Oreo.”  These are the rantings of people who know neither their own history, nor the history of the “masters” that they vote for en masse every election in the vain hope that somehow, the Democrats are the answer.

My question is, in the 81 years since 1933 and the era of the New Deal, Democrats have controlled the Senate for 60 years (74% of the time) and the House for 64 years (79% percent of the time).  How exactly has Black America fared under Democrat domination of both of these houses of government?   Has it gotten better?  Has government, under Democrats, solved the problems facing the black community?

It heartens me greatly to see black men and women advancing the cause of conservatism and I count them among my brothers and sisters.   I think every chance they get, they should drop a version of this speech on every person at MSNBC, the NAACP, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson when these race baiting idiots refuse to engage in a debate regarding the ideas that would help the black community, but rather spend their time name calling as a way to argue the point.

I hope that it continues to change, because it will spell the end of the Democrat party as any thing other than an afterthought in the political process.  I am glad to see the strength of these men and women who are fighting this very uphill battle.

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  • VALman says:

    It’s as if they’re expounding what amounts to the black version of “separate but equal.”

  • Rick says:

    Your account of the history is simplistic, selective, misleading, and utterly false in some cases. More importantly, your statistical analysis doesn’t speak to your point. Even if Blacks vote for Democrats in higher percentages than self identified Democrats do, that doesn’t speak at all to their political intent relative to Democrats as a whole mostly because they may not be voting based on the same criteria weighed in the same proportions.

    In fact, political considerations would probably be the leading theory for the discrepancies and changes you highlighted given that Obama wasn’t any less Black in 2012, yet he received a smaller percentage of the Black vote. If it wasn’t based on politics and policies, make your case with EVIDENCE and DATA.

    Besides, are you really arguing things are worse for Black people now than in 1933? Really?

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