Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Tis the season for sweets — from cookie exchanges to overflowing candy dishes — so today’s brunch is of the more savory direction. Table-side omelets to order, with fillings from smoked salmon to roasted chilis. I’m feeling festive today as this past week this girl, fresh from Southern California, just cut down her own Noble fir Christmas tree in her new PNW neighborhood. Let the champagne flow and let’s get to this week’s eyerolling events. L’Chaim!


If a person identifies as a horse, can they run in the Kentucky Derby?

The whole self-identification-as-reality schtick reaches new lows in performance art.

The parents of young female athletes have spoken out after a 50-year-old transgender swimmer competed in women’s events and shared a locker room with children during a meet in Canada this month.

Several parents spoke to the Toronto Sun following the 2023 Trojan Cup in Barrie, Ontario, on Dec. 1-3 over concerns that Melody Wiseheart, a transgender swimmer, competed in events with teenage swimmers and shared a locker room with their children.

What’s left to be said, dears? This is fetish as lifestyle and people are too scared to confront it in the manner required.

You know, tar, feathers, rail — some assembly required.


Republicans Pounce — bring all the RHEEEEEs!

Victory Girls has already covered the amateur Gay Pr0n tape made in a Senate hearing room. The precious staffer who got his ya-yas on polishing a hearing table has already tried claiming the Biggest Victim card. And here comes NBC “News” to chime in with another patented Republicans Pounce framing.

This is chutzpah on steroids.


Broken clocks and Bill Maher

The man with the most punchable face on television took the red-pill on Oct 7. His commentary is still as smarmy as his mugging for the camera, but it’s hard to kvetch when he mostly gets it right.

What is more surprising is that his audience is going along and even applauding. In Los Angeles??!!


NBC News struggles to find the word

Oh, for heaven’s sake. We women are now called non-men, menstruaters, people who gestate — and while men-in-dresses are declared real women biological girls are referred to as cisgender.

Unacceptable from anyone, let alone some major media outfit.


This ending is rated 5 tail wags

For over a week now we’ve followed the tale of K-9 Igor, the German Shepherd partner of Shaker Heights, OH, Officer Chad Hagen. Thumbnail summary, Hagen was taking a job closer to home and wanted to take his partner with him. He even offered $10,000 to his department so Igor could be replaced. The Chief refused and claimed Igor was a “tool” that needed to be passed to a new partner.

As a GSD owner, these velcro dogs aren’t tools, dears. And it seems the Chief got quite the earfull:

Many people were outraged by the police chief’s refusal to release Igor for any amount of money, and that Igor was placed in a kennel where he wasn’t even called by the same name he had since he was a puppy. (snip)

Actor and Twitchy favorite James Woods then also got involved, along with prominent Twitter account and dog lover, Catturd.

What followed over the ensuing week was a massive campaign to let Igor stay with Hagen, including letters written to the police department, a petition with over 37,000 signatures, and a GoFundMe campaign that raised more than $17,000.

And a happier ending than this? I can’t imagine.

Good boy gets to go home!


Your Sunday smile

One of my favorite “candy” stores is a bookstore. There something so exciting about the sight and smell of stacks of books waiting to be discovered. A good independent store with trusted employees to help you find your next favorite book is a jewel to treasure. And to honor such employees, author James Patterson made a Christmas gift to 600 such employees across the nation.

Bestselling author James Patterson has awarded $500 bonuses to 600 employees at independent bookstores across the United States. (snip)

“Booksellers save lives,” Patterson said in a statement on Wednesday posted on his Instagram page.

“What they do is crucial, especially right now. I’m happy to be able to acknowledge them and their hard work this holiday season.”

Such charity from Patterson isn’t a one-time deal either. He has been involved in giving to bookstores and libraries for some time.

Nice to see someone who is wildly successful spend some of their own time and money giving back.


Now where has the time gone? Our Sunday mornings together seem too brief. But I have high hopes you’ll spend the rest of the day doing exactly what you want — with good cheer and laughter. Next Sunday is Christmas Eve and, even as an old lady, I look forward to it with all the eagerness I did as a child excited about Santa. Let’s spend some time together then. Cheers!

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:


  • GWB says:

    just cut down her own Noble fir Christmas tree in her new PNW neighborhood
    Ummm, they allowed that? The neighbors didn’t have any problem with you chopping down one of their trees? 😉
    Usually, you go to a tree farm and cut them down, not right in your neighborhood. 🙂

    You know, tar, feathers, rail
    How about just a few kicks in the hoo-hoos? Then the fathers get directly involved. That would end it right quick.

    it’s hard to negotiate when the other side’s bargaining position is “you all die and disappear
    I’ve been saying this for forever, as concerns “compromise” being some sort of idiotic virtue.

    claimed Igor was a “tool” that needed to be passed to a new partner
    Sorry to offend all the soft-hearted pet people, but he is actually right. Igor was not an employee of the police department. He certainly was not just a buddy of the cop. He was a tool, trained specifically to do certain tasks within the police department. Will $10,000 replace that tool immediately? Not likely. It will take months to replace that tool, and in the meantime the department is without that capability. Will a cop get shot because the dog wasn’t there to attack the second perp? Will a drug runner go free because there wasn’t a dog available to search the vehicle? Will a child stay lost because there’s no dog to find her?

    Otherwise, Merry Christmas, Darleen. And all the Victory Girls.

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