Anne Frank Name Will Stay On German Daycare

Anne Frank Name Will Stay On German Daycare

Anne Frank Name Will Stay On German Daycare

The city council of Tangerhütte is putting their foot down after a swirl of international media attention over removing the name of Anne Frank from their local daycare center.

German media is reporting that the blame for the media kerfuffle is being placed on the “new” management of the daycare. (This article has been run through Google Translate.)

The board of trustees of the municipal institution had spoken out in favor of the change, reported the “ Volksstimme” from Magdeburg at the weekend. Accordingly, the mayor of the small town of Tangerhütte justified the decision with conceptual changes. The daycare center should be called “World Explorer” in the future.

If parents and employees wanted a name that better reflected the concept, it would have more weight in relation to the global political situation, said Andreas Brohm (independent) initially defended the desire for a renaming. The head of the daycare center told the newspaper that the story of the Jewish Holocaust victim was difficult for young children to grasp.

Brohm has since qualified his statement – nothing has been decided yet. The discussions were still ongoing, “without a decision currently being made,” Brohm explained in writing on Monday.

For the record, Monday was when the story was picked up in the international media. The city council then decided that this was a hot mess they could do without.

The parliamentary group leaders of the city council of the unified community of Tangerhütte then announced that they would unanimously reject the renaming of the local daycare center “Anne Frank”. “On Wednesday, the city council will unanimously take a position against the request to rename the daycare center,” said Werner Jacob (CDU), chairman of the city council, to WELT. According to Jacob, all parliamentary group leaders support a corresponding position paper from the CDU Tangerhütte.

“The factions of the city council of the unified municipality of Tangerhütte are calling on the mayor, Mr. Brohm, to give a clear rejection of this renaming,” says the statement with reference to mayor Andreas Brohm (independent).

The daycare management’s claim that the name “Anne Frank” is unsuitable and difficult to convey to children “is more evidence of a forgetfulness of history on the part of those responsible,” the statement says. This forgetfulness of history is a “breeding ground for conspiracy theories and hostility to democracy, including anti-Semitism. The culture of remembrance has a meaning, because we owe it to our children and future generations to explain what it means to live in peace and freedom!” the groups continued in their statement. “History teaches us that this cannot be taken for granted and that these values ​​must be defended.” “Current events” made “this even more urgent.”

City council chairman Jacob said that the request to rename the daycare center came from the ranks of the daycare center management. “The daycare management is new and wanted to implement a new educational concept. They wanted to document this new concept with a new name,” said Jacob. There has been no application to rename it – “which the city council would have rejected anyway” – so far. “I think there was simply political naivety behind the daycare center’s request and a – I can’t find any other words for it – lack of history,” said Jacob. “The head of the daycare center is still very young, a different generation than us. I’m 68 years old, and we still have a different memory of the National Socialist era in our DNA.” Brohm, as mayor, “should have recognized the significance of such a step in terms of remembrance policy and had to clear up the unnecessary name change from the start.”

I’m sure that the mayor and the daycare management had zero idea that their little town would be the center of international media scrutiny over dropping the name of Anne Frank.

And it’s easy to see how the city council took one look at that incoming media storm and said NOPE. They didn’t want any part of this, and were quick to shift the blame to the new management of the daycare. This gives everyone an out. The daycare management gets to point at the city council, and tell the supposedly “uncomfortable” migrant parents that it’s not US, it’s THEM, and the city council gets to point at the daycare management and say it’s not US, it’s THEM.

Which means the elephant in the room never gets addressed. And that is how all these “migrant families” find Anne Frank a “difficult” concept to explain to their children. Our friend Beege pointed out that the influx of migrants in Germany has created a problem that can’t be easily undone. One daycare being prevented from removing Anne Frank’s name off their door isn’t going to solve the massive anti-Semitism that has reared its vile head across Germany once more.

German leaders had better start checking themselves, and start figuring out just what kind of people they have allowed to enjoy the privilege of living within their borders, before they don’t have borders any longer.

Featured image: passport photo of Anne Frank in May 1942, via Wikimedia Commons, cropped, public domain

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  • Cameron says:

    The funny thing to me is that the average progressive will listen to what the islamists say and then insist that what they really mean is they want to peacefully live with us. In other words, they hope that they will be killed last.

  • NTSOG says:

    Gott sei dank!

    “is more evidence of a forgetfulness of history on the part of those responsible,”

    * ‘Forgetfulness’ of history? If there has been ‘forgetting’ I suspect it has been selective.

    “The daycare management is new and wanted to implement a new educational concept. They wanted to document this new concept with a new name, …”

    * New is always better I gather.

    “I think there was simply political naivety behind the daycare center’s request and a – I can’t find any other words for it – lack of history,” said Jacob. “The head of the daycare center is still very young, a different generation than us. I’m 68 years old, and we still have a different memory of the National Socialist era in our DNA. …”

    * Some years ago, I spoke to a German couple in their mid 30s who came to Australia to live. They stated that, having grown up in post war Germany, they grew heartily sick of hearing about the events of WW II and being made to feel collective guilt about events that occurred before they were born. I doubt that there is ignorance about WW II amongst German natives. One commentator in Australia stated that Tangerhütte lies within the boundaries of the old DDR [East Germany] and it didn’t surprise him that such a move to cancel Anne Frank happened in that area.

  • Royalidiot says:

    My uncle, my aunt and millions of their peers put on a uniform and risked everything to rid the world of fascism, totalitarianism and antisemitism…….It’s extremely sad to see that many of their grand and great grandchildren have turned into exactly the enemy they fought a World War against……They say that if you don’t learn from History, it repeats itself….I guess it’s also true when you’re never taught it as well…

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