The Jamaal Bowman Fire Alarm Incident

The Jamaal Bowman Fire Alarm Incident

The Jamaal Bowman Fire Alarm Incident

So, what’s up with Jamaal Bowman and the fire alarm incident? It is reported that the New York Democratic Representative Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm just hours before the stopgap spending vote was to take place that would possibly avoid a government shutdown.

Of course, by now, we all know that the powers that be in Washington have put off the shutdown until mid-November. Some sort of agreement was reached, albeit temporarily. However, before that vote, dear Jamaal decided it would be okay to pull a fire alarm.

Oh, but it was an accident, he assures us. He didn’t know how to open a freakin’ door, so he pulled the fire alarm? The door he typically enters and leaves through was closed; that was his excuse. He said that by pulling the fire alarm, he thought it would open the door. How old is Jamaal?

The fire alarm was pulled in the Cannon office building, which is connected to the Capitol via an underground tunnel. The building was evacuated.

Is this Serious?

And let’s hope that Mr. Speaker, Kevin, will take this seriously. He says he will, but he says a lot about many things.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called for Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., to be punished after he pulled a fire alarm in a Capitol office building on Saturday, comparing it to the Jan 6 rioters who attacked the building.

“When you think about how other people were treated when they come in and wanted to change the course of what was happening in the building,” McCarthy said. – NBC News

And say what you will about Marjorie Taylor Greene, but people like her are making the necessary noise and alerting the rest of us about what is happening in Washington. Yeah, I know people don’t like her or Boebert or Gaetz. They think they are crazy people or just simply undignified.

Margorie is claiming that Bowman violated the same laws that J6 defendants are being prosecuted for daily.

Will they take this incident seriously? Who knows. My guess is no. The Capitol Police have questioned Bowman. As of this posting, nothing has been reported of a reprimand. But Kevin McCarthy says Bowman should be investigated.

Several ⁢representatives, including Rep. Marjorie⁤ Taylor Greene ‍(R-GA), called on the Department of Justice to prosecute Bowman ‍under‍ the same law used to prosecute January 6th defendants. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) went as far as to suggest that Bowman should be​ held in‍ the DC‍ Gulag, comparing⁢ him to ⁢the prisoners⁢ from the January 6th incident. – Conservative News Daily

Again, nothing will come of it. Bowman’s response was to dismiss the allegations that he purposely pulled the fire alarm to delay the vote. He said those allegations were “complete BS.”


After it was all said and done, Congress did pass a 45-day temp fix and partially funded the government until they could come up with a complete budget everyone could agree upon. Good luck with that. Just kicking the can down the street again.

But this should be taken seriously. Jamaal Bowman should be investigated and charged. Even members of his own party were not happy with his childish behavior.

Fellow New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a Republican, said on X that she’ll introduce a resolution to expel Bowman from the House over the incident. “This is the United States Congress, not a New York City high school. This action warrants expulsion & I’m introducing a resolution to do just that,” she wrote. – NBC News

Others expressed⁢ concern over the impact the incident could​ have on the overall⁤ reputation of Congress. Rep. Thomas Gallagher (D-CA) emphasized ⁢the need for accountability. He stated, “We ⁢must not allow‌ one ‌individual’s actions ‌to tarnish the integrity ‌and reputation of the entire institution.” – Conservative News Daily

Talk about unbecoming of a representative. But it looks like the incident will be in the hands of the House of Ethics Committee, and they will determine if Bowman violated any rules and ascertain if any consequences will be handed out. Oh, okay.


We shall see what becomes of all of this. I wouldn’t hold your breath about any real consequences, though.

Feature Image:Ben Schumin, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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