Code Pink trying to defy US sanctions on Iran

Code Pink trying to defy US sanctions on Iran

That oh-so-patriotic, America-loving organization Code Pink is at it again with all new shenanigans. This time, their newest way of expressing the America love is by trying to defy US sanctions on Iran!

WHAT: CODEPINK to lay out plans to invest in Iranian wind energy; “Let’s talk!” campaign with Obama
WHEN: Friday, Dec. 12 to Sunday, Dec. 14
WHERE: United for Peace and Justice National Assembly, Wyndham O’Hare Hotel – near Chicago O’Hare Airport, 6810 North Mannheim Road, Rosemont, IL

CHICAGO — To defy crippling U.S. sanctions on Iran and build peaceful bridges between the countries, CODEPINK Women for Peace will announce plans this weekend to launch a new company that will invest in an Iranian wind energy company, allowing Americans to show support for peace and sustainability in Iran.

The company, called Winds of Change, will sell shares for $5 each. The shares will give investors an opportunity to support the Saba Niroo Wind Company, based in Tehran, and the campaign to end sanctions. Saba Niroo designs, develops and manufactures medium and large wind turbines, with a commitment to furthering the development of pollution-free energy to improve the health of our environment.

The U.S. Government has only not opposed Iran’s nuclear program, but it has also stymied Iran’s attempt to develop other energy alternatives. Recent U.S. pressure on the the Danish wind company Vestas has stopped Vestas from providing Saba Niroo with critical parts, halting production.

“It’s ironic that the West is so vehemently opposed to Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear energy, but it is sabotaging our efforts to develop clean energy sources like wind,” said Nader Niktabe, Sara Niroo’s managing director.

By supporting wind energy in Iran, investors will not only aid the environment but improve the political climate by breaking down trade barriers between the United States and Iran.

“Under present U.S. law, companies that invest in Iran are subject to a $1 million fine,” said Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK co-founder. “We’re challenging those unproductive restrictions and pushing the Obama administration to lift sanctions and establish peaceful relations with Iran.”

They really are charming, aren’t they? Of course, the fact that by giving money to Iran they are then funding the Iranian regime I guess never occured to them… or, it did occur to them and that just spurred them on more. With Code Pink, you never can tell.

But hey, let them do it. And if they do, I hope the government fines the living daylights out of them.

Hat Tip: The Jawa Report

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  • Instinct says:

    Can we ship them over to Iran to help build those wind powered doohickeys?? They can stay there once it’s all done too as our gift to the Iranian government.

  • Deuce Geary says:

    The Persians will probably use the windmills to power their uranium centrifuges.

  • Big Al says:

    These people are ingorate fools. They don’t understand that what they support is actually anti to all of their core beliefs. They are blinded by a hatered for their country and the current President. If they had to live under the rule of and by the conditions found in Iran THEN they would really have something to complain about!

  • BIg Mo says:

    Can we just ship them there, period??

  • bob says:

    Are these people really that stupid? Do they realize if they lived in Iran, they would be dressed head to toe in a black sheet, (no pink) and would have 90% of there rights stripped away. All these little protests and groups they have would be illegal. And unlike our government which gives a free pass to sedition and treason, they would arrest every one of these people.

  • Mat says:

    But never question their patriotism…

  • Mat says:

    There was supposed to be a (rolling eyes) after that remark…(sigh)

  • WayneB says:

    Are these people really that stupid?


    O.K., I’ll elaborate a little: It never crosses their minds, no matter what the evidence, that things there are not the same as they are here. People who think like this have to be mugged by reality before they understand. Now, if one of their own was to go visit, and they were dragged into the street and beaten (or stabbed, or choked, etc) to death (which would very possibly happen), THEN they might begin to wake up, but it might not happen until 4 or 5 incidents had occurred.

  • spike says:

    the mistake many people make when dealing with the code pinkos and folks is to assume they are simply mistaken, but well-meaning-WRONG! they despise America and all we stand for…they are ECSTATIC to aid our enemies

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