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Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.
Happy Sunday, dears! Oh don’t those croissants look especially good this morning? Yes, fresh berry jams but you just must try the Italian compound butter made with fresh basil, sun-dried tomatoes and enough garlic to strip the sparkle right off Edward Cullen. Heaven. This past week has presented a dizzying array of weirdness and I say that as someone who came of age during the Vietnam era and watched the culture go from Leave it to Beaver to the Manson Family. Here’s your chilled flute, let me fill it and let’s get to it. Kanpai!
Soft voice, pink hair — such is the banality of evil.
Blair Peters, a self-described "queer surgeon" who uses "he/they" pseudo-pronouns, describes using a robot to castrate "puberty suppressed adolescent" boys and transform their penis tissue into an artificial vagina.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) July 6, 2023
Did you catch that off-hand “We’re kind of learning, figuring out what works…” remark? He and his fellow travelers are experimenting, not just on adults, but on children who were never allowed to go through puberty. And they are boastful of how much business they’re doing because of the castration machine.
Do read the whole thing, dears. But wait until this evening when you have a good stiff drink at hand. Me? I’m looking to see how much a gross of pitchforks and torches will set me back.
As we’re witnessing alarmed parents pushing back on the radical Queering of government schools, the schools are doubling down on anti-family policies. I wrote just this past week on the NEA promoting kiddie porn and here we have Maryland telling parents to go pound sand.
Montgomery County Public Schools made it clear that students can still opt out of sex education, but have to participate in lessons on gender identity ideology. …
A Maryland school district informed parents via email that they are not allowed to opt their children out of “engaging with any instructional materials” related to gender identity ideology.
Last week, parents in Montgomery County Public Schools received an email that informed them that they would not be notified anymore about the instructional materials used for that subject matter.
The email said that students could not opt out of the lessons like they used to be able to, in order to create a more “inclusive environment.”
Many parents will be tempted to just pull their kids out of the school … which will delight the Queer reprobates no end. They still get their tax money, and they don’t have to put up with the brats of heretics. Parents need to organize and, as it is a public school, they should start auditing each and every class — sitting quietly in the back, in sight of the teacher indoctrinator at all times, recording or taking notes.
Making life miserable for these Woke True Believers and Groomers is a laudable milestone on the way to vouchers and/or banning gubmint skools.
they think they own your kids.
— Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist (@DeAngelisCorey) July 4, 2023
There are hundreds of words strung together in a wall of text trying to soft sell the shutting down of dissident parents, but the author pretty much gives away the game in the second paragraph.
We have a collective community responsibility to ensure that children’s education is not determined by or dependent on the whims of a few, but instead is truly preparing children for a future as independent, free-thinking citizens in a world beyond their parents’ control and vision. In our communities, we need to work together to collectively ensure that children’s rights to education are what is privileged in our schools and laws.
Just more variation on the contemporary Marxist theme all your children belong us.
Maybe a gross of pitchforks isn’t enough.
Surrogacy has always been a troubled institution, not the least of which is reducing the women renting out their wombs to little more than broodmares. But it also reduces the little human being involved into a piece of designer property. And if there’s a chance the Michael Kors handbag cluster of cells won’t be perfect?
Recently, the CBC published a tragic story of a surrogate mother, Brittney Pearson, who was pressured to abort the baby she was carrying for a gay couple after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. (snip)
she instead chose to be induced to deliver the baby early. Tragically, she had no say in what would happen to the baby after that point, and the “fathers” requested that no life-saving measures would be performed on the baby.
The male couple said they did not want the baby to be born before 38 weeks (37 weeks is considered full-term) due to the potential of the child being born with health problems.
When the hospital approached them about putting the baby up for adoption they were adamant that they did not want “their ‘DNA out there’ being raised by someone else.”
Well, I give the gay guys props for their honesty when most pro-aborts tap dance around the adoption issue like Michael Flatley on speed: “Better dead than adopted.”
Such nice people. Here, let me refill your champagne flute.
Speaking of Michael Flatley … show of hands who remembers Pia Zadora? Behold what happens when one has too much time and money on their hands … I bring you Lord of the Ego.
Waiter? Can we get some popcorn over here?
Kudos to Candler County Sheriff’s Office’s Sgt. Ashleigh Taylor, who ran to a burning car and rescued the woman trapped inside. I’m always in awe of those in Law Enforcement who not only take their honor and duty seriously, but dial up to hero.
And I just couldn’t pass up this story of two families, united in the NICU and their babies growing up to attend prom together.
Two Tennessee teens — who once spent critical days together in a hospital NICU — enjoyed a fairytale ending when they attended a high school prom after staying in touch for 17 years.
“It just brings you joy,” Jaime Horton, neonatal intensive care unit nurse manager at HCA Healthcare’s TriStar Centennial Medical Center in Nashville, told Fox News Digital.
“There’s not always a happy ending in the NICU,” Horton added.
Darn, I think I got some dust in my eyes.
Oops … look at the number of empty champagne bottles! Well, we are making some vintners happy. And so, dear friend, another cafe visit is over. I wish you well this week and see you next Sunday. Cheers!
featured image original graphic by Darleen Click
Let me get this straight. Doctors are happy to perform permanent surgical gender transitions on minors without parental consent, but when a gay couple would rather kill the Abby than put it up for adoption their hands are tied?
“Medical ethics” is an oxymoron.
[…] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]
Maybe a gross of pitchforks isn’t enough.
There are huge hog farms in this country that are really efficient in getting rid of waste. Just sayin’.
“We have a collective community responsibility to ensure that children’s education is not determined by or dependent on the whims of a few, but instead is truly preparing children for a future as independent, free-thinking citizens in a world beyond their parents’ control and vision.”
This statement could have been written in 1933 as the rationale for the Hitler Youth [Hitlerjugend] and the League of German girls [Bund Deutscher Mädel] movements. “Beginning in 1933, the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls had an important role to play in the new Nazi regime. Through these organizations, the Nazi regime planned to indoctrinate young people with Nazi ideology.” Just substitute modern ‘socialist’ theory/ideology about personal identity politics for Nazi ideology being promoted in schools – with modern parents being pressured to yield to the dictators of the [modern National Socialist] Left – just as happened in the 1930s.
In 1943, the Waffen-SS formed a special division made up of Hitler Youth. Its teenage members were amongst the most fanatic and vicious troops from D-day on as the Allies fought their way to Germany. The indoctrination of Germany’s youth by the Party was very effective.
Modern parents need to be aware of and fight against the current moves to brainwash their children ‘for the good of the State’.
who remembers Pia Zadora?
*enthusiastically raises hand*
I remember her. Yummy. But I think she went all weirdo or something.