Ted Cruz Blasts FBI Deputy Director

Ted Cruz Blasts FBI Deputy Director

Ted Cruz Blasts FBI Deputy Director

‘It’s a yes or no question.”

That’s hard to understand these days when it comes to the FBI, apparently.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex) questioned Deputy Director of the FBI Paul Abbate over allegations that the FBI was refusing to investigate whether President Joe Biden had taken a $5-million bribe while he was vice-president. While doing so, Ted Cruz was repeatedly met with responses of “I refuse to answer that” and “I’m not going to comment” as if the American people don’t deserve to know if the person we’re supposed to trust with every aspect of our lives doesn’t answer to We, the People.

As the highest ranking law enforcement agency in the country, they should be expected to investigate and maintain law and order of the highest-elected office of the land and the person holding it. Instead, as Senator Cruz alluded to, they act as though they’re the political arm of the law FOR the person currently occupying that office.

Is this what their job was intended to be? Or is its politicization only to serve as a guaranteed continuation of the divide between Americans, especially the divide along party lines?

Senator Cruz went on to argue that the deputy director and the FBI as a whole had no respect for the American people, that their hubris stood in the way of their ability to act and to do the right thing.

He was absolutely right.

The deputy director’s abject refusal to answer questions about criminal misdoings, or even lack of, concerning their President is not only unbelievable, but untenable. Our Republic cannot survive with a Chief Executive who answers to no one.

The wall that Ted Cruz stated was being built around Joe Biden is not a fabricated one, but one which is the only thing keeping Joe Biden upright.

See what I mean?

Featured image: Senator Ted Cruz, official Congressional portrait, cropped, public domain

Written by

Obsessively grammatically correct and unapologetically politically incorrect Mom, friend, mad scientist, Papist, and bibliophilic conservative hippie with an internet connection.

  • Scott says:

    So here’s a question, why does Congress not exercise it’s authority and lock up these criminals running the FBI? Noone with a functioning brain can possibly believe that the FBI and DOJ are not wholly corrupt, deserving of being disbanded and rebuilt with people not committed to the left and the deep state. Our Republic cannot survive this banana republic level of corruption much longer.

    • Lloyd says:

      Reason: Consider the recent congressional decision to NOT censure Schiff; simple: Most members of Congress are GUTLESS….They are afraid to do what is RIGHT!

      • GWB says:

        I understand there was a poison pill in that one (an outrageous fine) and some members thought it (or claimed to think it) unconstitutional. So, I’ll take that one as a very dirty attempt to do what was needed. (I would love to see it re-offered with the fine as a separate vote, just to see if those folks came around or if they were really just playing for the “loyal opposition” role.)

    • Cameron says:

      It’s a cool thought and the screeching from the media would be delightful.

  • ROS says:

    A position as an elected official used to be a service, and is now a very lucrative paycheck.

  • Scott says:

    “Most members of Congress are GUTLESS….They are afraid to do what is RIGHT”.. Can’t disagree Lloyd.. at least for half of them.. the other half are actively working on destroying the nation…. so there’s that….

  • GWB says:

    their hubris stood in the way of their ability to act and to do the right thing.
    What’s the quote? Oh yeah…

    I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or it they try, they will shortly be out of office.
    Milton Friedman

    Our Republic cannot survive with a Chief Executive who answers to no one.
    More importantly, it cannot survive a state whose bureaucrats are unaccountable – elected or hired.

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