White House “Pride” Party With Most Inspiring People

White House “Pride” Party With Most Inspiring People

White House “Pride” Party With Most Inspiring People

Joe and his wife/handler Jill celebrated Pride Month at the White House with a party featuring the “bravest and most inspiring” people Joe’s ever known. Considering that Hunter Biden is the “smartest” man Joe has ever met and I am not sure Joe was complementing the partygoers. Add in the balloons and performers, it was a Gold Medal pandering performance. Well, except that Joe wandered off and missed the performance by Betty Who (?). There is so much to unpack here.

In case you are a flyover normie, who lives his life without wasting too much time worrying about what others do, we are at war against the Alphabet Mafia. We are involved in this war because we want women’s spaces for real women only and don’t want our kids sexualized at school. That is the 411 on why Joe Biden hosted the BIGGEST PRIDE PARTY EVER at the White House this year rather than contenting himself with rainbow lighting OUR house or signing a proclamation like last year.

The big Pride Party featured the six color rainbow motif all over the grounds to represent the fight against violence and oppression. This is not to be confused with the seven color Biblical rainbow which symbolizes hope and grace for the saved and unsaved.

Jill Biden was Jill Biden and, ugh, I just cannot:

But Jill was virtue-signaling like she was getting paid for it:

“Outside the gates of this house are those who want to drag our country backwards, and so many battles yet to be braved. But today, we’re not here to be strong. We’re not here to be courageous. Even though for so many of you, just coming to this event is an act of bravery,” said First Lady Jill Biden.

“Every day that you’re alive and someone loves you is a miracle,” Jill Biden said, quoting feminist author Rita Brown. She added, “And when you leave here to go back to the place that needs so much change, take that miracle with you.”

Great Googly Moogly, these Democrat grifters make my hair hurt. Speaking of grifting, check out this bit of angry fear porn from Creepy Uncle Joe. Remember, anytime Joe says “that’s not hyperbole”, that is exactly hyperbole:

Being loved, understood, heard and belonging should not involved hacking off working body parts. That was about as far as Joe’s medications held out, because it seems he wandered off somewhere unknown. Even Jill’s screeching could not penetrate Joe’s fog:

Or as the Fox News Channel reportage had it:

Biden was followed by a musical performance by singer Betty Who — however, the president, who was shaking hands off-stage, was called back up to the stage by the first lady.
The president did not make it back to the stage before the performance began, and the audience was told he would be back afterward to say a few words.
Biden did not reappear after Betty Who’s performance, but the singer was thanked and received a hug from the first lady.

Joe flaked on the White House Pride Party. Okay, then.

There are signs that some in the LGB community are not falling for the grift. Chadwick Moore (I have pre-ordered his Tucker book) has a wonderful piece in the NY Post today. From the article:

Shocking as it continues to be, none of this seems especially uncharacteristic for June in the US, where Pride events have become increasingly demented, offensive, and tied to wacky, far-left politics inspired by “critical queer theory,” critical race theory’s genderless stepchild.
The media has been more than happy to take up the cause, breathlessly repeating lines about Republican legislatures passing recent “anti-gay” laws — 417 to be exact. It’s gotten so bad, this month the Human Rights Campaign even declared a “state of emergency” for the “LGBTQ+ community.” But each of those laws deals with the sexualization of, and medical experimentation on, children. If that’s what defines being gay, count me out. And I’m not the only one who thinks so.

Plenty has happened in the seven years since I was guillotined for coming out of the closet as a gay conservative. Whereas in 2016 only a handful seemingly existed, today thousands of LGBT influencers cram social-media feeds as part of a gathering wave rejecting the far-left. The result has been the alphabet mob’s nose-dive into madness.
If the left’s attempt to frame child genital mutilation as a civil rights issue weren’t off-putting enough, LGBTs are simply growing up. Some 15% of same-sex couples now have at least one child at home (compared to 38% of heterosexual couples). With basic rights an issue of the past, LGBTs are increasingly concerned with kitchen table issues and it’s reflecting at the ballot box. LGBT votes for Donald Trump doubled in 2020 compared to 2016, up to nearly 28%.

That also means that Joe’s theatric fear porn isn’t working on the whole anymore:

The Respect for Marriage Act passed both chambers of Congress with bipartisan support. At the event, Biden made the comment, “When a person can be married in the morning and thrown out of a restaurant for being gay in the afternoon, this is still wrong.” He quickly drew criticism from Twitter users, who claim that people are not, in fact, kicked out of restaurants for being gay.

Joe says it every bloody freaking time. Back to Chadwick Moore in the Post:

All of this points to LGBTs realizing the rainbow emperor has no clothes. The gay conversion camps they promised under a Trump-Pence administration never materialized. Instead, all we got was an explosion in gender reassignment clinics. Many gay Americans saw that Trump, a live-and-let-live libertine, was on their side. As far back as 2000, gay magazines fawned over his support for gay rights and — unlike Barack Obama, Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton — he never flip-flopped on the issue.
As president, Trump also appointed the nation’s first openly gay cabinet member, Richard Grenell. Trump then launched a historic initiative to decriminalize homosexuality in the more than 60 nations where it is still illegal.
Biden, by comparison, is a perfect example of the priorities of his party. They frame everything as an issue of life and death then fuss over what new color to add to the Pride flag. While sheltering a non-binary luggage thief in his Energy Department and inviting transgender TikTokers to the White House for photo ops, Biden pussyfooted around the 2022 uprisings in Iran — which included many gays fighting for actual rights. He also oversaw the disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan where, once the US pulled out, the Taliban immediately reinstated the death penalty for homosexuality.

Grown-ups telling the truth. Protecting the children they love and living their lives.

I am angry, though, about this Pride Party. It has nothing to do with a Pride Party at the White House. It has to do with the Progressive Pride flags being hung at the same level as the flag of the United States of America. Surely one of the Progressive Morons employed in the Biden White House has a least a passing knowledge of flag etiquette regarding the flag of the nation he/she/they or zer serve:

Stop the lies, stop the hyperbole, display the flag properly and enjoy your White House Pride Party. I really am angry about that.

Featured Image: White House/Facebook/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Lloyd says:

    There is but one flag that should be celebrated in this great country…the Stars & Stripes! Hanging/displaying the so-called pride flag is a big mistake. Would that the alphabet group would learn what the word “pride” really means.

  • KyPerson says:

    My father went into World War II right from college and spent it in the Pacific with the Navy. He was at Okinawa. My pediatrician parachuted onto 4 beaches on D-Day. My first boss flew 35 combat missions against the Nazis. They are the bravest people I have ever known.

    • Hate_me says:

      How did your pediatrician make four jumps, in one day, onto beaches, on that particular day?

      I suppose it’s possible, as there were plenty of unoccupied beaches around the world with an accessible airfield nearby on the same day as D-Day, but none were anywhere near the Channel (overlooking the idea that jumping onto the same beachhead as you already have either an established airfield or assaulting landing craft is already pointless), the Merderet landings notably failed, and parachuting as a civilian hobby was in its infancy.

      I could see it as a typo… “1 of 4 beaches,” intended, perhaps, save no landing zone on that day was actually on a beach (again, why would it be?).

      I hope you’re just misinterpreting your pediatrician’s story. If you’re relating it correctly, then his name would be known as widely as Audie Murphy’s or Alvin York’s is.

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