Daily Beast Aims Spittle-Flecked Rant at Casey DeSantis

Daily Beast Aims Spittle-Flecked Rant at Casey DeSantis

Daily Beast Aims Spittle-Flecked Rant at Casey DeSantis

Daily Beast editor Katie Baker buys poisoned ink by the barrel, this time launching her classist pique at Casey DeSantis. And misses.

Variation on a theme: Tell me who you hate without telling me who you hate.

Crude? Walmart Melania? Pudding proof pleather? Oh, Katie, Katie, Katie. Where do I begin on such a snot-nosed, star-bellied-Sneetch tantrum that reveals more about the sterling silver spoon in your Columbia graduate mouth than the normal American family you feel the need to tear down?

Katie’s sneering column is chock-full of what I’m sure to her reads as Joan Riveresque zingers. But Katie’s no Joan and her fantasies, lies and put downs are born of glaring resentment and hate, not humor.

The First Lady of Florida showed up on the campaign trail in Iowa this weekend wearing a ghastly black leather jacket—American flag on front, an alligator and the silhouette of her state on the back, with the sneering words, “Where Woke Goes to Die”—that brought to mind nothing so much as the racks of a Red State big-bin store where it would be retailing for $24.99.

OMG, you peasants! How déclassé to actually work for a living and stick by a budget! If you can’t afford Michael Kors, go naked.

You just know Katie would rather throw out a blouse missing a button rather than stoop to sewing on a replacement. Merely sighting a sewing machine probably sends her to bed for a week.

Casey and Ron are practicing Roman Catholics (as well as being within a generation or two of Italian immigrants). That alone must have Katie running to her long-suffering hair colorist to touch up the grey in those dark roots. And to find out the weird reference to “pudding proof” is based on Daily Beast created fantasy? Again, the classism by claiming DeSantis has “trouble” with social skills. Yep, you can take the son away from his humble beginnings and have him graduate from Yale and Harvard, and even be Navy officer, but you can’t keep him from eating peas with a knife or eating salad with the dinner fork. Katie comes from better stock, she has The Help set the table.

Katie indulges in these mean little rich girl fables over and over again. She repeats the “fine people” Charlottesville lie, slams Melanie Trump, and even changes the line on Casey’s jacket in order to wax indignant over Ron’s wanting to kill people.

You can see it right there on his wife’s jacket: DeSantis’ Florida is where the woke go to die—and a lot of other people die as well.

There’s no “the” on the jacket. Katie takes a page from the rabid Transcult in deliberately conflating ideology with people. How stupid does Katie take us for?

Oh, right.

And I have to add these unintentional knee-slappers from Katie on her quest to keep DeSantis and Trump outside her social class —

The DeSantis’ will never be Camelot. Jackie and JFK symbolized the opposite of vulgar pettiness—they embodied youth, energy, a commitment to moral progress in the struggle for Civil Rights, a country fresh with idealism.

Katie obviously never experienced the 60s, and she certainly hasn’t read one history book about them either.

An aside: Katie’s studied ignorance about the Kennedys is why RFK Jr’s new popularity is concerning.

Of course, neither Melania Trump nor Casey DeSantis could ever embody the class and effortless elegance of Michelle Obama or Dr. Jill Biden.

SAY, what???


Michelle barely looked decent only when browbeat by stylists, otherwise she was stuffing her size 18 into age-inappropriate size 6 designs. And who the hell feels that Dr. Jill’s Grandma’s Couch Collection

Dr. Jill's "Grandma's Couch Collection"
Dr. Jill’s “Grandma’s Couch Collection”

… is effortless elegance?

Anyone tested Katie’s urine lately?

You know, Katie is like most Limo Bolsheviks — a champion of the Little People in public while mocking them in private. But just like Obama’s “bitter clinger” remarks, Katie can’t help herself when the hoi polloi refuse to Know Their Place.

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • GWB says:

    OMG, you peasants!
    Yeah, her class sneer is so obvious in that.
    I personally thought the jacket was a bit gauche, and I don’t think it’s a look she can carry off. But I sure wasn’t going to sneer at it because it looked “like she bought it off the rack!”

    Merely sighting a sewing machine
    Wait…. You use a sewing machine to sew a button back on?!
    I’ve always hand-sewn them. *shrugs my peasanter-than-yours shoulders*

    slams Melanie Trump
    Uh oh. Auto-correct got you. 🙂

    they embodied youth, energy, a commitment to moral progress in the struggle for Civil Rights
    Yes, Katie, they were Progressive demi-gods. AND, it was all a lie. They were very few of those things, though they did appeal to the desire for many humans of having a royalty they could look up to. Hollow as they so often are.

    the class and effortless elegance of Michelle Obama or Dr. Jill Biden
    Yeah, I did a spit-take on that one when I read it. Wow.
    (With 0bama, the phrase “Whoever told you that made you look good is not your friend” came back into style.)

    Oh, c’mon! That last dress isn’t even close to that couch! The flowers are totally different! And there’s no baby’s breath on her dress, like on the couch. Be better! 😉

  • D_C says:

    I liked her leathers. And she looks better than most wearing them. Wasn’t there a Roast’n’Ride event when she was in Iowa? Dress apropriately.

  • Scott says:

    ” the class and effortless elegance of Michelle Obama or Dr. Jill Biden.” YGBFSM!!!Mooch Obama, besides being a classless racist, looks like sasquatch in a shower curtain (except that official painting where she looks like she has a penis…https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5a8313f7613e3802fb3f99a0/master/w_727,c_limit/StFelix-Amy-Sherald-Portrait-Michelle-Obama.jpg)
    I think Eddie Murphy was ahead of the curve when he did this skit: https://youtu.be/IurFFEsZ1C8

    And you nailed it with “Dr” jill.. her stylist is actually an upholsterer…

  • Cameron says:

    The author of the hit piece is little more than a second hand gender swapped Edward Murrow who got into journalism because saying “Do you want fries with that?” was too mentally taxing. I give the opinions of toddlers more weight because they don’t know better yet.

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