Biden And The Next Great Idea: Cut Water To Western States

Biden And The Next Great Idea: Cut Water To Western States

Biden And The Next Great Idea: Cut Water To Western States

While Karine Jean-Pierre claims loudly that Joe Biden is the most shouted-at president by journos and while ol’ Joe snoozes on his way to Ireland, his administration is making plans.

I know. This is not exactly Biden’s idea. To say that this is Biden’s idea would be to say the man actually has some mental capacity. According to this, Biden’s Department of the Interior (DOI) released a draft proposal that highlighted two potential actions it could take to combat the Colorado River Basin’s deteriorating water levels. We know this has been an issue for quite some time:

The proposals consist of supply reductions for states depending on the river system. How is this going to work, exactly?

Failure is not an option. Recognizing the severity of the worsening drought, the Biden-Harris administration is bringing every tool and every resource to bear through the President’s Investing in America agenda to protect the stability and sustainability of the Colorado River System now and into the future.”-Tommy Beaudreau, DOI Deputy Secretary

Failure is not an option, Tommy? You know what ranchers and farmers need? You guessed it. WATER. You know what happens if farmers and ranchers don’t get water, genius? People don’t get FOOD. Joe Biden, however, will still get his Jeni’s ice cream, no doubt. His cows will get fed and watered.

Such a proposal would benefit the agriculture industry in California including the Imperial Irrigation District, a senior water rights holder that uses Colorado River water to supply about 500,000 acres of farmland, The Los Angeles Times reported. The action, though, would disproportionately negatively impact junior water rights holders like an Arizona entity that supplies water to Phoenix.

The DOI’s second proposed action would result in even water supply reductions across the Lower Basin states regardless of seniority. That proposal would lead to less water for farmers in California that supply the U.S. with a large share of the nation’s vegetables and fruits.”-Thomas Catenacci, Fox News


The agriculture industry in California would stand to benefit from this, though. California, the state that alternates between massive droughts and floods will be depending on Colorado River water to supply their 500,000 acres of farmland to the Imperial Irrigation District. Why? Because California has done jack squat about expanding their existing water systems and investing in other means of retaining/conserving water. Instead, California Governor Gavin Newsom pleads for water conservation in the midst of a drought (brought on, of course, by climate change) and virtue-signaling liberal celebrities in California continue to have their groundskeepers water their lush lawns.

In other words, under the Biden Administrations’ awesome plan, California will get their water, one way or another despite the state’s lack of action on building more reservoirs to accommodate their increasing needs. Fresh water running off the Sierra Nevadas after the snow-melt. Pfft! Who needs it? Let it all flow into the ocean! So, in all of this, The BLUE STATE gets taken care of while the RED states get choked-out. It’s not The Golden State’s fault that they simply can’t keep up with all of this.

In the meantime, the Biden did just give the state of California $300 million (out of a total $585 million) for water projects in California. We’re sure Newsom and his Democrats will get right on that.

As we speak, the snow is melting and running off the Sierra Nevadas into the ocean. Trees are blooming, birds are signing, and spring is in the air. There will be another summer and another drought. Western states will be told to conserve water and the levels in Lake Mead and Lake Powell will continue to drop. Lawns will get watered in Southern California and there may even be a lawn sign or two that reads “Water is Life”. And while all of this is happening, old Joe Biden, sucking on his ice cream cone, will be blissfully unaware of the fact that “his” administration’s jacked-up proposals are screwing with every day Americans.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG Darleen Click

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  • GWB says:

    I’m OK with cutting off California from outside sources of water. And of electricity. And gasoline. And automobiles.
    Just sayin’.

    • John in Indy says:

      Three notable points of contact in this are the Colorado River Pumping stations / aquaducts, the American River / Central Valley pumpung station / aquaducts, and the Owens Valley aquaduct.
      Without these resources, the LA Basin / So Cal has less than TWO DAYS of water, and is surrounded by deserts / empty spaces with few resources.

  • Ming Omongo says:

    Well, water oftem looks blue, so we must funnel it to the places where the blue votes are! A no-brainer!

  • Plato v2.0 says:

    Relax you guys. It is not yet time to panic. I hear his next decree will be to cut off the air to the Western states. That way those wild fires won’t be able to breathe. I’m not joking! I’m Jill Biden’s husband I don’t joke.

  • Blackwing1 says:

    Here in Wyoming there’s an old phrase, “Whiskey’s for drinkin’, water’s for fightin’.” That’s true even more so today.

    Montana, Idaho, Washington state, and Oregon all drained their reservoirs to almost bone-dry back in ’88 and ’89 in order to sell KKKalifornia the electrical power they wanted, but couldn’t generate themselves. Today they export their pollution by purchasing fossil-fueled power from out-of-state while pretending to be virtuous by shutting down power plants in their own state.

    Let them attempt to survive for a single year on solar panels and bird-choppers, and on the water that falls on their own state. They’ll be cold, hungry, and dying of thirst while shivering in the dark in no time. And I’m guessing even that wouldn’t change their “minds” about anything.

  • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    Just another aspect of the Master Plan of WEF and Ernst Stavro Blofeld to reduce the world’s population to 500 million. This particular element involves starvation.

  • The Snob says:

    While it’s good fun to mock the Brentwood lawn-waterers, the reality is that farms consume four times as much water in California as cities do. So you could force Ken and Barbie to pave over their lawn but that’s not going to do $&@! all compared to what’s going on in the Central Valley.

    A lot of western agriculture has traditionally been wasteful of water, because irrigating efficiently is more expensive when the water is almost free. That’s what’s heading to its end. Of course that also means what those farms grow—or used to—will be getting more expensive. California needs more reservoirs, but we probably also shouldn’t be growing lettuce in places that get 12” of rain per year.

  • Sabre22 says:

    California has Gotten 36 FEET of SNOW in the Sierra Nevada Mountains this winter. Where the F*** is that going and why isn’t California being penalized for not keeping their water systems up to speed. Their population has been growing (at least until the last few years) with NO additional water storage facilities being built. And prioritizing so-called endangered species over water for agriculture now they want to STEAL water from other states for Newsom. and his cronies. I got news for you California was almost all desert. before white settlement and it will ALWAYS BE A DESERT

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