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In times of economic hardship, you’d think that maybe Obama wouldn’t be looking to have a repeat of his Denver coronation, complete with fireworks and a Greek temple, considering that this time around, we’re the ones paying for it, not the DNC. But what does Obama care about sticking taxpayers with the bill for a lavish coronation ceremony? The guy is practically a 21st century Marie Antoinette. So, extra lavish, extra extravagant, extra expensive coronation inauguration ceremony, here we come.
Soaring costs expected to accompany huge crowds in town for the Jan. 20 inauguration of Barack Obama could stick cash-strapped Washington, D.C., with a record-breaking bill for services.
Security and capacity measures recommended by the District’s congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and others will almost certainly surpass the $15 million the federal government gives to the District each year to defray the cost of events, Norton said.In 2005, with an estimated 300,000 in attendance, the second inauguration of President Bush cost the city more than $17 million, some of which was reimbursed with federal funds. This year, officials estimate nearly five times that many people for the swearing in of President-elect Barack Obama.
Police Chief Cathy Lanier expects to use an additional 4,000 police officers from all over the country in addition to her 4,000-member force, she said earlier this month. The city’s inaugural budget allows for only 3,000 extra uniformed officers.
“There will be an additional amount necessary to handle the unprecedented crowds, and I am now working with my colleagues to deal with that amount,” Norton said, adding “it’s an outrage to have costs incurred for federal events.”
Norton recommended to the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies the opening of private sites off the Mall, such as the Verizon Center and Nationals Park, to accommodate visitors without a ticket to the official events.
“There will not be even standing-room-only space on the Mall,” she said. “We have to throw away the old book on organizing the inauguration.”
Of course we have to throw away the old book! This isn’t some mere President we’re talking about here, it’s the Messiah. He’s special.
Considering we’re in a recession right now, you’d think it would be prudent for Obama to possibly show some subtlety and restraint. But oh no. It’s Obama’s extra-special day, and far be it from us little people to protest. We’ll just be sitting here quietly, eating our cake.
Hat Tip: Moonbattery
The first tiome Obama tells the American people that a little belt-tightening is in order, the RNC nees to run an ad about his inauguration and run it over and over and over again until Election Day 2012.
The first tiome Obama tells the American people that a little belt-tightening is in order, the RNC nees to run an ad about his inauguration and run it over and over and over again until Election Day 2012.
Silly man. Don’t you know that belt-tightening and other marks of fiscal prudence are only for little ordinary people like us?
Think about it. Besides government, can you name for me even one institution in society that consistently spends more than its income, yet never seems to run into trouble as per Abe Lincoln’s old maxim?
A big bill for the inauguration is small potatoes. Wait until you see what this clown has planned for the federal budget.