In Defense of Looting: Exercise in Leftwing Sociopathy

In Defense of Looting: Exercise in Leftwing Sociopathy

In Defense of Looting: Exercise in Leftwing Sociopathy

The latest assault to the rational adult’s intelligence is this NPR tongue-bathing interview with Vicky Osterweil, author of a Newspeak book entitled In Defense of Looting. It might as well be entitled “In Defense of Rape.”

Bold assertion? Just hold in mind this quote: “Ultimately property rights and personal rights are the same thing.” ~~ Calvin Coolidge

Meet Author Osterweil

It’s difficult to find a lot about the author’s background. This is the criminal enabler’s only published book on Amazon, but it seems she’s been around the Woke Scribbler circuit for a bit.

Looting author Osterweil
Pic & Bio via

Oh my goodness! She’s an agitator. Well shut my mouth and look at my surprised face. Who would have guessed someone so self-described and who has written for Al Jazeera doesn’t have a solid grip on morality? She maintains a [now protected] Twitter account “insurrection summer” @Vicky_ACAB. Though, we can get a taste of her criminal mindset and her joy at inspiring others to loot and hurt WrongPeople™ here and here.

NPR malfeasance

Meanwhile, taxpayer-support NPR never challenges any of her fallacies, question-begging or outright gaslighting. Osterweil is from the Ministry of Truth and she really yearns to make you see five fingers.

Q: For people who haven’t read your book, how do you define looting?

VO: When I use the word looting, I mean the mass expropriation of property, mass shoplifting during a moment of upheaval or riot. That’s the thing I’m defending. I’m not defending any situation in which property is stolen by force.

The most basic American principle that recognizes individual sovereignty, agency and inherent rights, is that all interactions between people shall be as voluntary as possible. Mutual consent is the floor of western-liberal morality. Osterweil obliterates that completely and with great malice.

… [Looting] gets people what they need for free immediately, which means that they are capable of living and reproducing their lives without having to rely on jobs or a wage.

It also attacks the very way in which food and things are distributed. It attacks the idea of property, and it attacks the idea that in order for someone to have a roof over their head or have a meal ticket, they have to work for a boss, in order to buy things that people just like them somewhere else in the world had to make under the same conditions. It points to the way in which that’s unjust. And the reason that the world is organized that way, obviously, is for the profit of the people who own the stores and the factories. So you get to the heart of that property relation, and demonstrate that without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free.

Oooo … underpants gnome moment:

1. Get rid of property rights and police
2. ???
3. All the free stuff we want! FOREVAH!!

Come on, bitch. You can’t possibly believe that! Per Silent Cal’s quote above, you cannot have individual rights without secure property rights. You know what you call someone who gets free food, housing and clothing but never actually owns any of it and their rights to their own labor is forfeit?

A slave.

Non-violent looting is like non-violent rape

NPR interviewer Natalie Escobar can’t stop tongue-bathing Osterweil here long enough to even remotely address the elephant in the room. Hey, Vicky, what magic fairy godmother is going to conjure up your free filet mignon, stored in your free Sub-Zero refrigerator in your free beach house? How many WrongPeople™ are you going to have to kill or force into slavery to provide for this free stuff utopia you’re trying to sell?

See, Vicky, you damaged, Marxist malcontent, you are not going to get people to voluntarily work their asses off for you when you’ve already told them they have no right to their own efforts. You’ll have to use force, even if you have to Newspeak it to “GoodForce”.

But looters and rioters don’t attack private homes.

Vicky doesn’t admit it but in addition to that lie, she knows what her sick Marxist ideology inevitably leads to.

Looting is a crime against human beings. Each piece of property stolen represents a chunk of time stolen from each person’s life involved in the supply chain.

… [Looting] provides people with an imaginative sense of freedom and pleasure and helps them imagine a world that could be. And I think that’s a part of it that doesn’t really get talked about—that riots and looting are experienced as sort of joyous and liberatory.

Looting is a physical violation of mutual consent. There’s a reason why people who have their stores looted or their homes burgled talk in terms of it being a physical violation. The joyous and liberatory experience Osterweil promotes is the same thrill that a rapist feels who has slipped a drug into the drink of the victim — the adrenaline rush of stealing something free of any resistance on the part of their victim.

Since Osterweil quite clearly dismisses consent, she could easily write in defense of rape … as long as it was “non-violent” rape, of course. It’s not like Osterweil is alone. I was made aware of this emo-driven Marxist polemic by cowardly Marxist who told me I had to really listen to understand (and before she’d discuss anything with me) …

Oh, honey, I do understand. Marxists don’t give a flying fig about people. The ideology is as primitive as pre-Columbian cannibalism and as Othering as its cousin, Nazism. People like Osterweil provide the fuel and fodder like Kim Jones are there to set torch to it. Whether the conflagration consumes the rich or poor, black or white is of little concern to these fine examples of cluster B personality disorder. They want power or they want to see it burn.


#DefundNPR #CancelOsterweil

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image original artwork by Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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  • Cameron says:

    “[Looting] provides people with an imaginative sense of freedom and pleasure ”

    Just like me throwing commies into wood chippers. Would like to test it out on this thing first.

  • Scott says:

    Kinda looks like it just “identifies” as a woman… Truly delusional, or criminal thought process, if you can call it that. She did forget one other thing that looters can get out of the experience (and should)… One or multiple gunshot wounds…
    Sad, but not surprising that a book like that would sell, given the decades of indoctrination in our public schools… Does anyone still actually not understand that the only way to stop this evil will be eventually be by watering the tree of Liberty???

  • James Thompson says:

    We had a saying in my neighborhood when we heard a girl talk like this: that bitch is crazy!

  • NTSOG says:

    :… the mass expropriation of property, mass shoplifting during a moment of upheaval or riot. That’s the thing I’m defending. I’m not defending any situation in which property is stolen by force.”

    So a mob of rioters is not ‘forceful’? I cannot imagine any sane [unarmed] person standing in resistance to the force of an ‘upheaval or riot’. The mob would quickly apply ‘force’ to any such resistor.

    Then: “… [Looting] gets people what they need for free immediately, which means that they are capable of living and reproducing their lives without having to rely on jobs or a wage.”

    Well silly me. Here I’ve been working all my life when I could have just taken things for free and not worked. I wonder how this woman would like it if I looted all her possessions?

    “… without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free.”

    What is this woman sniffing? She must, as we say in Australia, have a kangaroo loose in her top paddock!

    After all the looting she desires is over, what will be left to steal or do the looters start to steal from each other? Maybe she believes, like AOC, in Magic Money Trees?

    • GWB says:

      So a mob of rioters is not ‘forceful’?
      I could, maybe, if I squint hard enough, see thieving a store with its doors wide open and no one trying to stop you as not being violent. But if you smash a window or snap a door off its hinges or bust its lock, in order to steal stuff – nope, that right there is VIOLENCE.

  • Me thinks that the first time the looters and vandals come for where they live and work those who believe in looting will change their minds and call the cops and complain to the news and in their blogs and social media.

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  • Mark says:

    One of the properties of the free market that is often overlooked is the fact that it is the only system of economic allocation that the obligations between the parties end once their economic exchange ends. When you buy the Big Mac from McDonalds once the exchange is completed both parties walk away better off.

    But this is not true of other systems. If you receive your bread from the King or the Pope or from a Socialist bureaucrat, the price of receiving that bread is complete fealty. All freedom ends. You cannot have freedom of speech or religion or association or even reproductive choice because if you step out of line your access to bread ends.

  • GWB says:

    I’m not defending any situation in which property is stolen by force.
    Since that’s what you just described, I have to say that you’re an idiot and should be placed somewhere your imbecilic burblings can’t disturb the sane people.

  • GWB says:

    the very way in which food and things are distributed
    Here’s where you can see the mal-education at work. You see, she seems to believe that there’s this power who distributes food to everyone, that has somehow been hijacked. No concept of it being produced in a multitude of places by a multitude of people, who use the market (meaning a voluntary coming together of people to transact exchanges) to efficiently move the food to where it is desired.*

    (* This is, again, why I refuse to use the marxist term “capitalism” to describe markets. It assumes that someone is in charge who tells people what to produce/make, and then decides where to “distribute” it. It assumes feudalism. Not only have we never really had feudalism in America [slavery is a different subject, and problematic partly because of exactly that sort of relationship], our Founding Fathers expressly forbade it. But Marx’s explanation of “capitalism” assumes it. He never really considered a true ‘market’. And it’s why marxists make everything about class.)

    have a meal ticket
    And there is a class envy issue right there. A “meal ticket” implies they don’t have to work (truly work – as in blue collar) to have necessities. Marxist propaganda.

    they have to work for a boss
    Well, no, actually, they don’t. But a marxist can’t understand entrepreneurship because they can’t understand anything outside the idea of feudal lords who control the lives of their serfs.

    And the reason that the world is organized that way
    Is because of sin. Yep. It’s The Curse. But you don’t want to believe in sin (except racism and sexism) and its consequences, so you rant about intersectionalism and marxist dogma, and then can’t figure out why the world sucks.*
    (* Hint, it doesn’t nearly as much as you think it does. At least, not in America.)

    their rights to their own labor is forfeit
    Oh, but I bet she would scream and holler if you took her cell phone away and gave it to someone else, and demanded she continue paying for the access.

    But looters and rioters don’t attack private homes.
    Who cares? Somehow if it’s “corporate” it doesn’t belong to anyone real?

    its cousin, Nazism
    Actually, NAZIism IS Marxism. NAZIs and Communists and Marxist-Socialists are all sisters.

  • Great article. I used a quote in my piece, “What is the John Galt Cargo Cult?”

    Vicky Osterweil’s malignant cult of Marxism would shackle all Americans — but Black Americans, especially, because her target is on their backs — to an existence of waiting on a mythically benevolent state to hand out housing and food, where the dignity of individual effort is worth nothing because everything is free.

  • […] Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Apartment, also, Defunding Rioters On Welfare Victory Girls: In Defense Of Looting – Exercise In Left-Wing Sociopathy, also, Mad King Gavin – Shutdowns Forever! Volokh Conspiracy: The Controversy Over Quoting […]

  • Orvan Taurus says:

    I do NOT condone “Steal This Book” will admit the author(s) had the guts to go with that title.

    This is NOT “Loot This Book” and that tells everyone all they really need know of it, doesn’t it?

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