Obama’s Hypocrisy -“Freedom of Religion is Under Threat”

Did President Obama really say that “freedom of religion is under threat”? The same Obama administration that is currently being sued by Catholic organization, Little Sisters of the…

Death Row Prisoners May Be Forced Into the Electric Chair in Virginia

A new bill in Virginia will allow the state to force death row prisoners to be executed in the electric chair, due to shortage of lethal injection…

iPhone Sized Device Can Hack Your Car–And It Doesn’t Change Your Music

From the “When you thought it couldn’t get any worse” department, this little gem…because it’s not enough that the feds know everything you do.  Now they can…

I Guess Sandra Fluke Changed Her Mind….

So it turns out that the woman who wanted the Federal Government to use tax dollars to buy her birth control has enough money to pay for…

Pigeonhole Politics: NAACP’s Barber continues quest to keep minorities in line

Reverend William Barber, director of the North Carolina NAACP, just can’t keep his loathsome thoughts to himself.  After the brouhaha last month when he called Senator Tim…

The Real State of the Union: What it Means to Be a Three Percenter

“The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they…

Gibson Fights Establishment With New Government Series II Guitar Line

Gibson Fights Establishment With New Government Series II Guitar Line

By now, most of us have heard Mr. Obama insist that no corruption exists in the IRS targeting of conservatives leading into the 2012 elections. You can…

Why the “America the Beautiful” Coke Ad Should Not Be Controversial

I was taken aback at all the hatred — mostly from conservatives — toward the “America the Beautiful” Coke commercial that aired during the Superbowl last night….

Coca Cola “America the Beautiful” Ad: We’re Not a Melting Pot Anymore

Coca Cola “America the Beautiful” Ad: We’re Not a Melting Pot Anymore

For many people, the commercials are one of the highlights of the Super Bowl. But for many people, one ad struck the wrong chord. Coca Cola is…

Super Bowl Sunday: Links, Ads, Food, and Bingo

Super Bowl Sunday: Links, Ads, Food, and Bingo

Super Bowl Sunday is finally here. The Super Bowl is the most-watched annual sporting event in the world, and across the country, people are making bets on…

Watch and Laugh: 2014 Super Bowl Ads and Weekend Links

At least 115 million people will watch Super Bowl XLVIII this year. Thirty-second commercial spots during the game are being sold for an average of $4.0 million;…

My “Clash” with the GOP-Amnesty may be the last straw

My “Clash” with the GOP-Amnesty may be the last straw

Every now and again pop culture and politics meet (in my head anyway) and today the GOP is meeting up with The Clash’s song “Should I stay or…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner