Morsi Supporters Promise Terrorist Attacks and Weekend Links!

Morsi Supporters Promise Terrorist Attacks and Weekend Links!

So we saw this week the ouster of Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood buddies in Egypt, led by “democratically elected” terrorist President Mohamed Morsi, after just 2 years in…

State Department LIES about where John Kerry was during Egypt’s Coup. You’re SHOCKED, right?

Well it just goes to show you can’t keep a good liar down, or a completely pitiful liar either for that matter. It seems that the State…

John Adams: “Independence Forever!”

“Independence forever!” is the toast that John Adams, our second president, gave on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Coincidentally and maybe fittingly, that was…

The Tyranny of Vanity…

ATTENTION:  Small Rant Alert…. Being a woman in a first world country; and your political leanings, race, socio-economic status aside, I have to say that for the…

Prescott Granite Mountain Hotshots. Why?

I wrote my editor at this blog and said I couldn’t write about this.  It would hurt too badly and the connections and sorrows were too close…

Texas Mother Makes Kids Hold Coat Hanger Signs at Pro-Abortion Protest

In a jaw-dropping display of grotesque depravity, a woman masquerading as a mother at a pro late-term abortion rally compelled her two young children to hold signs…

Snowden: The US is Spying on the EU

Spiegel is breathlessly reporting that according to Edward Snowden, the US has not just been spying on its own citizens, but they’ve been spying on–gasp!–everyone.  The report…

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Ava Gardner