FIRE Duke discriminates against campus pro-life group

Charlotte Observer You know you’re trashy when…

Jammie Wearing Fool Global warming activist freezes to death

Washington Times Military’s case against SEALs falls apart

The Guardian Humans are too stupid to deal with climate change

Congressional disapproval now at 72%

Obamacare can’t save this sinking ship. After completely ignoring the will of the American people, Democrats get to enjoy a new low: a disapproval rate of 72%….

The Hill Congressional disapproval at late 1994 levels

Green Room A word to the weary

Breitbart Dean: why of course Obamacare is redistribution of wealth!

Melissa Clouthier The key to socialism in the US: destroy the tea parties

Michelle Malkin Anti-semite charged with threatening to kill Cantor

The secret to ending child sexting? PARENTING.

In the face of Obamacare, skyrocketing unemployment and a god-awful economy, you wouldn’t think that adolescent sexting would be a hot topic in the news. Oh, wait…

National Post Gen. McChrystal orders the closure of MWR facilities in Afghanistan to pay for troop level pay increase

MK Freeberg White men fleeing the Democratic Party

Snark and Boobs A solution to the sexting crisis

Hot Air Crist vs. Rubio: its on

Michelle Malkin Terrorist attack in Russian subway

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Ava Gardner