obama: commander-in-chief but accomplisher-of-nothing

on the heels of their jetsetting trip to copenhagen, barack obama and his wife went out this weekend to a trendy restaurant in DC to celebrate their…

iowahawk’s ‘$33.18 steel cage art death match’ contest

it is no secret that my friend iowahawk is a great patron of the arts. stealing the idea from the feds, he recently established the ‘Iowahawk Endowment…

Michael Moore is still a gigantic hypocrite

Michael Moore’s latest movie is an anti-capitalist one. As a “hero” for the working class, Moore of course is against capitalism. Considering he is a millionaire filmmaker,…

The Obamas’ Olympic embarassment

The Obamas’ Olympic embarassment

So the Obamas, Joe Biden, and their Chicago crony pal Valeria Jarrett all traveled to Copenhagen to try to convince the International Olympic Committee to let Chicago…

2016 olympics:  the entire planet rejects obama

2016 olympics: the entire planet rejects obama

apparently the personal charms of The One, the fashion icon yet sacrificial first lady, and oprah herself meant nothing to the ioc. chicago eliminated in the first…

Horrible woman adopts son… and then gives him away

Anita Tedaldi is a cruel, horrible woman. How can one say this? Well, let’s just start at the beginning. In January of 2008, she wrote an article…

France is tougher on Iran than we are?!

You know we’ve crossed the line into truly pussified territory once France is tougher on another country than we are. This is nothing against Nicolas Sarkozy, a…

michelle obama is sacrificing, y’all

while soldiers in afghanistan are being shot at and dying, michelle obama, that greedy, bitter woman, says it is ‘a sacrifice’ for herself and barack obama to…

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Ava Gardner