A great clip, especially considering that Matt Lauer comes across as a whiny little squish. Meanwhile, Ann Coulter takes every single question Matt throws at her, and…
Over at Say Anything, Rob brings up the question of driving for elderly and teens: What I find interesting is how often we talk about problems with…
I was talking about relationships with my buddy John Hawkins of Right Wing News, and the following IM conversation ensued: John Hawkins: Show me a woman who…
Check out the nasty peace thugs protesting in Toronto a few days ago, where we find the lovely sentiment that… Hitler didn’t do a good enough job!…
Apparently, Lindsay Lohan has ended her lesbian relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson, unsurprisingly. I kind of thought in the back of my mind that the whole “relationship”…
The following video spawned a term I’ve yet to be familiar with, but found very, very funny: shame caves. Unemployment Check: Vagislim Shady Jessica from Feministing, of…
Sorry, did I say more? Because I meant less. San Fran Nan, Princess Pioneer Pelosi herself, wants to erase House Fairness rules… presumably because her Congress is…
For the past eight years, liberals have screeched and moaned about how President Bush STOLE THE ELECTIONS!!!11!!!1!!!1!!! This, of course, is a load of crap, as President…
In order to please Teh One, there are certain standards you must meet. Can you rise to the Obamamessiah’s expectations? Take this test and find out (Hat…
Interesting story here. In a federal courtroom in Minneapolis this month, the public transformation of Brandon Darby of Austin will become complete. In four years, he has…
So says a new video released by Hamas, in which Palestinians brag about using women, children, and the elderly as human shields to bring about death and…
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a major RED FLAG. While state attorney general in 1992, Burris aggressively sought the death penalty for Rolando Cruz,…
A WWII pilot, a Marine who’s been MIA all this time, has finally been found. He’s being brought home to his family now. The Department of Defense…
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