campaigning with sarah

campaigning with sarah

sarah palin is in florida this weekend and she good support for sean hannity and elizabeth hasselbeck. i like elizabeth’s comments about sarah’s accessories… like her flag…

team sarah

team sarah

i’ve joined team sarah… have you? janine turner (from tv show, Northern Exposure) is part of team sarah too. listen to her thoughts on sarah palin: i…

yes the blog is back!

dear friends and others, we got alot of emails from you wondering what had happened to the blog over the last day or so. well it was…

Long-distance dating is bad for the environment!

This article had me infuriated: You’re sitting in the airport terminal, rolling your copy of the Economist into a sweaty tube and waiting to see a significant…

New McCain ad, starring Joe Biden

New McCain ad, starring Joe Biden

I hope they show this nationwide: The fact that Joe Biden said these things, and not Sarah Palin or some McCain supporters, makes it all the more…

The stupidest girl in the world: ASHLEY TODD

So, everyone is talking about the alleged attack on Ashley Todd, McCain supporter and campaign volunteer. She claimed that, while at an ATM, she was robbed and…

Journalism is dead, Part II

This article will make you want to cheer. And groan at the same time. This was completely foreseeable and in fact many people did foresee it. One…

Quote of the Day

From Neal Boortz: If Barack Obama was applying for a security clearance as a government employee, these associations would disqualify him. We are, my friends, about to…

Fred Thompson on what an Obama presidency would mean for America

Too long for a TV ad, but it’s still 12 minutes of awesome common-sense goodness. Makes you wish Fred had taken his campaign more seriously, huh? Hat…

Coming home

As some of you may already know, I took a little vacation this week because I was going out of town. I’m getting ready to come home…

Remembering the Beirut barracks bombing

I’m not quite back yet, but I wanted to put up a quick post, because today is a day to be remembered. 25 years ago today, over…


are you pro-life and still an undecided voter? go check this out and be sure to watch the video. sarah chose life.

great photo!

love me some military! look closely. do you see it? you can read the email about this pic here. h/t mm

code pink… unhinged again

‘rove you magnificently apathetic bastard!’ it sounds like a bette davis movie line doesn’t it? the hags from code pink are so dramatic, unhinged really. LOVE karl’s…


how sweet is this? and how true. 13 days. h/t michael ramirez

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner