15 Days: Democrats Dispatch their Aunties

15 Days: Democrats Dispatch their Aunties

15 Days: Democrats Dispatch their Aunties

If polls are to be believed, the demographic still in deep for Koronated Kamala is women. But what drives this? Make way for the Auntie enforcers of Democrat narrative to explain (and shame) one into compliance.

In the Democrat female’s sacred book, The Handmaid’s Tale, the female enforcers, females at the apex of female power, of theocratic Gilead are the Aunts. It is instructive to watch portside females attack conservative, Christian or Jewish women with calls that amount to screams of “heretic!” “unclean!” in an ironic call against theocracy. And there are few Democrat Aunties that have consistently maligned, slandered, and engaged in unwomening non-left females as Auntie Amanda.

In discussions with women who previously voted for Trump and have come to regret it, however, it was clear why it can be so hard — even for those who know better, deep down inside — to walk away. In telling their stories, these women hope to persuade other Republicans that, as hard as it can be to rebel against your family and community, it’s a price worth paying to be able to look at yourself in the mirror the morning of Nov. 6.

Auntie Amanada then trots out her ‘witnesses’ in this secondhand struggle session to testilie what is leading them away from the bosom of family and community to vote for a “candidate” who, fives minutes ago, was universally loathed.

“I was ashamed,” Ursula Schneider of Arizona said of her 2016 vote for Trump. “I was always a strong woman. I always believed in women’s rights, and yet I had lived in this misogynistic culture for all of this time.”

Which “misogynistic” culture is she referring to? The one in which women live longer than men? Obtain more college degrees than men?

“I had an issue with my church.” Schneider was an extremely active volunteer but wanted more of a leadership role. But “because I had a vagina,” she said, church leadership told her that was not possible.

Oh, dear. I’ll take things that never happened for $200, Alex. Because this:

“I was 44 years old when that started. I felt like I’d wasted a lot of my life,” she said, but “I felt free for the first time.”

Speaks to a lot other issues than an alleged instance of one church’s snub of her. But hey, this facile I broke up with Jesus cuz I AM woMAN hEaR me RoAr! is so shallow it is embarrassing to see Auntie Amanda’s attempt to spin a one-note argument into a symphony.

“I thought I was a pro-lifer,” Foster, who was horrified when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, said. “I have never felt like it was my place to tell another person what to do with their body.” (snip)

“I grew up pro-life, but I am very firm in my stance that my views on abortion are my personal views,” Barton-Gauss told me. “Nobody else has any right either to impose our personal religious views on somebody else.” She reiterated that the nation’s founders “never intended for this country to be a theocracy.”

We’ve been here with Auntie Amanda before. Yet actual women’s rights are ignored by Aunties as long as the “right” to kill one’s own children is held sacrosanct.


The erasure of women continues apace while Aunties like Amanda, Lizzo

Kamala, and even dishonorary Auntie Obama pound the table about people voting their genitalia rather than their interests as Americans. Free speech? Lawfare? Property rights? Taxes? War? Inflation? Illegal immigration? Crime? Failing schools?

Naw … Vote Vagina! It is your Leftcult duty! Aunties demand it!

featured image graphic by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    It’s appropriate that a Ho like Lizzo supports a Ho like Harris… Someone needs to explain to BOTH of them that we live in a r=freaking REPUBLIC, not a democracy… But not only are they BOTH too stupid to spell Democracy, they’re far too stupid to understand the difference, or much else related to the founding fathers.. As are all the women cited as examples by Amanda..

    With apologies to the ladies here, based on the idiocy above, I can’t help but echo GWB’s comments on another thread about the 19th Amendment…

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