Beijing Olympics Have Turned Into A PR Disaster

Beijing Olympics Have Turned Into A PR Disaster

It’s safe to say that the Beijing Olympics have not gone the way the IOC, or China, or Russia, or NBC has wanted them to go.

Peng Shuai Recants Through Chinese Olympic Official

Peng Shuai Recants Through Chinese Olympic Official

If anyone believes that Peng Shuai is recanting her claims of sexual assault of her own free will, I have a bridge to Gaza to sell you.

Roundup Time: Woke Power Plays. You WILL Obey

Roundup Time: Woke Power Plays. You WILL Obey

The Left’s constant redefining of what actually constitutes being a Good Woke Apparatchik and Ally to Oppressed Everywhere should clue you in. It isn’t about following the…

South Korea and North Korea: Unified For The Olympics? [VIDEO]

South Korea and North Korea: Unified For The Olympics? [VIDEO]

Well, this is a plot twist in Korean unification talks that is certainly unexpected. South Korean officials have announced that the two Korean nations will be marching…

“We The People” is American Propaganda? IOC Orders US Women’s Hockey Goalie to Repaint Mask

Jessie Vetter, goalie for the United States women’s hockey team, came up with a fun and patriotic idea for her goalie mask.  She and mask artist Ron…

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Ava Gardner