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Jubilant and relieved Republicans gathered outside the White House with President Trump yesterday to congratulate themselves on finally passing an anemic (my thought) tax reform bill. Senator Tim Scott was up front in the footage and asked to speak about his contributions to the reform’s passage.
Huffington Post contributor Andy Ostroy saw a “black” man and his first thought was “prop”.
Senator Scott tweeted:
Ostroy, caught in his racism, tweeted the typical passive-aggressive non-apology and got slapped:
As noted by The State, a South Carolina media outlet:
Scott was at the front of the crowd because that’s where he was as Republicans pushed to write, sell and pass the bill in both chambers of Congress.
Trump acknowledged the efforts and called on Scott to speak.
“He came in and he would solve some problems when we weren’t looking too good a couple of times,” Trump said, looking at Scott. “Thank you, Tim.”
Scott spoke, saying “This is not about Washington. It’s not about the left. It’s not about the right. It’s about single parent moms who are looking for a reason to be hopeful in 2018.”
Let’s watch Senator Tim Scott. It’s short and sweet, I promise:
From Senator Scott’s official biography:
Prior to public service, Tim built a successful small business of his own. He was
first elected to Charleston County Council, to the South Carolina State House, and
the U.S. House of Representatives. In January 2013, Tim was sworn in as a United
States Senator from South Carolina, and was re-elected in January 2017.
He was a successful business owner before he was a politician. He wouldn’t have anything in common with President Donald Trump. No. He wouldn’t speak the same language as President Donald Trump. No. Senator Tim Scott’s only contribution must be that of a “black” “prop”. That is, if you look at the world through a racial lens darkly.
I am not a fan of this bill. It does not go far enough. As long as that tired old saw “the rich must pay more” is allowed to be used and as long as there are no significant government deep spending cuts, this is just a dog and pony show. I give the Republican Congressional and Senate weasels a B- for effort.
Senator Tim Scott is no prop. He is a man of principal and action. Liberals can go sit and spin.
Tim Scott a “black prop”?
That’s no black prop,…..
THESE are a black props! Booker, Patrick
“Unexpected”, eleventh hour, imported.
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