Mitt Romney’s Letter from an Active Duty Service Member

Mitt Romney’s Letter from an Active Duty Service Member

Mitt Romney’s Letter from an Active Duty Service Member

While Barack Obama weakens our military with defense cuts and demonstrates his incompetence with foreign policy by utterly mishandling Arab Spring uprisings, the Romney/Ryan campaign is reaching out more and more to military service personnel and their families on the stump. They recently received this compelling, poignant, and frankly heartbreaking “Open Letter” from “A Guardian of Freedom” — an active duty service member currently serving abroad. Read it. All of it. You most likely will never forget it:

Dear Mr. Romney,

I serve my country and have done so for a decade – the thought of another four years of our current direction saddens me. If you do not win, I and many others may find ourselves unemployed as massive cutbacks begin to take hold. It is frightening to picture our warriors standing hopelessly in unemployment lines; this is a fate they do not deserve. There is a paradigm shift occurring, and it is doing so at an astounding pace. We are becoming a nation that does not honor its protectors. We have begun to take from them and to take them for granted… This is a result of the chasm that has widened over the last few decades… A chasm of indecency and selfishness.

Please allow me to explain. Our policies have begun to shift towards victimization; we laud the individual that has always taken and never given. We empower dependency and encourage its advocate. We force those who have already given so much to give more. How long will our nation sit by as its heritage of strength and fortitude is laid to waste? I am saddened as I ponder all those who have made the greatest of all sacrifices… Have their souls been laid to rest in vain?

I am hopeful that someday I can call a man such as yourself my Commander in Chief. But, for now I serve in the Middle East. I and many like me stand watch over our nation. We wear her flag and protect her honor. We are her keepers. We sit silently as crowds gather on Wall Street to profane her name and exercise their right to free speech. We have always protected even those that do not appreciate the awesome price of their freedom.

This may never make it to Mr. Romney… But know this sir; the service members that have sacrificed so much these past 11 years are tired. We cannot afford to sacrifice more; we cannot stand in unemployment lines as policies destroy what we’ve shed blood to build. Many in the Armed Forces are pulling for you… We need you to win; we need you to pull our country from the brink. Please work hard for those that have always given for our nation. Our brothers’ bodies have left their imprints on the battlefield, their blood has stained the soil of foreign nations, and tears wet the cheeks of those they leave behind. The price is great, it demands the blood of the brave and bold, and it calls for the lives of those filled with courage. Yes… It is a terrible price, but our flag must always fly. Our nation is a lighthouse for all who seek freedom; it guides them as they navigate the rocky shoals of liberty. I implore you sir – remember the sacrifice, remember the price and win.


A Guardian of Freedom

Our fighting men and women deserve better. We need to do better for them. God bless all of our service men and women, protect them while they protect the American people and others around the world who pray in the darkness to see the American military come to their rescue.

From Mitt Romney Central: Photo from the website – “Birdies for the Brave”

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