Hey, now we can’t have Christmas lights because they’re OFFENSIVE!

Hey, now we can’t have Christmas lights because they’re OFFENSIVE!

Three guesses as to where this story is from, but you should only need one:

A MOTHER was told to remove her Christmas lights – in case they offended non-Christian neighbours.

Dorothy Glenn decorates her home with illuminations every year, including a giant tree and a 4ft Santa.

But this year she was stunned when a housing association worker called at her house and told her that the decorations she was displaying might be offending her neighbours.

The mother of three said at her home in South Shields, Tyneside: “I put the lights up in the first week of November and then recently a uniformed housing worker was outside and it looked like he was counting my decorations.

“When I went outside he said that the lights were ‘offensive to the community.’

“If I was offending anyone I could understand why he was telling me, but nobody has complained.

“My neighbours are Bengali and Chinese and I know that they love the lights. The children will always point them out when they walk past.”

Mrs Glenn, 41, has lived at the property for four years with son Owen, 19, and daughters Samira, 21, and Chelsea, 15.

She said she valued her close relationship with neighbours and enjoyed living in a community with people from different backgrounds.

She said: “I told him that I am far from a racist and that I wouldn’t be taking the lights down.

“I’m shocked, annoyed and upset. At the end of the day, it’s the festive season and they’re staying.”

Yup, this took place in merry ‘ole England, where PC multiculturalism rules. Thankfully, this woman has more backbone than most of Britain does, and apparently facing public disapproval, the bureaucrats backed off.

Last night the housing association apologised to Mrs Glenn. It insisted that removing Christmas lights was not part of their policy.

A spokesman for South Tyneside Council said: “We would like to make it clear that South Tyneside Homes is happy for residents to put up Christmas lights to decorate their homes.

“The lights bring a bit of festive cheer to everybody and we are delighted to see examples of tenants and leaseholders across the borough taking so much pride in the appearance of their homes.”

Interesting that this concept of “people decorating their own homes however they wish” only came to them after she refused to back down. Of course, the fact that the majority of the British are Christian (and therefore celebrate Christmas) will never matter to the PC police. It’s all about showing preference to the minority. If Christianity gets trampled in the process, so be it, right?

Just for fun though, let’s just imagine for a quick second what would happen if one of these bureaucrats that loves to try to squash any public displaus of Christianity moved to, say, Saudi Arabia. Let’s say they moved to Saudi Arabia and made a big, public outrage about how they, as a minority Christian, were offended by all of the public displays of Muslim faith there. I wonder if they’d even get out alive.

Hat Tip: My colleague William Teach at Stop the ACLU

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  • Thomas Jackson says:

    Immigrants who go to a Christian nation, knowing its culture and traditions claim to offended by Christmas decorations? Why did they leave their heavens of bliss if they wished to recreate them in the UK? God save us from these PC types.

    Its time that Chritians remembered what Jesus did to the money lenders in the temple.

  • Could we have the name of that “housing asociation worker,” please? And perhaps his religion, his ethnicity, how long he’s been a resident of Great Britain, and which mosque he attends?

  • Big Al says:

    What is so troubling nowadays is that there is somehow the concept that “we” aren’t offended by having to comply with removing “ours” so as not to offend others. That now isn’t just with Christian symbology, but with thing like flags or dress. Political Correctness can and is often offencive in its own self.

  • tom says:

    Good for her. Why did she feel the need to say she was not racist. Is it racist to put up Christmas decoration? And perhaps those who are offended by Christmas celebration should be required to explain what offends them before they leave.

  • Big Al says:

    Good point tom, just what about this is offencive to anyone? Isn’t the heritage and religion of everybody supposed to be cherished and honored equally in a free and open society? Asking me to remove it might offend my religion, doesn’t that carry just as much weight? What ever happened to tolerance? That WAS the initial outcry, that people show tolerance of othersdifferences. Tolerance and acceptance should be a two way street shouldn’t it?

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