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best sign at the 9/12 dc rally:
sign from the 9/12 dc rally
gee. i wasn’t a ‘racist’ until media told me i was one. oh and just a final thought on the rally: deprive people of their liberty and they will be back in even greater numbers.
here’s my 2nd favorite sign:
doesn’t exactly look astroturfed now does it?
Well, Kate, you might not be a racist. I doubt you’re a racist.
And, you might not believe that President Obama was really born in Kenya. I doubt you believe that.
And, you might not believe that he is secretly setting up concentration camps for political opponents. I don’t think you believe that either.
And, you might not think Obama hates white people (including, apparently his own mother and grandparents). I doubt you believe that.
And you might not think that there will be “death panels” that will deny treatments to elderly people when health care reform is passed. I don’t think you believe that.
A lot of the people at the tea-bagging extravaganza DO believe those things.
Take it for what it’s worth…
You relish this sign??? Why don’t you grow up! The blatant racism on the right makes me nauseous. The way you righties spew filth and proudly show your faces like you did something good is so disturbing. Shame!
Yeah well dade, it works both ways.
Liberals are never to late too make race an issue for whatever reason. Without race you guys wouldnt have a platform half the time. You use minorities like tools to bring about your agendas.
You guys see a black man and you see opportunity to find some way to make him a victim so you can use him for the next election, thats all.
You guys have been abusing minorities for decades now by giving them just enough entitlements to vote for you but in the last 50 years really not done enough to help them progress at all
Micky, read my post again. I didn’t say Kate was a racist. In fact I said that I very much doubt that she is a racist.
But no one can deny that there were a lot of racists at the teabagging gig.
I wonder how many of them are armed. 🙂
Is it true that the Teabaggers want a country that has no latinos or black people in it? That perfect white Hitler-esque utopia of only white people. A place where the sky is Red, White and Blue, groups of people spontaneously break out patriotic songs, guns on every shoulder, John Wayne is the sheriff with Sarah Palin as the President? Your racism is showing.
hey dade
no i am not a racist. i’m not a birther. i don’t believe black suv’s are coming for my family in the middle of the night to take us away. i don’t think obama hates white people though, from reading his books, he suffers from some racial identity issues. i don’t think there are death panels per se in HR3200 but thinking like this is why good, smart people give credence to the death panel idea.
there probably were a few birthers et al in the crowd on saturday but by far, the majority of people were just like me. and i would venture to say, many independents and democrats too.
million moron march
Kate in looking at some of the pictures from this rally, I note several things:
1) Not a lot of eye candy among the Teabaggers
2) I definately see Fat America in those photos
3) A lot of bad spellers
Those who know Socialism know Obama. From Cuba:
Thanks Roxie, right on cue. I knew one of you geniuses would come through for me. You’ve proven Kate’s point perfectly. If you disagree with Obama, you MUST be a racist.
This country is in for some seriously hard times at the hands of the democrats. It’s only just begun.
As far as the “death panels”, they must have existed because they have been dropped from the bill:
The Teabaggers are a bunch of nasty, ignorant, hateful, knuckle-dragging, mentally ill pieces of sh*t. Just look at them all in the pictures: fat, ugly, stupid hicks. Look at the signs they took: racist, illiterate, stupid. There was NO FRICKEN DEATH PANELS! You rightwingers used that LIE to turn the very people who need coverage against the bill, senior citizens. If there were death panels, I know a bunch of stupid people who need to use them.
Ahh yes, Sam, you too have proven the point of the post, yet you are too ignorant to see it. If there were no death panels, why did they remove that provision from the bill to get more support?
I’m sorry to burst your liberal encased bubble in which your land of unicorns and lollipops resides, but here in the real world these things really did happen.
“If there were death panels, I know a bunch of stupid people who need to use them.”
Oh Sam, suicide is not the answer!!!
Oh come on guys, don’t take it all so seriously. Laugh at it. In watching the coverage on Saturday and then on the internet, it was all so hysterical. It was like the aliens from planet Bizarro invading all over again. D.C. hasn’t ever seen anything quite like it!
The only thing I noticed (as a teacher), was that it’s very clear that some of the noble teabaggers should have (and probably were) held back in school because obviously a substantial portion of them flunked English, Math, Geography, and History.
Too funny, the people at the march I came into contact with were doctors, lawyers, farmers, democrats, republicans, and independents. There were unemployed people and business owners. Most had taken a few days off work simply to make a stand for big government. It was a respectful well organized crowd. I must have missed the crack addicts and welfare people. Oh wait I think they were home waiting for their government check or at the local acorn office filling out paperwork.
Running scared, you should be 2010 is right around the corner. I love it.
Is this what the “heartland” looks like? Most of them are just so fat! They need to go vegan.
Dade, where did I say that you said Kate was a racist ?
How did you come tothat ?
I was simply stating that as much as you’d like to project that theres some larger than known band of racism going on at these rallies its a fact that if racism exists anywhere its whithin your own ranks.
You guys may seem to have bleeding hearts for anyone thats not white as the driven snow but its plainly evident to anyone whos more than a one dimesional thinker that you guys use minorities and race to promote your agendas.
Yeah Paul, I guess its no better than the liberal peace protests where you guys beat the s*t out of anyone who disagrees with you
At least its there fat that they earned and worked for
Their fat is there because they’re fat
Yup Rope
They’re all acting like a bunch of weasels who know they’re times is sooner than later.
Man that was quck actually.
I remember 6 moths ago thinking we had to put up with this guy for 8 years. Now I’m beggining to wonder if he’ll make it another year
They’re fat, ugly, stupid, knuckle-draggers. What grade are you people in 3rd? You still can’t discuss issues, but have no problem with childish name calling. And we wonder why this country is in such trouble.
I just cant get my “theirs” right today, I think I’m giddy with the prospect of the next election
Giddy? Well, there’s a very sinister undercurrent happening right now in this country generated by rightwingers like you people and these fat Teabaggers.
‘Not a lot of eye candy among the Teabaggers’
jared really? well at least we use deodorant, shave our legs and pits, and have all our teef.
jane sinister? well, the threat of socialistic policies are pretty sinister.
The election of President Barack Obama sent revulsion through racist white America. All of the attacks in the last 9 months that he has had to endure are based on entrenched racism and the assumption of Jim Crow-ism and black inferiority perpetrated by the likes that showed up in D.C. this past weekend.
His very existence as President of the United States proves them wrong everyday. Even if Barack gets nothing else done, no healthcare reform or public option, his presence alone in the oval office is change we can believe in and we are all better for it.
Geesh, who the hell cares what color he is. Afterall he is half white. Pundit were you in Washington this week or are you like the others in here just going by the few pictures posted on the internet?
Running scared, I love it.
But no one can deny that there were a lot of racists at the teabagging gig.
Dade – so I take it you met and spent time with all 1.5 million+ attendees at the tea party. You got to know their philosophies, what they believe in and don’t, etc…
Cuz that is one helluva blanket statement that any thinking person can deny, unless like I said you met with every single protester.
“TEEF” ?
My chuckle for the day, thank you Kate.
Jared another thing to note about this weekend’s parade in D.C. is how happy they are to show their racist, little dirtbag faces, mugging and thugging for the camera. I can’t believe how much pride they show in their ignorance and hatred.
“Geesh, who the hell cares what color he is.”
It’s all they have Rope. They cannot intelligently argue any points about his policies, so they just immediately brand you as a racist for questioning him. Truly sad.
This is f ing hillarious !!
All these guys think race makes their argument and somehow defines us.
Good ! Keep it up, theres nothing better than an opponent who cant aim and creates a backlash you’re going to regret.
Keep it up, keep it up.
well after reading all the comments from our resident lefties, on balance, that 9/12 sign used in the post was right on target! LOVE it.
“I can’t believe how much pride they show in their ignorance and hatred.”
Much like you, Pennie.
who needs to write a blog any more? my work here is done. 🙂
Isn’t it amazing Kate? They’re so easy to bait!!! They’re so clueless that they helped prove your point. Absolutely stunning.
I cannot believe that people can be so gullible and ignorant.
Hello peoples. I have been all over the internet this weekend on right and left blogs looking for information about this so-called march in Washington. I really have to say that the vast majority of the right wing in this country are really ugly, dumb-looking people who look like they’d smell like old pee. There are many, many photos circulating and I have seen a lot of them. I’ve yet to see an intelligent-looking person holding one of those signs, just slackjawed, dimwitted-looking sacks of lukewarm flabby flesh, using up the earth’s oxygen and nutrients.
Well I appear late to the party here but I think this whole march on Washington and Tea Party movement is more about the fact that a progressive president was elected with a pretty decent mandate. Those of you on the right are royally pissed because your side lost and to a black progressive. Now you’re having a meltdown because of it. Hey welcome to our world!! We suffered for 8 years under your beloved chimp, Monkey-boy Bushie. Thing is, we didn’t like him for substantive reasons. You, on the other hand, are just sore-losing racists. Hey, enjoy the evening!
And they keep coming.
“as elected with a pretty decent mandate.”
Please, Fiddle, tell us all what that mandate is. We would love to hear this.
“Those of you on the right are royally pissed because your side lost and to a black progressive.”
More facts, less ignorance, Fiddle.
“We suffered for 8 years under your beloved chimp, Monkey-boy Bushie.”
Very mature. Please, keep adding to our evidence, we really appreciate it!!
“We lost to a black progressive”
Sorry bub, the whole country is losing to this guy and its your ilk who voted for him that are suffering the meltdown because it seems you all know deep down you were hustled.
When I have no healthare, no money, my 30 year old kids are still living with me, our constitution has China in it and the Islamic radicals are dropping us like flies Obamas color will be the last thing on my mind
Yeah but Rope, ya notice they only come once and cant for the life ofem drive a point ?
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
The President’s black? Really? I hadn’t noticed.
Dade, You’re arguments – whatever they are, whatever your position – will not be taken seriously when you consistently refer to the Tea Party goers as “Tea Baggers”.
Just thought you’d like to know how small it makes you look.
A Reluctant Pundit said, “The election of President Barack Obama sent revulsion through racist white America.” That may be true. Wherever “racist America” is/was, I’m sure they were ‘revulted’.
“All of the attacks in the last 9 months that he has had to endure are based on entrenched racism and the assumption of Jim Crow-ism and black inferiority perpetrated by the likes that showed up in D.C. this past weekend.” WHY do you think that ALL of the “attacks” in the last 9 months are due to “racism?” ALL of them? EVERY ONE of the disagreements, oppositions, etc. … EVERY DAMN ONE – is due to racism?? Ya, right.
“His very existence as President of the United States proves them wrong everyday. Even if Barack gets nothing else done, no healthcare reform or public option, his presence alone in the oval office is change we can believe in and we are all better for it.” If this President gets NOTHING ELSE DONE it will only prove that he’s an INEFFECTIVE “leader” and a complete FAILURE.
Ben_G said, “Hello peoples. I have been all over the internet this weekend on right and left blogs looking for information about this so-called march in Washington. I really have to say that the vast majority of the right wing in this country are really ugly, dumb-looking people who look like they’d smell like old pee. There are many, many photos circulating and I have seen a lot of them. I’ve yet to see an intelligent-looking person holding one of those signs, just slackjawed, dimwitted-looking sacks of lukewarm flabby flesh, using up the earth’s oxygen and nutrients.”
Uh, Ben?… is there a policy you’re advocating in here? I mean, it seems that all your rant does is insult fellow Americans and show your OWN short-sighted & judgmental prejudices. And, I mean, c’mon… calling it a “so called” march on Washington? How was this event NOT a march on Washington?
Golly gee. I am amazed.
Hey, Fiddle_de_Dee – you wrote (chicken-scratched out??) the following, “Well I appear late to the party here but I think this whole march on Washington and Tea Party movement is more about the fact that a progressive president was elected with a pretty decent mandate. Those of you on the right are royally pissed because your side lost and to a black progressive. Now you’re having a meltdown because of it. Hey welcome to our world!! We suffered for 8 years under your beloved chimp, Monkey-boy Bushie. Thing is, we didn’t like him for substantive reasons. You, on the other hand, are just sore-losing racists. Hey, enjoy the evening!”
Please note: Your post isn’t even worth responding too. So I won’t.
heh paula! good one.
hey fiddle faddle or whoever… um, so you said:
‘We suffered for 8 years under your beloved chimp, Monkey-boy Bushie. Thing is, we didn’t like him for substantive reasons. You, on the other hand, are just sore-losing racists’
please tell me how you suffered?
and calling the president of the united states ‘monkey-boy bushie’ is that LESS offensive then say…calling the president a LIAR?
no fiddle, we aren’t sore losers or racists. in fact, we probably haven’t been so clear headed, energized and motivated for all the right reasons in years and years.
and guess what faddle? we can thank our progressive president for that.
You said it, Kate.
Washington is going to eat itself.. Its just a matter of time. I am so sick of the one sided government it is ridiculous! I think we seriously are going to depress as a nation, and then once that happens, the FAT government will be no more and we will start all over.. just like they did in 1926. Im tired of racisim being in the news. It has nothing to do with it. If people would just stop and actually listen they may hear the BS that they ( government ) are trying to push. But no… All they (libs) hear is blah blah blah blah and from that they somehow get racisim. I think Joe Wilson was right in standing up for what he believes in. Is that different from being a hippie? Dont Hippies stand up for what they belive in whether it is. Arent we all hippies? We each stand up for what we, as an individual, believe in.
“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. ”
Martin Luther King
“Washington is going to eat itself?” Leeann you are sooooooo dramatic. For the record I was never a hippy.
It is eating itself.
Elections are coming up and so the infigting starts with your ranks as guys like Reid and so are starting to take aim at other dems to save their own skin, you cant pass a bill to save your pathetic lives and yet you have the majority, you congress, the 111th has been rated the worst ever, substantial majority of dems dont even want the PO, you know you’re all going to lose your hides in 2012 and so you’re starting to blame each other as id what should be done.
You’re alienating more than half the country regardless of what we say and continue down this path.
Yup, chow down, you guys are history
“For the record I was never a hippy.”
Yes Pennie, we know. The minute LeeAnn said that hippies stood up for what they believed in, we immediately ruled you out.
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