Apparently, some parents would. This story is just too bizarre (emphasis mine):
JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell and Adolf Hitler Campbell.
Good names for a trio of toddlers? Heath and Deborah Campbell think so. The Holland Township couple has picked those names and the oldest child, Adolf Hitler Campbell, turns 3 today.
This has given rise to a problem, because the ShopRite supermarket in Greenwich Township has refused to make a cake for young Adolf’s birthday.
“We believe the request … to inscribe a birthday wish to Adolf Hitler is inappropriate,” said Karen Meleta, a ShopRite spokeswoman.
The Campbells turned down the market’s offer to make a cake with enough room for them to write their own inscription and can’t understand what all of the fuss is about.
“ShopRite can’t even make a cake for a 3-year-old,” said Deborah Campbell, 25, who is Heath’s wife of three years and the mother of the children. “That’s sad.”
Others, such as Anti-Defamation League director Barry Morrison, applauded Shop Rite’s decision.
“Might as well put a sign around their (the children’s) neck that says bigot, racist, hatemonger,” said Morrison. “What’s the difference?”
I don’t really know about the whole cake situation. The kid’s getting a cake from Wal-Mart instead, so is it really that big a deal? But hey, I guess the parents had to get their moment in the spotlight or something.
The really important thing here is the INSANE parents who would name their kids this way! Aryan Nation? Honszlynn Hinler? And Adolf Hitler?! What were they thinking?? These parents are complaining about the ShopRite decision, but what do you expect when you name your kid Adolf Hitler? What do they think is going to happen when the kid is in middle school, for Christ’s sake? This will not be the last time their son is given grief because of his name, and I don’t see how they didn’t realize that when they named him.
Call me crazy, but I just can’t help but think these parents are incredibly selfish to give their children such horrible names. I mean, it’s one thing to name your kid a name they maybe just don’t like, but it’s quite another to name them after an evil, racist, crazy, homicidal maniac dictator! Did they really never stop and think about how that name would affect their child? It just seems selfish to me.
Let’s give these two the Parent of the Year award for that one!
Hat Tip: Say Anything
Bizarre. I wonder if in 40 years all those parents who are naming their kids “Barack” will regret it. Or if the kids will just go by “Barry” like he did? Because I have very little doubt (actually I have no doubt) that his rampant corruption will eventually show itself to the world — unless the media continues to turn a blind eye, that is.
There is nothing wrong with the name Adolf in and of itself. If the parents had left it at that, then ok. But, your daughter’s “middle name” is Aryan Nation?!? Holy crap…the picture I saw of the dad didn’t strike me as being overly white supremacist. It did strike me as being incredibly white trash though. The parents probably have a total IQ of 5 between them. The only hope for those kids is that they either 1) go by a nickname or 2) are home schooled. Option 2 is horrible because I’m sure their education would essentially be non-existant. Option 1 would be better, but what is a nickname for Adolf? “Hi, I’m Addie?” Or “Hi, I’m Joe?”
Could be worse… the could have named the young boy “sue”…
My neighbors dog was nicknamed hitler and everyone thought it was “cute”.
Tracy Karol
That’s a pretty reprehensible thing to say. I don’t know who you are [and frankly don’t care] but never compare a President of the US with Hitler. When Daily Kos did it to Bush they were dead wrong. When you do it is also wrong.
Names are legacies and passing down a legacy such as Hitler’s to your children is saying to them and the rest of the world that you stand behind Hitler’s evil legacy; so no, absolutely not.
My wife grew up near a family named Hittler. (Notice the two Ts.) I wondered why they didn’t change the name, but the logic is, I guess, they’re proud of their own family, and to hell with Schicklegruber.
No, wouldn’t named my kid Adolf Hitler.
These people gave their 3 kids Nazi based names, yet they don’t approve of action by the Nazis?
What’s the matter? How about Otto Skorzeny Campbell? Or Eva Braum Campbell? Didn’t Charles Manson Campbell make the cut? He only has a swastika carved into his forehead!!! Theodore Bundy Campbell?
Sorry, Mr. and Mrs Campbell. I judge people on their actions, not their words. You say you don’t support Hitler and his ethnic cleansing, but the action of naming your children shows otherwise.
how they dare to claim they are not racists? the Campbells are just a couple of fanats who turned their kids into toys to play their ugly, stupid game of maintaining one’s idea. if they want to support Hitler and fascism, they can do it, but they should not involve kids into their beliefs.