Whoopsie, Obama forgot to do his fact-checking again!

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Whoopsie, Obama forgot to do his fact-checking again!

Whoopsie, Obama forgot to do his fact-checking again!

Have you seen Obama’s newest ad yet? If you haven’t, take a quick look:

Obviously, it makes it look like McCain is rolling in money from oil companies. Except, well, corporations can’t make donations to federal candidates. And then there’s that small fact that Obama’s received more donations from employees of oil and gas companies than McCain has:

Much has been made of Barack Obama’s TV ad this week that accuses John McCain of being “in the pocket” of the oil industry, and yesterday the Democratic Party launched a website pairing McCain and Exxon Mobil as running-mates. While McCain has raised considerably more money from this unpopular industry, CRP was surprised to notice that it’s actually Obama who has received more from the pockets of employees at several of Big Oil’s biggest and most recognizable companies. Tallying contributions by employees in the industry and their families, we found that Exxon, Chevron and BP have all contributed more money to Obama than to McCain.

Through June, Exxon employees have given Obama $42,100 to McCain’s $35,166. Chevron favors Obama $35,157 to $28,500, and Obama edges out McCain with BP $16,046 vs. $11,500. McCain leads the money race with nearly every other top giver in the oil and gas industry.

First, why on Earth would employees of an oil company donate money to Obama? They’re donating themselves out of a job! Second, this schtick is old and tired. I wouldn’t care one little bit about the fact that employees of oil companies like Exxon and Mobil are donating to Obama except for the fact that he’s demonizing McCain for it — not only demonizing McCain, but being a hypocrite about it as well. But if he wants to make this an issue, well, then, fine.

Why is it that candidates are looked down upon for having received donations from employees of “Big Oil”? Are those Americans not allowed to donate to their candidate of choice because of who their employer is? Maybe they should just be barred from participating in the political system altogether because if they participate in any way it means that their candidate is in the pocket of Big Oil! So, you know, best to just keep them out of the process all around. They must be EEEEEVIL if they work for Big Oil!

It’s the biggest crock of you-know-what I’ve ever heard.

And is it possible for Obama to tell the truth in his campaign ads? Could he maybe do some fact-checking first? Of course, he is the Obamamessiah, and therefore above such petty things. The mainstream media surely isn’t going to hold him accountable.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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  • Shannon in AZ says:

    $42k! Wow!

    What is that, about $1 per employee or thereabouts?

    What triviality.

  • First, why on Earth would employees of an oil company donate money to Obama? They’re donating themselves out of a job!

    *sniff* *sniff* Smells like unions.

    It’s one of the worst travesties in this country. Our ideals of journalistic integrity are such that if a bunch of union officials at, say for example, Sacramento Sheriff’s department decide to support Obama, newspapers and wire services are thought to be standing on safe ground when they say “Sheriff’s deputies support Obama.” They don’t have to distinguish between the employees, and the goons that pretend to represent them.

  • Steve Taylor says:

    Facts mean nothing to a liberal in a debate, didn’t you know that?

  • rignerd says:

    Hey MKF, I agree.
    I also think the headline is a little misleading. I don’t care that they work for an oil company, they are private citizens.
    The headline makes it sound like Obama is a hypocrite because some people who have jobs in a regulated industry are contributing to him.
    If the oil company itself were donating the money then I would think that they were trying to drive the price up.
    Since it is individuals then the chances of a union funneling money through them becomes a real possibility.

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