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Every day that goes by that gives citizens a chance to examine Obama’s government run health care plan is another day that makes the chances of it passing less likely. The more we know about it, the less we like it. Right? Especially when we uncover statements Obama has made over the past few years saying that his plan would be the easiest way to transition to a universal health care plan, with other Democrats like Barney Frank echoing that same plan.
Remember this video that I posted yesterday?
The White House doesn’t like it very much. In fact, they dislike it so much that they’ve made their own video, with a poor rebuttal of “the facts”. They rolled out former ABC News Correspondent Linda Douglass to make their point.
Translation: Don’t think for yourself. Just listen to what we tell you, because it is the truth. Ignore anything Obama said within the past five years; it’s irrelevant and those bloggers lied about it anyways. We know what is best. Trust us. Obama would never lie to you, regardless of what you may think you heard him say.
Notice she doesn’t actually rebut Obama’s statements about universal health care. She just uses clips from the past two weeks of Obama saying that everything will be hunky-dory and he won’t touch your private insurance. While she claims that his past statements about wanting to achieve universal health care are “misstatements” and “taken out of context” and “cobbled together” manipulations, she makes no effort whatsoever to clarify them or to show that he doesn’t still hold those same views. There was no effort whatsoever to address statements from the video like this one:
My commendment is to make sure we’ve got universal health care for all Americans by the end of my first term as President.
Or statements like this one:
I would hope that we could set up a system, uh, that allows those who can’t go through their employer to access a federal system or a state pool of some sort.
Or like this one:
But I don’t think we’re going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There’s going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out, or 15 years out, or 20 years out.
Or like this one:
I happen to be a proponent of single payer and universal health care… a single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. That’s what I’d like to see.
She also didn’t mention this statement by Democrat Barney Frank:
I think if we get a good public option, it could lead to single payer. That’s the best way to reach single payer.
Or this statement by Democrat Jan Schakowsky:
And next to me was a guy from the insurance company who then argued against the public health care insurance option, saying “It wouldn’t let private insurance compete”, that a public option would put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to single payer. He was right! The man was right.
She doesn’t address any of those statements. She only offers new assurances from Obama saying that he has no plans of taking away your private health insurance, and scolds bloggers for spreading “disinformation”.
But it’s “disinformation” from the President’s own mouth. She completely ignores that in a feeble attempt to cloud the truth and obfuscate the facts. She doesn’t want Americans to have a clue about where Obama’s government run health care plan could lead. Unfortunately, her pathetic little video failed miserably, because anyone who compares the two and has a brain thats thinks for itself could see that Obama has, indeed, advocated for a single payer health care plan. Just because he’s keeping those plans all hush-hush now doesn’t mean that it’s not still in the back of his mind.
Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin
Just as long as we all understand that ABC operatives are
to be considered the de facto White House Press Agency to
“report the news” that has little affordability to Plausible Deniability if it came from the Press Secretary Designate
in the “official” briefings to seasoned media professionals.
“Bloggers are BAD!”said the flack narrator, in the “PSA”!
The fact that they felt the need to produce such a video is actually a good sign in a way.. it shows that they’re scared. They realize that enough people are waking up to what’s really going on and feel they have to fire up the damage control.
That it’s basically a perfect example of a propaganda wing starting up that’s more official then the willingly helpful MSM is pretty scary though.