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Liberals are hopping mad with manufactured outrage over Joe Wilson’s outburst during the president’s speech on health care to Congress and the nation. Wilson interrupted Obama, yelling “YOU LIE!” causing gasps of outrage from Democrats, looks of shock from Biden and Pelosi, and a seething glare from Obama. While I applaud Wilson for calling Obama out on one of his lies, Wilson quickly apologized. It’s not good enough for liberals, though, who are still furious over the lack of respect towards the office of the president, or something.
Consider this (lengthy!) exchange on Twitter between me and some libtard.
Cassy Fiano: Love how Joe Wilson and Liar are trending topics. I think Wilson is awesome for what he did; the GOP neded to get their balls back. #tcot
Libtard: @cassyfiano Excuse me, but Bush /did/ lie and you didn’t hear the left shouting at him during any of his Addresses to congress, did you?
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t Um, yeah, actually, they did. They also burned him in effigy during protests and called him a Nazi; I don’t quite think this compares.
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t But it’s OK, I know how easily you liberals’ sensibilities get offended, no matter how hypocritical it may be
Libtard: @cassyfiano People are also calling obama a Nazi, and have burned Obama in effigy.
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t You’re just lying now. And yes, when Bush addressed Congress in 2005, Democrats were much more disruptive and rude.
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t It’s interesting that you don’t actually rebut the fact that OBAMA LIED, you just get angry that it got pointed out. So typical.
Libtard: @cassyfiano I can’t recall any Bush address where any member of congress stood up and called him a liar, have proof?
Libtard: @cassyfiano As for the the 2005 address, I don’t recall it. Do you have video? At what point did Obama lie? Have you read the bill?
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t Wow, that was so easy to find! Perhaps you have selective memory?
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t And I notice you still haven’t actually rebutted Wilson’s point that Obama was lying! It’s so typical of you liberals.
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t The outrage over the Wilson outburst is so typical of liberals. They manufacture outrage so they can obfuscate the truth.
Libtard: @cassyfiano That video shows booing, who called him a liar? And read the bill and you will find that Obama wasn’t lying.
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t So you have not only selective memory, but also selective hearing. And you’ve also yet to address the main point: OBAMA LIED.
Libtard: @cassyfiano No, Obama didn’t lie. H.R. 3200 DOES NOT have provisions to cover immigrants living in our country illegally. Read the bill!
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t Uh, yeah it does. The (nonpartisan) Congressional Research Service found that HR3200 requires illegal immigrants to be covered.
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t Sorry, you lose. EPIC FAIL.…
Cassy Fiano: @kj5t Nope, you lost, it’s over, I’m done. You are an EPIC FAIL on this one, so just accept that and move on with your loss.
WHEW! I am now adopting a blanket policy of never, ever arguing with libtards on Twitter again. It’s pointless.
However, my little debate above is pretty much a perfect way to sum up every ounce of liberal outrage over the Joe Wilson outburst. As stated above, whenever liberals get outraged about something, it’s usually 1.) fake, and 2.) designed to cloud the truth of the issue. And this issue is no different. Consider, for example, that most liberals aren’t actually addressing the issue of illegal immigrants getting taxpayer subsidized health care coverage. As mentioned above, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service found that the bill would, indeed, cover illegal immigrants, however inconvenient it may be for liberals to admit. While liberals like the idiot I argued with above like to say the bill only covers legal non-citizens, and not illegal aliens, the CRS found that to be untrue.
Under H.R. 3200, all legal permanent residents (LPRs),23 nonimmigrants, and unauthorized aliens who meet the substantial presence test (defined above) would be required to obtain health insurance. Noncitizens meeting the definition of nonresident aliens (e.g., temporary visitors, temporary workers in the United States for less than 183 days in the year) would not be required to obtain health insurance. Notably, the IRC does not contain special rules for individuals who are in the United States without authorization (i.e., illegal or unauthorized aliens). Instead, the IRC treats these individuals in the same manner as other foreign nationals—an unauthorized individual who has been in the United States long enough to qualify under the substantial presence test is classified as a resident alien; otherwise, the individual is classified as a nonresident alien. Thus, it would appear that unauthorized aliens who meet the substantial presence test would be required under H.R. 3200 to have health insurance.
But don’t let the facts get in your way or anything.
Heritage went even further with fact-checking Obama’s speech last night, and found 15 falsehoods. These lies include the number of Americans who are uninsured, that the plan won’t cover abortions, that Obama won’t sign a plan that adds to our deficits, and so on.
As to Democrats outrage over one little outburst, it’s funny how selective their memory is. Here is the video from 2005, in which you can hear Democrats yelling and booing over George Bush as he talks about social security reform:
But again, why let facts get in the way of reality? It’s OK for Democrats to do it. Back then, dissent was patriotic. It isn’t anymore.
Apparently, booing is perfectly acceptable behavior. Calling Obama a liar when he was, in fact, lying, is the worst thing anyone could possibly do.
Take some time to donate to Joe Wilson’s campaign. He deserves it, even if he did apologize (sigh).
Rule #1 in arguments. Never argue with an idiot. They will only drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. I too applaud Joe Wilson’s outburst, though it was disrespectable towards the office of the president.
Much like dissent being the highest form of patriotism, and calling the president a nazi being acceptable, everything changed November 4th 2008.
Now dissent is treason, and it’s so very disrespectful to insinuate that our president might be hitler (he’s the president for gosh sakes, and is entitled to respect and deference!).
They were able to get away with this stuff before, with a near monopoly on information distribution. But with the rise of the internet their monopoly is broken and they haven’t even realized it yet. So these sorts of blatant displays of hypocrisy are to be expected. That’s one of the reasons obama was so eager to set up legislature letting him clamp down on the internet. Could you imagine the healthcare debate if the only source of info was abc, cnn, and msnbc?
I’m still going back and forth on whether Wilson was out of line. As is usually the case, the more I find out, the tougher it is to come to a black-and-white decision on it. I’d really hate to see it become a precedent, although as you point out, as of 2005 the behavior in question has already had a precedent. During a SotU, no less.
Part of what really needs to get pointed out here is how the particularly common and flaccid liberal mind sees an election. To them, when the democrat wins the election, what we just got done voting on is what is TRUE. Therefore, the President is perfectly entitled to stand up at a bully pulpit, give His official voice to a whole fistful of falsehoods, and then cap it with the whopper “If anybody has anything different to say, they are lying.” See, He is absolutely “right.” They are absolutely “wrong.” We just got done voting on it.
I’m loving his phony exasperation as he repeatedly directs you to “read the bill!” as if to say, “look at the damn no-smoking sign!” Read the bill…pffft. It’s a tactic he picked up from a HCAN advocate, or perhaps some thread, probably saw someone else do it. You know what a great comeback is for that? “Hey just out of curiosity Mister Well-Read Libtard guy, what was your favorite section?”
Donate to Joe Wilson’s campaign?
Not one thin dime.
It’s a waste.
Conventional wisdom says he’s a shoo-in by his legitimate constituancy come election time.