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this is what ‘we the people’ looks like.
9/12 march on dc
in spite of what those on the left will say, the crowd is estimated at 1.5 to 2 million. you can see a time lapse aerial video of the crowd here and a national park service crowd estimation tool here.
want more great photos? go here and be completely inspired! don’t sit down and don’t shut up.
update: i have updated the photo of yesterday’s 9/12 march and of course this photo is real! i know some of you maroons have been taught that if you demean, minimize, and berate us enough, truth will become a lie – but not this time.
here’s more for the nutroots amongst us.
the actual number means little to me. the show of strength against obama’s socialistic policies means a lot. but for those of you who care, up to 2 million.
nicedeb has more great crowd pics here. and ala has interesting comparison photos of how much cleanup there is to do after a right rally vs the lefties.
2 million people my ass. HAHAHAHAHA!
Pennie, the millionman march didnt even produce 400,000 and the mall wasnt even half as full as it was yesterday.
In this pic you’ve got people elbow to elbow all the way into and filling half the clearing at the monument, the overflow into the streets and the dozens of regional rallys in each state, Its pretty simple to see and figure out but…
Regardless of the pedantic BS you’d rather deal with its plainly evident the people are pissed and your man is going D-O-W-N like a brick
Please send this picture to Michelle Malkin! Send it to all major news organizations or their blogs. This is the best picture to truly tell about how many people were there. Looked like around 1 million to me based on the USA today’s article published for President Obama’s inauguration.
[mageek. the photo i had up was from a promise keepers event and taken from a blimp. no such luxury now since 9/11. the photo i replaced the original one with is correct and impressive as well.]
From where did you get this picture?
Why isn’t it being shown on all networks?
It helps NO ONE.
I was there. There WERE 2+ million, but THIS photo is of another time. WHY?
LOOK: Pennsylvania Avenue is EMPTY; it was FULL yesterday…
..and, a SMALL DETAIL: THE CAPITOL GROUNDS – you remember that, right?! – WAS FULL, as THAT is where the speakers were.
You can look at things a number of ways.
If this pic was taken at peak flow when Pennsylvania was packed it would more than likely be at noon right ? See the shadow cast by the monument ? I would say its earlier or later in the day when crowds were just gathering or going home.
Kay ?
Careful before you accuse people of lying unless you know for absolute sure that you’re right
I was jusy pokin around for pics and came across this.
This gentleman had some great comparatives to the inauguration with maps
pics and seating guides that make a clear case as to just how many of us were there.
It was huge when you take into account the examples and facts he lays out.
[micky yes, i linked the same inauguration map tool in my post.]
Here is another shot from Mary Katherine Ham’s iphone. I have also seen the photo used in this post all over Facebook.
Will Americans have the courage to do what is right for the USA? We have been suffering under minority rule since the Liberals took over Congress. This ultra-Liberal “leadership” in Congress is composed of about ten individuals who would have NO CHANCE of winning a national election . Yet, they wield misappropriated power. This calls for RECALLING some in Congress and IMPEACHING any leaders that have not lived up to the requirements for citizenship in the USA and not revealed anything and everything the American people have requested about the PUBLIC SERVANT’S origin, history, beliefs, and intentions for our country.
“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague.”
(1) Black Christian Leaders speak out against Obama and Racism
(2) Liberalism in the Church…”Grass-Roots Movement is needed in our Christian Churches too.”
hey ed wallis
first of all i do not lie – i was sent the original picture by a source i trust. i have updated the photo with the correct one. as you can see a pretty impressive showing none the less right?
secondly IF you are part of the 9/12 project you need to seriously CHILL OUT and quit attacking an ally. got it? good. now please go be a hall monitor somewhere else – like a nutroot blog that lies ALL the time. sheeesh.
photos can be deceiving. even fox news says there were only “tens of thousands”. so much for your bravado.
Here ya go Gene
“Tea Party Express Takes Washington By Storm
FreedomWorks Foundation, a conservative organization led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, has organized several groups from across the country for the Saturday event, dubbed a “March on Washington.”
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The White House on Friday claimed it was unaware of the planned rally.
“I don’t know who the group is,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters with a shrug.
But a House leadership aide warned fellow Democrats that up to 2 million demonstrators could turn out.
“It looks like Saturday’s event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people,” Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote in a memo obtained by
I have never seen such a rally of flim flam artists, racists, meth people, and regenerational welfare recipients like those at the 9/12 rally yesterday! If that was 2 million, I am Marilyn Monroe. People should have been arrested for some of the signs I saw.
Kate your passion is commendable but you should always check your sources dear.
The fear on your side is oozing.
More people showed up yesterday than to Obamas inauguration, at least ten times more according to density maps and using the inaugurations seating map.
Either way youguys have pretty much rounded that corner of no return. If you go ahead with the bill the repercussions will put you all out of a job. If you back out your own will eat itself.
You’re all screwed
I was surprised at the size of the crowd. I thought righties didn’t know how to protest. Good job for your first time out. However, I do think you need a more polished look with better signs, street musicians in dread locks, some rock throwing and riot police, and a few homeless people sprinkled throughout your crowds.
What, no nudity ?
Arent most liberals homeless already ?
We drove up from Virginia Beach. My husband and me and our 2 kids. It was a wonderful time for all of us. It was so great to know that we aren’t crazy, we aren’t all alone in the world, and we’re gonna fight like hell to stop all of these crazy Obama policies. We want him to be a 1-term president.
We believe you Jane
” Meth People” dont go to political rallies .
You should talk, you’ve never said anything that ever required a source
Oh you 9/12’ers have all but worked yourselves into hysteria. You should step away from Glen Beckkk before it’s too late.
Your reality is that “teabagging” is just a cover for the racial hatred you all have of President Obama. You just can’t accept it the fact that in “real” america we have a black leader. But keep it up. You only energize us.
Hey buddy. When I wake up every morning and think about all the destruction this man is imposing on our country, ruining our economy, screwing up national security, autocratic dictative rule, the last thing on my mind is what the hell he looks like. In a real America I shouldnt have to wake up fearing my leader will rob me and my sons future blind for the sake of a few unimaginative clones like you.
If you’re so worried about race its not us you should be looking at. Obama seems to be doing everything he can to bring race relations back to what they were in the 60s and before.
You really should find a better argument. The majority of people in this country are far more worried about the country than they are what color some man is.
You need to step away from Janine Garafolo. Where is she by the way ? Oh, yeah, she rambled off the kinda crap you spewed and ended up shuttin down a sydicated talk show because about 1 in 20 Americans took her seriously. No one even wants to give her the microphone anymore.
Instead of actually having a decent argument on substanative facts your best conclusion is “we dont like black people”. Thanks for the chuckle
Ya, Dan. What “micky” said!
You freakin’ RACE BAITING LIBS sicken me.
F**K YOU and your d*mn cry of “racist”, “racist”.
Hey all you American people, Please stop fighting each other and realize that this is not a black vs. white or democrat vs republican problem! It is big corporate government against we the people and both Obama and Bush have been two of the main contributors to the problems we are facing, but even they are not the only ones. Everything comes back to the usury game that the Fed has played on the American people. The Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned bank and the Constitution said that only Congress can coin money so why is the Fed printing money and charging interest? Let’s take back America for all of us!
Seems to me its the dems that are without an argument having to call us racist yet can brag about their “black” president whenever it suits them.
And its not the big corporations that are doing everything they can to tax the crap out of me. The only place i see corporate America being concerned is over TORT regulation and the way it looks thats not gonna happen. If it does happen then we can point fingers at them as the trial lawyers will quickly get in the mix
This “racist” thing, like you said, is something the PROG-GRESSIVES trot out when they have run out of everything else. In Oklahoma we have a man that I would not have any problem being president, J.C. Watts. We sent him to Washington, he served two terms and came home, like he said he would. We didn’t vote for him because of his skin color, we voted for him because he was a “straight shooter” and had the values we were comfortable with.
Will Americans have the courage to do what is right for the USA? We have been suffering under minority rule since the Liberals took over Congress. This ultra-Liberal “leadership” in Congress is composed of about ten individuals who would have NO CHANCE of winning a national election . Yet, they wield misappropriated power. This calls for RECALLING some in Congress and IMPEACHING any leaders that have not lived up to the requirements for citizenship in the USA and not revealed anything and everything the American people have requested about the PUBLIC SERVANT’S origin, history, beliefs, and intentions for our country.
“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation.”
(1) Black Christian Leaders speak out against Obama and Racism
(2) Liberalism in the Church…”Grass-Roots Movement is needed in our Christian Churches too.”
I have done my own study, albeit revised, base on a devised stationary methodology and calculation which you can find here:
It’s backed by visual evidence (pictures and clips) all available in the same entry, plus determining the boundaries of the rally and calculation of the final tally derived from the density of the crowd at each given block. My latest calculus puts the figures around 120k up to 135k.
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