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Video of the Day: IDF soldier uses Hamas terrorist as a human shield

Video of the Day: IDF soldier uses Hamas terrorist as a human shield

Totally awesome: an IDF soldier takes a Hamas terrorist and uses him as a human shield against a grenade.

Hey, Hamas can’t really complain. The IDF soldier was just using the techniques that Hamas likes to use on women and children… except the IDF reserves it for actual terrorists. Pretty cool.

Hat Tip: Ace

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  • Rob Farrington says:

    Yippeeyiyay, motherf***a!

    Time to meet your seventy two raisins!

  • Rob Farrington says:

    Sorry, I meant ‘yippeeKiyay’. I can’t help it if I’m disloksick.

  • spike says:

    a perfect illustration of why hamas is getting their a$$es kicked…they really suck at combat! even the greenest recruit in basic training knows that you pull the pin, WAIT a few seconds, and THEN throw the freaking grenade…that way your enemy doesn’t have time to either throw it back or use the ‘human shield’ trick.that was a positively brilliant move on the part of the IDF soldier…abdul might as well have thrown his shoes-oops, that’s right; they suck at shoe-throwing, too!

  • spike says:

    a perfect illustration of why hamas is getting their a$$es kicked…they really suck at combat! even the greenest recruit in basic training knows that you pull the pin, WAIT a few seconds, and THEN throw the freaking grenade…that way your enemy doesn’t have time to either throw it back or use the ‘human shield’ trick.that was a positively brilliant move on the part of the IDF soldier…abdul might as well have thrown his shoes-oops, that’s right; they suck at shoe-throwing, too!

  • MarkS says:

    Since Hamas “desires death like you desire life” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWIDZ7Jpdqg), Israel’s simply obliging. Think of them as crowd pleasers.

  • plastic says:

    your blog is gross

  • Cylar says:

    even the greenest recruit in basic training knows that you pull the pin, WAIT a few seconds, and THEN throw the freaking grenade…that way your enemy doesn’t have time to either throw it back or use the ‘human shield’ trick.

    I’ve heard that “trick” is something of a myth, that in reality it doesn’t work like that. Why? Because a grenade is designed with a fuse that takes three seconds to burn, and theoretically that’s how long you’ll have between the time the pin is pulled and the thing goes off…

    …Unless the fuse burns more quickly than that. And the grenade goes off in two seconds instead of three. And at best blows your hand off (at worst, kills you) while you’re standing there like an idiot holding a live grenade, thinking you’re very clever.

    I don’t think real soldiers are trained to do this, not even the “greenest recruit.” Instead, they’re trained to throw grenades so that they’ll bounce off something, especially in urban or indoor combat. Say your squad is charged with taking a building, and you know that enemy soldiers are hiding inside the room you’re about to enter. Instead of pulling the pin and waiting before throwing the grenade through the doorway, you throw it immediately after pulling the pin, but throw it in such a way that it bounces off, say, the far wall.

    In the time it takes the enemy to scramble after the grenade and try to get rid of it, three seconds (at least) will elapse. While he’s running after it (as it skitters across the floor), that fuse is burning.

    Kaboom. Bye bye.

    If the enemy is smart, they’ll hide behind something and hope the grenade doesn’t come to rest next to their position.

    Simple, effective. And there is no need to risk having your hand blown off, either.

  • Cylar says:

    plastic Says:
    9:35 pm

    your blog is gross

    And you’re an idiot. Get lost.

  • jhgjhgj says:

    F A T
    U G L Y
    R E D N E C K

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