Video of the Day

Video of the Day

Video of the Day

Best quotes:

As a conservative Republican, I believe that WAR SUCKS! Oh, but there are things that suck way worse than war, y’all. Slavery, genocide, tyranny… peace through strength, y’all!

As a conservative Republican, I believe that if we’re smart enough to earn the money, we’re smart enough to spend it.

As a conservative Republican, I’m proud of my country. I’m proud that our country is seen as the place that, if you want the best chance to realize your dream, it’s the place to come to. Nah, man, I don’t think we’re better than anybody else. It’s America! We are everybody else!

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Is there any clearer description of the ideals upon which this nation was founded?

Why are you a Republican?

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • Steve says:

    He could not have expressed conservative core values any better. My favorite line: Nah, man, I don’t think we’re better than anybody else. It’s America! We are everybody else!

    And that is exactly what we are. I wish more blacks felt like he does, because Republicans believe in equal opportunity, not equal results. We want everyone to be able to achieve what they can, not be victims and have to live off the government. That is the Democrat way, and it doesn’t work.

    Everyone in this country, regardless of national origin or race can achieve what they want, if they are willing to put forth the effort.

  • GeoPal says:


    Saw this one too. I believe it’s the same guy and certainly the same message.

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