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A flashback to when baseball and patriotism were still synonymous:
Ed at Hot Air writes:
I’ve written about this before at Captain’s Quarters, but the context bears repeating. In 1976, a sense of ennui had gripped the nation. In a year-long bicentennial celebration, many wondered if the economic stagnation that had lasted all decade meant that America’s best years were in the rear-view mirror. The commercialized bicentennial festivities felt forced and false. It seemed that pride in our country had dissipated into cynicism and retreat.
The unprompted, extemporaneous response to Monday’s heroics is the often untold story of that day. Over 40,000 baseball fans saw Monday risk his career by grabbing what could easily have been a fireball to rescue the American flag from a couple of asshats, and suddenly it recalled the real patriotism and passion for America that had been missing in 1976. At first in isolated pockets but soon sweeping around the stands like The Wave would later do, Americans stood up and sang “God Bless America” — not prompted by the stadium organist but fueled by love of country.
If you saw two men attempting to burn an American flag, would you stop them? Or would you continue on your way? I hope that most of us would intervene, but I fear that we’ve fallen into the same funk that Ed describes above — thanks primarily to liberals who hate our country and try their hardest to make patriotic Americans ashamed for their love of country.
This video should serve as a reminder of how precious a symbol our flag is.
Hat Tip: Hot Air
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