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Hello from Colorado!!
First of all, I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas and New Year’s. Needless to say, mine was fantastic.
I am so sorry for the continued light blogging, but I did warn you. 😉 I have had very, very little internet access and I am hoping that will change in the very near future. I have been so out of touch with the outside world, I’ve practically been going out of my mind!! The first week without internet I felt like a junkie. I was practically crawling out of my skin, wanting just half an hour to update myself on everything. If any of you are internet addicts like I am, you know how I feel!!
Colorado is absolutely beautiful. The weather has been fantastic, and I love the snow!
I’m going to have to wrap this up now, but here are a few new pictures as promised, and I will be back soon, and trust me, I can’t wait until I can be back!!
– Cassy
Have you gone up and strapped board(s) to your feet anywhere while out here in God’s country?
Good to hear you’re having fun. Snow is neat to visit, never to live with. 🙂
I know what you mean, Cas. After my PC was at the local Geek Squad only a week I went to Wally World a bought another “box”. Didn’t get my Baby back for another week. Now I have my backup though — for only $300.
BTW… you look VERY happy.
Hurry back to us, for we become jelouse! 🙂
Take care and enjoy the vacation and snow! You deserve it!
Don’t you think it’s about time you started blogging again!!!