The Palestine Chronicle Attempts To Lessen Its Terror Connections

The Palestine Chronicle Attempts To Lessen Its Terror Connections

The Palestine Chronicle Attempts To Lessen Its Terror Connections

You’ve probably never heard of The Palestine Chronicle, and probably for good reason.

The Palestine Chronicle is a small online publication that is decidedly pro-Hamas, which should be no surprise. What is a surprise is that it is based out of Olympia, Washington – as in, the capital of Washington state – with a post office box mailing address in Mountlake Terrace, Washington (74 miles north of Olympia). The “about” section of their website makes the publication downright altruistic and charitable, considering that it is listed as a 501(c)3 non-profit.

The Palestine Chronicle is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the general public by providing a forum that strives to highlight issues of relevance to human rights, national struggles, freedom and democracy in the form of daily news, commentary, features, TV programs, podcasts, book reviews, photos, art .. in addition to media and other speaking engagements.

The Palestine Chronicle team consists of professional journalists and respected writers and authors who don’t speak on behalf of any political party or champion any specific political agenda.

The Palestine Chronicle website was established in September 1999 and has grown in its importance and scope of coverage mostly because of the support it received from socially conscious and progressive scholars, writers, activists, readers and communities around the world.

To view Palestine Chronicle’s public reports, please search in the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search Details. Find us under People Media Project.

We’ll get back to that IRS search in a minute. Early Sunday morning, The Palestine Chronicle announced that one of their “contributors,” Abdallah Aljamal, had been killed in Gaza.

Now, if the name Abdallah Aljamal sounds vaguely familiar, this is why. According to the IDF, Aljamal and his family were holding three of the rescued hostages in their home.

And not only was Abdallah Aljamal killed, other members of his family were killed as well, according to The Palestine Chronicle‘s own coverage.

Israeli media is linking Aljamal’s family to the Israeli captives, claiming that Abdallah’s father, Dr. Ahmed, and other members of the family, were executed in the process of the bloody rescue mission.

The tragic news of Aljamal’s family execution was conveyed through EuroMed Monitor, a Geneva-based rights organization.

“In a preliminary investigation into the field executions by the Israeli army at the Nusseirat refugee camp yesterday, @EuroMedHR stated that soldiers used a ladder to break through the residence of Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal,” the statement said.

“Upon encountering 36-year-old Fatima Al-Jamal on the staircase, they immediately shot her dead. The troops then stormed the house and executed her husband, 36-year-old journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal, and his father, 74-year-old Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal, in front of his grandchildren. Additionally, their 27-year-old daughter, Zainab, was shot and seriously injured,” it added.

The Israeli mission, which according to Axios and other news outlets, involved direct and indirect US and British support, resulted in the killing of 274 Palestinians and the wounding of hundreds more.

We honestly have no idea how many Palestinians were killed during the rescue operation, and the numbers have fluctuated so wildly on Twitter/X, but the AP (who has admitted that the Hamas numbers are inflated) is running with the “274” number at the moment, but of course, that number is coming straight from Hamas. But Aljamal was more than just a “journalist.” According to his own Facebook page, he was also the spokesman for the Ministry of Labor in Gaza. Remind me again, who runs the government in Gaza? Oh right. HAMAS.

And this guy and his family just “happened” to be raided by the IDF and three hostages were “suddenly” discovered in their home. And no one in the family said, “Wait a minute, where did these random Israelis come from?” Were the Aljamals running some kind of weird Hotel California-style AirBNB, where people never get to leave?

But back to The Palestine Chronicle and their “contributor.” Well, that’s what they’re calling him NOW. Up until Sunday, Abdallah Aljamal had been listed in his own biography on the website as a “correspondent.” That implies employment, doesn’t it?

The obituary article that the website is running now claims that Aljamal was just contributing articles on a “voluntary basis.”

Aljamal’s relationship with the Palestine Chronicle was that of a freelance contributor. He was neither a staff writer nor a contractor. Aljamal has contributed his services to the Palestine Chronicle on a voluntary basis.

However, the value of his work was very important as one of the few journalists who kept the focus entirely on displaced Palestinian refugees, families of victims of the Israeli genocide, and other stories that were not being told by other journalists or media outlets.

Abdallah’s daily reports were originally written and published in Arabic. The Palestine Chronicle translated and republished a selected number of these reports throughout the war.

Really. If you go to The Palestine Chronicle‘s YouTube channel, there is a whole lot of on-the-ground interview videos, and while they don’t credit Aljamal directly, he may have helped create most of them. However, this one IS credited directly to him, and was done before October 7th.

So, what exactly does The Palestine Chronicle actually DO, as a non-profit? Well, they sure don’t do much, because according to their IRS filings when you look up “People Media Project,” they are taking in less that $50,000 a year. However, they are busily trying to clean up their online presence. On Sunday, they scrubbed the website to remove the board of directors, list of officers, and the advisory board, leaving only a staff masthead and a list of contributors. Fortunately, screenshots are forever. And there are open questions about just who is in charge over there, anyway.

In the earlier screenshots, Ramzy Baroud is listed as president, and was on the board of directors, as well as being editor-in-chief. John Harvey, who is currently listed on the masthead as “management,” was previously listed as “secretary and treasurer” on the officers list. He is also listed as the “principal officer” in the IRS filings since 2019, and it is his home that serves as the “People Media Project” tax filing location. Harvey being connected to the Rachel Corrie Foundation is just the icing on the proverbial cake.

Let us ask some pertinent questions about The Palestine Chronicle and the People Media Project. What exactly do they do to qualify for 501(c)3 status? Is just translating and publishing pro-Hamas propaganda enough to be considered a legal non-profit these days? Who funds them? Are they accepting their contributors’ work for free, or does money ever change hands? Do the contributors know that their work is being republished on The Palestine Chronicle‘s website? Was Abdallah Aljamal ever paid for his articles? What do Ramzy Baroud and John Harvey actually do at their non-profit, other than write articles complaining about Israel and claiming that Israel is losing the war?

Something smells rotten in the state of Denmark, and it seems that far too many people involved with The Palestine Chronicle are not only sanguine about terrorism, kidnapping, and holding hostages, but that they are more than happy to cover up for their associates who do those things, excuse terror, and blame Israel for daring to fight back.

Featured image by Hadi Mohammad for FARS News Agency via Wikimedia Commons, cropped, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0 DEED)

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