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harry reid has all but said his 2,000-page bill will pass and that the blue dog dems in the senate are prepared to fall on their swords. as abortion was a pivotal issue in the house version, so it will be in this senate version. will there be any pro-life democratic senator bold enough to stand up for the pre-born child against obamacare, the reid version? the pressure to refuse to allow debate on this bill, a no vote, is on pro-life senators ben nelson (d-nebraska) and bob casey, jr. (d-pennsylvania). and the pro-life movement needs more people like senator johanns who speak like this from the floor of the senate:
nelson and casey are both in dc for the vote. tell them that they must vote NO on reid’s bill – here is their dc contact information:
senator bob casey
phone: 202.224.6324
fax: 202.228.0604
senator ben nelson
phone: 202.224.6551
fax: 202.228.0012
in this senate bill, abortions would be funded under some sort of boondoggle called the ‘community health exchange’ – a federally subsidized plan. the legislative language is here.
this is not about republicans or democrats — it’s about life and valuing it. if nelson and casey do not vote against this bill, they are NOT pro-life. we shall see saturday night but i’m not holding my breath.
God you are such a neanderthal. Get your hands off my right to choose.
“God you are such a neanderthal.”
That’s right, she’s a neanderthal because she disagrees with you. How typically ignorant.
“Get your hands off my right to choose.”
Get your hands off my right to disagree with you and not support the murder of children. Deal?
Ya Kate but King Harry promises all that sword falling won’t hurt too bad… he’s buying Mary Landrieu’s vote for $1mill.
Hey Sara I don’t want to pay for your or any other woman’s abortion got it? You have blood on your hands.
I’ve decided I am just gonna give in and let the democrats and the Obama administration take care of me from now on. When do I get my Obama dollars and where can I sign up for my Obama Health Plan? Maybe we should consider changing the name of the country to United States of Obama or Omerica.
Feeling better Kate? That pig flu can be bad for some.
Lets have candle light vigils for murderers facing the chair after we toss babys with heartbeats into dumpsters…
go figure
The majority of the country is pro life.
The majority of the country doesnt want a massive government take over of our healthcare system.
The majority of the country does not want to pay for someone elses abortion.
If these facts were even acknowledged by these schmucks we wouldnt be discussing this
On Mary Landrieu what’s new about political bribes and payoffs except the year and the name? We have very corrupt politicians.
I’m feeling all hopechangy inside these days aren’t you? The rabid liberals are frothing at the mouth and banging their drums into a frenzy.
“Tax the rich; feed the poor,
till there are no rich no more.”
This also can apply to government funded abortion. If you kill all the babies, you deplete your future work force to pay for Obama’s lavish spending spree aka his presidency.
This vote will pass and the country will finally have moved into the 21st century by providing healthcare for everyone without the abuse of insurance companies and price gauging drug companies. Thank you President Obama!
As far as abortion it really is a non issue. Whether it is in this bill or not, choice is available for all.
Mary sells her votes for cheap I guess. Just a million bucks? We are talking in the trillions these days. She should have held out for more.
hi ginny’s mom. no mary isn’t cheap. it’s actually $100 million.
Safe and available abortion is part of the Democratic platform. The Democrats are in charge. You may have heard this a time or two before but elections have consequences.
As far as Mary Landrieu, she’s from Louisiana and buying votes and corruptible politicians are a way a life there.
Oh brother! You neocons are always looking any way to make an end run around the law. Get over Roe v Wade already! It’s precedent and is with us forever! I am sick of how you beat liberals up with your morals and religion when all you really yourselves is cherry pick which parts of the Bible you want to promote and ignore all the rest of it. Hypocrites. Healthcare (caring for the least of us) is a Biblical tenet you know…or do you?
My bad. I meant $100 million. Big difference between $1 mil and $100 mil these days. Sorry!
You’re wasting your time calling Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, and Blanche Lincoln if you want to tell them to vote against the bill. In the end, they will vote to pass. It’s a foregone conclusion. Right now, they are exacting the “pound of flesh” that is their due in order to support the legislation.
As BikerDan pointed out: it’s the American way of politics.
And don’t count on Joe Lieberman to stand by you, either. There is only one person to whom Joe Lieberman is loyal. And that person’s name is Joe Lieberman.
The Democrats are going to pass something. They have to and they will.
In the end the Republicans are going to look very, very foolish. And so will the Democrats.
But we’ll have healthcare reform. And guess who will get all the credit!
I dont think I’ve seen anywhere in the bible where it says healthcare is a tenet.
You seem to conveniently forget the many liberals who do not believe I should pay for your abortion. Thats a totally different issue from abortion itself.
Even if I was pro abortion I want you to give me one good fricken reason why I should pay for yours !
“This vote will pass and the country will finally have moved into the 21st century by providing healthcare for everyone without the abuse of insurance companies and price gauging drug companies. ”
Yeah now you can take your abuse from the government which has already begun trying to figure out which tests can be omitted (Pap, Mammograms) all to make this POS bill affordable.
Government run health programs deny more claims than any company in the private sector.
Human life is disposable as long as you creeps can get what you want.
All hail King Obama! May the sh!t of many pidgeons land on conservatives this weekend!
Oh your protest is so transparent! For Republicans and specifically Conservative. the HCR fight low these many months has ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT ABORTION. Simple really: Dismantle HCR and dismantle Abortion.
Republicans and their more mouthy Conservative b*stards think that if cause enough controversy within the health reform bill itself, ala Sarah Palin’s death panels, they can introduce their own agenda which is stopping choice. If they ever do that, it will be the start of more of the asinine, restrictive, far leaning Right agenda.
“All hail King Obama!”
It’s so amusing to watch all the liberals on this site so excited to completely submit their lives to government control. Are you really that stupid? Do you just not care? This “health care” bill will do nothing but drag down the quality of health care. Even the dems admitted they haven’t even read it. Doesn’t that bother you? Are you so completely brainwashed that you can’t even thing for yourselves anymore? God help you.
“In the end the Republicans are going to look very, very foolish.”
I doubt that, Dade. In the end, after health care takes a nose dive and after the huge burden of the cost of this collapses the economy, it won’t be the Republicans fault. This impending disaster is owned 100% by the democrats.
By the way, if you don’t approve of abortion, just don’t have one ok? However, don’t impose your archaic and anti-woman beliefs on those of us who disagree with you, especially when it IS a LEGAL right.
“If they ever do that, it will be the start of more of the asinine, restrictive, far leaning Right agenda.”
Yes, Scarlett, because the dems really do care about poor people, don’t they? This is not about controlling people nor is it about securing more votes, they just want to help, right?
Talk about transparent!!!! LOL!
Keep drinking that Kool Aid!
Sara said, “God you are such a neanderthal. Get your hands off my right to choose.”
Your “right to choose” (murder) stops ….at MY F*CKING WALLET!!!! We’re talking about TAX DOLLARS – public funds FORCIBLY TAKEN from the U.S. Citizenry – being used to fund YOUR abortion, or that of OTHERS, not mine. I don’t want my tax dollars going for other people’s abortions. Period. What can you not understand about that? Are you THAT shallow that you don’t understand the issue at hand, here???? The specifics of the matter?
Oh, and it’s not all “just about money”. Money represents the fruits of MY LABOR. My labor represents MY LIFE and MY TIME. If you confiscate money from me to pay for abortions for others – you’ve taken part of my TIME and my LIFE to do so. THAT is f*cking unConstitutional!! (and totally wrong).
“However, don’t impose your archaic and anti-woman beliefs on those of us who disagree with you, ”
Priceless. Scarlett screams “Keep your laws off my body!!” in one post and then in a previous post she hails the government taking over health care. Hypocrisy can be pretty amusing at times.
Hey Scarlett: “Keep your health care laws off my body!!!!”
How about that?
I am, and always have been pro choice, however I can understand why someone who is ‘pro life’ would not want their tax dollars used for abortions. Having said that, as long as men will impregnate women, women should have the right to terminate that pregnancy. That’s the bottom line. Nice debate.
Jane wrote, “This vote will pass and the country will finally have moved into the 21st century by providing healthcare for everyone…”
Jane, don’t you know that MILLIONS OF AMERICANS (MILLIONS!!) will still be UNCOVERED if this bill passes. The legislators admit it themselves!!
They will S T I L L B E U N C O V E R E D. UNCOVERED!!! i.e. NOT covered.
This bill WILL NOT provide healthcare for everyone. YOU are being duped by these b*stards!! It’s a bad bill.
I am not a Democrat, Republican or a Conservative. I am a Libertarian. So my take seems to be a bit different then anyone else here so far. I think that if a woman is paying for the abortion herself, it has absolutely nothing to do with me unless I fathered the baby. The real issue with this bill and the one in the House is when the Government is dictating what is (abortion) or isn’t (mammograms) paid for, and is stealing my paycheck to do so, then I have a problem with it. This is a much broader issue than abortion or even this one bill, really.
Well, Steve Kelly:
The problem with the so-called “libertarian” philosophy is that it doesn’t work on a fundamental level.
Human beings are social animals. We survived our hunter-gatherer stage because we worked cooperatively. We cared for the weak and the sick in our midst.
Back in those days, exile from the tribe was a death sentence. So all those fiercely independent (libertarian) cavemen that wandered off into the wilds to fend for themselves so that they didn’t have to support what Ayn Rand called humanity’s “leeches” ended up starving to death or being eaten by grizzly bears.
Micky was right on mark when he rebuffed Pennie’s contention that “Healthcare (caring for the least of us) is a Biblical tenet you know…or do you?”
He was also right when he noted that, “Government run health programs deny more claims than any company in the private sector.”
…Did you know that Pennie? Jane? Sara??? Did you know that!!? The current GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH systems DENY MORE CLAIMS than ANY of the private healthcare companies. ANY!
Of course you didn’t know that. Or if you did, you probably didn’t care… as long as OBAMA gets what he wants you’re happy. Just wait until this program bites YOU in the ass (or, unfortunately, the breast – given their recommendation regarding mammograms).
this is about getting rid of health insuracefor the poor and middle class
now only the rich will have the best health care
Where have you been, lisab? The rich have the best health care now.
Don’t hold out for the blue dogs in the Senate to stop this, they won’t. They only pretend to be moral like the rest of us flaming liberals.
Lisa, you’re such a Utopian. The rich have always been able to get anything they want.
This is pathetic. Same old dribble from the class clowns like Micky (who can’t read for comprehension if his life depended on it) and Ken (who rushes to the aid of every other conservative like he is the official blog cop). So you don’t like the abortion clause? Too bad. Did I get to opt out of paying for the murder of thousands of Afghanis and Iraqis? Nope. What about the murder of US citizens under the phrasing of capital punishment? Nope. Did I get to opt out of the torture of detainees that resulted in death? Nope. I understand that Conservatives (especially the Shrew that runs this place) like to get themselves all worked up over abortion but can we be grown ups once and a while?
This is why I can’t stand conservatives and other anti-choice people. They want all these “little babies” born into the world, many in un-welcomed circumstances, yet they almost always are the first to shout down the entitlement programs that would help them start their lives out right like WIC, and HeadStart. They don’t want the baby “killed by a butcher” but after they’re born, they could care less if they thrive, much less live or die.
Scarlett, that’s because you don’t understand the difference between RIGHTS and WANTS.
Basic LIFE is a right; killing people is not right.
Whether a person’s next meal comes from his kitchen or Hardee’s or a soup kitchen or WIC or HeadStart or the neighbor is just a matter of selection. LIFE is a matter of LIFE or DEATH.
The FIRST RIGHT is the right to LIFE. ALL else FOLLOWS. THAT’S the difference.
“Where have you been, lisab? The rich have the best health care now.”
the middle class have excellent health care now too …
however, now ONLY the rich will have excellent health care. everyone else will have rationed health care.
Wow – way to turn a post about healthcare and what should and shouldn’t be paid for by the citizens of this country into a debate about abortion.
Kate never said the right to have an abortion should be taken away. What she did say – and I agree – is that we the taxpayers should not be required to pay for them.
I’m pro-choice and resent the idea that my tax dollars may fund abortions for women who can’t make the right decisions in their lives. Women who have access to FREE birth control who refuse to use it.
If a woman makes the decision to allow herself to get pregnant when she knows she doesn’t want the child – then why should the American taxpayer have to fund the result of that poor choice?
I love how liberals just can’t seem to focus on any particular issue – you guys work so hard to change the subject you must go around exhausted all the time. Could explain the hate you spew in this space.
You know – if you all hate conservatives so much why do you come here? For the reasoned debates? Ha! You spew your hate like little bombs. Pathetic people.
“By the way, if you don’t approve of abortion, just don’t have one ok? However, don’t impose your archaic and anti-woman beliefs on those of us who disagree with you, especially when it IS a LEGAL right.”
Liberals, listen up and stop trying to make this about the moral issue of whether or not abortion is your right.
This is about other people having to pay for your choice, or lack of intelligent ones..
“yet they almost always are the first to shout down the entitlement programs that would help them start their lives out right like WIC, and HeadStart. They don’t want the baby “killed by a butcher” but after they’re born, they could care less if they thrive, much less live or die.”
Thats a huge stinking load of crap that took about two seconds of reflexive unimaginative thought to process.
First of all its a well documented fact that conservatives, republicans and the Chrsitian right are the most charitable demographic theres is on the planet when it comes to donating to causes relevant to kids and struggling families.
Second of all we on the right espouse and advocate for the personal responsibility it takes to raise a child by offering hand up programs as opposed to those hand outs that trap these families in an endless entitlement paradox.
Republicans are on record as majorities that have voted for many entitlements to help these mothers and families. But its us who are the ones who put limits and terms on these programs to incentivise the parents to get off there asses after they’ve obviously been given their chance.
Nice try Scarlett but your partisan rhetoric is all to predictable and thin to work on anyone with even half a clue.
They’re saying Landrieu and Lincoln are the holdouts now. But Harry Reid is apparently so confident he’s scheduled a news conference for 8:30, just 30 min after the start of the vote. He’s confident and prepared to gloat like Pelosi.
It’s Clear the vote is to continue with debate. There should never be a time in this country again when self righteous bigots can dictate what a women does with her body or what basic human rights are provided to Americans all. Thank you President Obama for your courage and your vision. Now end the wars, close Guantanamo, and keep your word on climate change.
Right Kiki.
Dictate ?
Who are you to dicate that I should pay for your promiscuous choices or mistakes ?Try again, get a clue. its not so much about whether or not you have the right to toss a living being with a heartbeat into a dumpster.
Its about me having to pay for your supposed right to do that.
” keep your word on climate change.”
What happened to “global warming” HUH ?
Hard to keep your word on anything when you keep changing the meaning and description isnt it ?
You speak of human rights and yet you’re obviously clueless to the many many human rights that go out the window with just about every environental policy the left wishs to establish. Where to live, what to live in, what kind of car to drive, how much you can travel,what to eat, keeping pets and on and on. Theres even proposed legislation that goes to population control via how many kids you can have. How convenient for a bunch of abortion freaks.
So spare me and the rest of us your human rights drama
Besides that, if the last 11 months are any indication of how well he keeps promises I wouldnt hold my breath if I were you.
“basic human rights are provided to Americans all. ”
Nowhere in our constitution does it say that healthcare is a human right.
“There should never be a time in this country again when self righteous bigots can dictate what a women does with her body ”
yeah, how convenient that you gals never envoke your right to do what you want with your body when it came to marching your ass down to the store and buying a condom or just keeping your legs shut.
How is there anything self righteous about wanting to see a baby born ?
Kiki the Obama cheerleader refers to, “basic human rights are provided to Americans all. ”
So… if healthcare is a basic human right for Americans then how can be be FINED or IMPRISONED for something that is a RIGHT? A person can’t be FORCED to engage in a right. So what’s up with that?? Please explain (logically, coherently and Constitutionally, mind you).
While shes at it maybe she could explain the compassion we see on the left for choice when it comes to mammorgams and pap smears.
We certainly hear a uproar when their abortions are threatened but theres crickets when life saving tests are omitted in order to afford these abortions.
Well, they typical neo-socialists are out in full force. Pennie babbles like an incoherent child, blathering on about nothing. Scarlett continues to rail against the selfish conservatives who hate the poor, all the while being too clueless to realize where all that tax money to pay for those programs comes from. It certainly doesn’t come from the dems, you have to have a job to pay taxes. Get a clue, Scarlett.
Then, Kiki, another one who is so anxious to be told what to do all the time by the government.
It’s a full house of left wing nuts!!!
This will do nothing to help anyone but the dems, by getting them more votes. Look for the mainstream media to come out cheering it the first few months, like the stimulus. However, as reality sinks in even the zombies in the MSM won’t be able to deny how disastrous this bill will be, much like the stimulus.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Hey Scarlett (and the rest of the neo-socialists) tell me again how much the dems care about the poor????
“Dem’s Nationalized Health Care Plan Raises Taxes on Special Needs Children”
“Ryan Ellis of Americans for Tax Reform notes that the bill contains 18 separate tax increases — one of them targeting parents of disabled children.”
Ahhh, yes. Increasing taxes on the parents of disabled children, you guys sure are compassionate. Oh, wait, that’s right, if it were up to you they would have been aborted anyway……..never mind. Your status as the most compassionate party is well documented.
I’ve called my Senators and also called:
Evan Bayh of Indiana at 202-224-5623
Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas at 202-224-4843
Ben Nelsonof Nebraska at 202-224-6551
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana at 202-224-5824
Perhaps you can call these Senators also to say vote “NO” on today’s (Sat.) vote to proceed with this monstrosity of a bill!
We win, again.
You mean we (the U.S. Citizen) loses, again.
“We win, again.”
Indeed, and the rest of the nation loses. Be proud.
It’s so apparent to me and most other Americans that your restrictive brand of conservatism is dead. At some point I would hope your pathetic scare tactics on a womans right to choose and basic human rights will dogust even you. Personally, I think Reid is horrible but, he got it done tonite and when the vote comes we expect even require him to use the 51 majority vote or “nuclear” option. We will have universal Heath care in this country that includes a strong public option with or without any neocons.
“It’s so apparent to me and most other Americans that your restrictive brand of conservatism is dead.”
Hey Scarlett, in case you haven’t noticed, and judging by this moronic statement, you haven’t, independents are running scared from the democratic party. Obama and the losers who support him are doing more to revive conservatism than we ever could have hoped.
Keep up the good work.
“It’s so apparent to me and most other Americans that your restrictive brand of conservatism is dead.”
“Restrictive” ?
Good God are you totally lost ? Have you any idea of how many restrictions either bill comes with ?
“We will have universal Heath care in this country that includes a strong public option with or without any neocons.”
In the end that may be all you have because right now the majority of the country doesnt want it. Go ahead, make our day, pass the damn thing.
In order for there to be a majority that doesnt want it you have to consider a large part of that majority to be independents and democrats.
Eh, but what do numbers matter right ? Just keep pumping your head with the same BS and you’ll see what you get.
You guys lose either way with this bill. You never should of brought it up.
If it does become law the backlash from the majority that said for months they didnt want it, the right, moderates, independents and conservative dems will kill you guys for a long time to come. If you dont pass it you’ll lose so much of you base your party wont even be recognizable.
By the way Scarlett, hate to let all the air outta your chest but you didnt win squat.
The senate moved to carry a debate next week, thats all, period.
By the way, I’ve been asking around and not one liberal so far has been able to explain to me why I should pay for your abortion.
Can you ?
Sorry, the last part of that post was addressed to Pennie, not Scarlett.
Its getting hard to tell the difference